Monday 16 April 2012

Get Pavelized

My fucking arms hurt worse than eight bitches on a bitch boat. Why? The "Russian Tricep Blaster". This exercise was brought to my attention in ex-commando Pavel Tsatsouline's brilliant work "Beyond Bodybuilding", the man is a genius. You can tell because everyone in the fitness industry uses his stuff but no one will even say his name. Anyhoo, I do this "Tricep Blaster" with an EZ bar, Pavel would probably running, backflipping hatchet attack me if he knew, so let's keep that bit secret.

This is the finest tricep exercise I have ever used next to ring dips with shit ton of added weight (110lbs to be exact, you may hold your applause...). If you aren't doing them, do them: but don't bother if you aren't doing anything. These are for hardcores only, as the puny won't be able to use enough weight for them (the tricep blasters) to perform their most advantageous function: the activation of the two lazy heads of the tricep. I like four sets of four on max effort day and four sets of four with a 4010 tempo on dynamic day. Good shit and as Pavel says: enjoy the pain.

And get your elbow warm on.

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This had better be good.