Thursday 19 April 2012

Nicoflex and Elbow Warmers

Part two of my "My Arms Hurt Worse than Eight Bitches on a Bitch Boat" series...

So: my arms hurt. A lot. I guess this is what I get for hammering the fuck out of and setting PRs in: Floor Press, Push Press, Band Bench and Russian Tricep Blaster all in one week. Oh and by the way, the "Russian Tricep Blaster's" name is intentionally cheesey sounding, that's how Pavel rolls. Long story short: this is the end of my three week wave cycle, I gave it what I had and I got what I wanted and I paid the price. Luckily I have Nicoflex and elbow warmers (and Traumeel!).

Go buy your self some guns and build yourself some too, it's fun. Actually learn about what art is, watch that documentary about that French climber dude who keeps getting arrested. Stop watching TV, Big Bang Theory makes you dumber and less fractal, I've done tests. Research UFOs (most are fake) and how the astronauts made it safely through the Van Allen Belt (?). Do something for the world and fuck the police, ICP and the Queen of England. Remember you aren't the center of the universe! Do what you want to as long as it doesn't harm another and fuck all other "law", you decide what you are a party to!!