Tuesday 17 April 2012

“Thrive” Commentary, Part One

This film was the work of primarily the host and narrator Foster Gamble who has eyes that are very close together : ) He claims to have found a code that unites the functioning of all natural systems. This is not new and he didn’t come up with this idea. The ideas, as he shows, have been around for seemingly as long as man has used ‘civilization’. He goes on to say that in fact the torus is the primary three dimensional representation of this code and that all super-complex (i.e. living) systems use this torus and associated “vector equilibrium” to compress/decompress (move) the latent energy of the universe into a self organizing pattern of natural balance.

I’m pretty much on board with this. Chaos theory/non-linear dynamics posit that any super complex system can, in essence, be summed up by a very simple attractor pattern. This means, in short, that ultra complexity or “randomness” is , in fact, quite ordered on a higher (or lower depending on how you look at it) order of magnitude. This is the foundational principle for Hermetics, Freemasonry, Alchemy, Tarot, the “magical” arts and divination.  As for the torus: Einstein posited that gravity was the product of infinite non-destructive compression and the inwardly rotating torus beautifully exemplifies this.

Here’s where the issues I have with this film attitude become very apparent. The host goes on later in the film to explain how this type of compression shape can be used to create amazing new free energy technologies to save our troubled world from the debt based financial monopoly that a few banks have on the populace. What? Technology? That’s where learning that you are a fractal of the entire universe leads? Jesus fuck people: you are the f’ing technology!! The universe has been developing your body/energy system for BILLIONS of years! ANY technology we could build is total shit compared to what we already are. Does anyone realize how incredibly complex the simple act of catching a ball is? Or getting dressed? Or anything we do?

I guess this kind of “come in halfway” thinking is what we get from the formally educated. You’ll always be as dumb as your teacher.

Anyway, I want you dear reader, to start thinking about what you would do if you woke up one day and realized that you were the most powerful human on Earth and not in some childish, comic book, “superpowers’, ego fantasy way. The reality is: if you choose to accept it you are the most powerful person on Earth and you can do anything. I’m not saying it’s easy, I mean we hardly even understand what power is anymore so learning what it is and how to use it will very difficult.

Here is a very simple aspect of the power I’m talking about. Your senses bring in literally millions of data points every second. All of them except for about forty are filtered out as being ‘irrelevant’. What determines the relevance of the data? Your subconscious program directives. If you have decidedly programmed, through mental input, that you like hot blondes then your subconscious mind will make sure that the detection of a hot blond ends up in the forty or so things that enter your conscious perception. The issue comes in that we have been turning over the programming of our subconscious minds to anyone who asks: bosses, teachers, gurus, the state, corporate media, etc. Perhaps the most hilarious aspect of this is that you still think that you are doing the thinking!

The conscious mind that most people are familiar with as their mind is only a front end. A staging area. Much like in a theater production, we only see the front of a very large, highly skilled, well executed and orchestrated effort. There is a whole world going on backstage that we have no clue even exists and the quality of the show has a direct correlation to who is running things backstage.  We as individuals have pimped out our director’s seat to a shill. Now we spend our day getting him danishes and coming up with excuses why we need him although it seems rather clear to the rest of the cast and crew that the show has suffered from his inclusion.

Fire your bosses, professors and politicians. Your power is for you. You are the most amazing system we have ever encountered and your potential is so vast we don’t have any clue of it’s limits. End communication.

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