Saturday 28 April 2012

R-CAF Staff Blast

This is why the TRX and 98% of trainers can suck my balls.

Who the fuck doesn't have 11 minutes?

Those 1's are unsettling.
Excuse my lackadaisical scan job.
Campy as as fuck? I think so. Solid routine? Yeah, except for the leg exercise and the sit ups. When you sit up, curl up your torso like a sardine can lid, don't hinge at the waist as is shown and keep your low back in contact with the floor. Replace that leg shit with lunge switches. Oh yeah, no one knows what those are...

What a Lunge Switch is:

Drop into a lung e position. Use a long stance to work you butt and hamstrings use a shorter stance to work your quads. From this lunge position jump up into the air and switch your legs around so that you land in the opposite lunge. If you started with your left leg forward then land with your right forward. Super easy, super dope. Use them.

It's free!

The book I scanned this from is from the 1960's and I'm in no risk of copyright infringement. Notice how no equipment is required. No TRX, no yoga mats, no stupid gimmicky shit. Just your body and some floor. Fitness is free people!

Don't fuck around: it's free, it's 11 minutes, it's 5 mother loving exercises, what more could you possibly want? A hand to hold? Get to it you soft, weak pile of custard-like shit.


If you pansies want one of the more advanced charts you'll have to show me a video of you scoring an A+.