Thursday 19 April 2012

Behold a Pale Horse

Actually a pale fat guy and a pale skinny guy. Who dress like clowns....kind of.

Okay due to my mainstream media allergy, I'm probably the last person to find out about this but I can still register my shock, disgust and doomsday angst (jokes) over Insane Clown Posse's song "Miracles". I though Tupac was gay as fuck for writing all of those bouncy shitty pop shit tracks and being the worst musician ever but ICP had to be tied or a close second. I remember in the glory (?) days of ICP when they rapped (?) about jamming broken glass in peoples ears. Now they rap (?) about the miracles of everyday life? Get your shovel out and start digging your doomsday shelter because hell has just frozen over in the gayest way possible:

I warn you though: this is probably gayer than two guys fucking each other, so don't watch unless you've got some Pepto or something.

This is just too much, these guys are their own worst enemies. I don't even need to make fun of this.

Here this is a way better version: SNL's "Way Better" version.

Everyday was a miracle until ICP got in on it....

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