Monday 30 April 2012

Human Devolution

I was just over at (good shit) and there were links to a pair of Bigger, Faster, Stronger articles. The author explained that she had attended a squat seminar put on by some expert. I was disgusted to read that when the expert mentioned that the squat was a "flexion-extension" exercise the author wondered if she was "out of her league".

What? If this idea is making you question yourself what the fuck do you think you're doing writing articles about squatting?? This only further reinforces my pre-existing notion that BFS is for mother loving retards. Seriously, the equipment they advertise is shitty to look at and poorly designed. I understand that this is mostly for high school level coaches and athletes but has no one read even one of Pavel's books? The stuff this guy talked about was very basic stuff, or should be, and the writer of a national level publication is ignorant of it.

The world just keeps getting dumber. The expert recommends a cardio warm up and then a series of twelve (!) exercises to warm up the joints and proprioceptors. Hmm, you cold do that or you could work up to your working weight and then do a supra maximal walk out like people who squat 900 lbs do. For some reason I'd be slightly more inclined to trust them than some pencil pusher. This is not complicated stuff.

Here's a nugget of pure gold: most squatting dysfunction has to do with the alignment of the metatarsal bone of the big toe. This dysfunction can be corrected using a home made orthotic made with about 25 cents of material. Once the correct proprioception adjusts the kinetic chain then the orthotic becomes useless.

Part of the issue is that most dummies squat in running shoes. This is death for your proprioceptors. One  of my clients started deadlifting bare foot and said he didn't even need to focus on contracting his glutes because they just did it by themselves.

BFS recently ran a an article saying that the Romanian deadlift was a useless exercise for weightlifters. A ha. Weightlifters with what skeletal ratios? Weightlifters with which lifting style? Weightlifters with which weaknesses? This is just fluff writing, there is nothing there that is substantial. These people are so stupid as to not even understand their field and then talk about it as if they do, they're so dumb as to not even know how dumb they are.

Some people say doing snatch pulls won't help your snatch, they will if your pull kinematics are the problem and if you address that issue in the form you use in the pull. You can't really say anything for sure because you are dealing with one of the most complex structures ever discovered.

Everything will work if you do it right and nothing will work if you do it wrong. Right and wrong are subjective and determined minute by minute and case by case. The issue here is that this means that you must A) pay attention; and B) have the ability and intelligence to analyze what is happening and compare it with what should be happening (goal dependant). I realize that this is way beyond what most people are interested in or capable of doing. But I know there some of you who can and that this will help them. So it is to you, living human being, that I dedicate this article to. We are the future and the chaff will fall by the wayside and fertilize our successes.

BFS you are chaff.