Monday 17 December 2012

Your Brain on Society

Jackie Chan on Facebook:

"Today is a very sad and solemn day for everyone in the world. When I heard the heartbreaking news about all the little angels... the 22 students from YuanChuan Elementary school in the village of Chengping, Guangshan county, Henan, China who were brutally stabbed. And in America, the 20 children and 6 adults from Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut USA who were shot and killed... What's happening to the world?"

This isn't the first time this has happened.

One thing  I find alarming is  that there is an almost identical body count despite the fact that the killer possessed no firearms. Media sites like this would have you believe that gun control is at the crux of the matter. That these things don't happen when guns are closely controlled by the government. To be clear: the gun control aspect of this shooting  is just political spin being applied to the topic by those of the now laughably weak human populace that  would like to see the individual as an unempowered state asset.

"Pay your fucking taxes bitch". I just have to point out that that is the muzzle of M16A1, which means this is an American doing this. So much for "our young men and women protecting our peaceful lifestyle".

This article isn't about gun control because I don't give two fucks about gun control because ANYONE can  build guns with whatever they have laying around. More. It's about much more.

What seems to be the problem here is that you, the people of the world, suck balls at protecting your children. Why? Because you can't see the real world, probably because the disturbing realities found there are censored by your emotionally atrophied brains because you don't have any ability to control over your own psychology (because you're ignorant of it!). The afforelinked is the most extensively studied human socio-psychological trait and you can bet that it's being used by people who do not have your best interest in mind.

You may have an issue with the idea that ne'er do wells are exploiting your psychology, until now unbeknownst to you, but that is because of your cognitive dissonance. You think "I wouldn't do that to someone, so then no one else would do it to me because people are inherently good like me". That is such a dangerous and insanely wrong conclusion it's terrifying and has been allowing the predation of your children for literally thousands of years by those who don't have the same moral center as you.

Some great examples:

Aw man, Disney wouldn't do that! Yes they would, this is one of the less out-rightly obscene examples. Look  it   up.

To some of you this concept will be new and you'll probably wonder why. Here is why: YOU NEVER RESEARCHED IT! Most people don't do ANY research EVER and thusly you end up with erroneous and cognitively dissonant conclusions. You have no one to blame but yourselves. Oh and in case you thought this was where I was going with the child predation thing: you ain't seen nothing yet!

Child abuse and ritual murder of children is nothing new, in fact, it's been part of civilization from as early as Babylon. What makes you think it stopped? Oh, wait for it...cognitive dissonance! This, far being isolated to a few cults, is shockingly widespread and worse populated by people whom society has posited are "trustworthy": your 'educated' professionals such as doctors, police, lawyers, judges, politicians and school teachers, as well as by people in almost every other profession. These are people you trust (erroneously) with your own lives as well as those of your children.

But hey, why take my word for it? I mean I could be living out some paranoid fantasy right (although I do seem to have a better understanding of psychology than you, but I'll humor you ; )?

Here is serial killer Paul Berkowitz telling you he was involved with child raping satanists. Read how this isn't just the frenzied delusions of a crazy person because the police investigators came to a similar conclusion. Or here how an investigative journalist discovered links to medical professionals in Berkowitz' satanic coven. Satanism is not made of who you think it is, check out Eyes Wides Shut.

Agian: you ain't seen nothing yet. Let's take a look at school teachers raping and murdering children. Here we have a case in Florida. Here we have the genocidal killing of tens of thousands in Canadian schools. More.

How could these guys be allowed to get away with this? Oh, the politicians are in on it too! That makes things easier. Hey it's practically a cakewalk at this point, but let's see, it seems like some group is missing.....

Oh yeah the church! Although already implicated in a variety of cases I've already linked to, I thought I'd throw in some more and maybe some funny pictures. Here is the pope trying to cover the churches ass. Not really surprising as much catholic symbolism comes from Babylon, hmmm, what could they be trying to tell us?

The 'Dark Side Theme" from Star Wars should be playing here. He has a stick with a dead tortured body hanging on it, hello! Evil!! The friggin' Nazis didn't even do that!

This case implicates virtually all social castes and is one of the more disturbing ones.

Now I should point out that child abuse isn't limited to just the catholics, it's likely that all religion (to some extent) is just a way to get people's kids away from them and into the hands of "trustworthy" people. They don't mind fleecing you because, hey, if you're dumb enough to believe it then you get what you deserve right? That's how con artists think. Politicians too (aren't they just con artists too? Didn't Obama say he was going to shut down Guantanamo bay? Did he? Or how about Jean Chrétien's comments about how him lowering taxes were "just a slip of the tongue"? ).

I really, really have to stress, there are a lot of people out there who think very differently than you and will act on those different thoughts. There are a lot of people out there who are much smarter than you who will act on that smartness and it's not always sunshine and daisies - Paul Berkowitz, like most serial killers, is highly intelligent, it didn't prevent him from doing bad stuff, in fact it led him to hang out with satanists! Think about that for second. As well, there are people who are dumber than you that will act on their dumbness and do bad stuff too. They usually can't avoid doing bad shit because they are too stupid to effectively help anyone.

Going back to the spate of shootings in the US: this is about gun control. How can we tell this? This may seem like an erroneous conclusion right? Simple: it has become political. People die all the time, from all types of things, rarely do their deaths bring in some sweeping political reform. The fact is that Obama's had this plan in the works for a while because, like all successful leaders these days, Obama is a UN patsy. The UN has been working to disarm the world for decades.

This is outside UN headquarters.

Could be a stretch right? Could I be saying that the shootings have somehow been caused to happen to fulfill some agenda? Well let's look at a few events from history:

The US wanted to start a war with Spanish America: so they did this.

The US wanted to start a war with Vietnam: so they did this.

The US wanted to start a war with Iraq: so they did this.

 Still think this was Muslims with box cutters? Obviously you haven't heard of Operation Northwoods. Also here. Also: quit being such a dumbbass. Remember I was talking about people being smarter than you and wanting to con you for their gain?

Oh look, then the US wanted to demonize so called 'militia' groups (even though it clearly states in the constitution that they're a natural right of the people), so they did this. The sick part is it worked! They also shut down any dissent that people had over Waco and the whole Randy Walker thing (an FBI sniper murdered this guy's son and wife) by associating that resentment with Tim McVeigh's motives. This is where the whole "domestic terror" idea came from.

Durr, people, check out the rate at which the buildings "fall" (disintegrate), how could a building collapse as fast as an unresisted freefall? I'm not going to link to any 9/11 "proof" pages because there are millions, most populated by total kook dumbasses who lack "proof". Check out Dr. Judy Wood, she is a materials scientist and can actually say something from a standpoint that the rest of you consider credible. Figure it out yourself! Not hard.

IF this is is the case, would it be too much to think that maybe the rash of shootings since Obama began his presidency was planned? I mean he has always been after disarming the public. Given this ,it's not really too much of a stretch to think if false flag incidents are being enacted (Northwoods!), that they would be politically motivated and done to bring about policies that would otherwise be seen as a detestable loss of freedom. Think that's too much? Well let's see what some of the US presidents had to say about these wonderful "coincidences" (Obama having a disarmament bent and then the seemingly magical spate of shootings that justify it).

"In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way. " - Franklin D. Roosevelt

"Things do not happen. Things are made to happen." - John F. Kennedy

"He who molds the public sentiment... makes statutes and decisions possible or impossible to make. " - Abraham Lincoln

Hmmm, so did 9/11 result in sweeping political changes? Maybe it was "made to happen"? Are the recent shootings being used to institute virtually unlawful political reforms? Maybe it was "planned that way"? Here it is, all layed out.

Oh look! He's giving us the finger as he "cries" for the children.
No one will know what actually happened anyway because the gunman is dead! I have to point out about cognitive dissonance: you see pictures on TV of an alleged event, you see and hear people who are saying that indeed that event happened but you don't know, you weren't there with the killer in the weeks and months that led up to the event. You weren't with the killer while he performed the event, all you know is that you saw some images, heard some sound and figured that "if they're showing it, it must be real" and never thought anymore about it. Make sure you read that Dilbert cartoon an the cognitive dissonance page until you understand what it's showing you.

You've obviously allowed your cognitive dissonance to allow you to be totally played by those who know about it. You apparently can't even protect yourself because you can't comprehend what is actually happening to you. So what makes you think you can protect your children? Well you can't, as shown by the above examples. Not yet anyway (there is hope), you'll have to learn more about psychology, philosophy, law and what it is that you are that experiences. Then you can build a functioning self that doesn't take crap from the douchey assholes who want to screw you to the wall. (hopefully)

Let's look at the following cognitive disconnect. This is why you need to learn this stuff.

You think:

It's bad when an armed man kills your children. Yet simultaneously:

It's good to arm men and allow them to kill other people's children i.e. invasion (!) of Iraq and Afghanistan.

Do you see the disconnect?

"Allow the president to invade a neighboring nation, whenever he shall deem it necessary to repel an invasion, and you allow him to do so whenever he may choose to say he deems it necessary for such a purpose - and you allow him to make war at pleasure. " - Abraham Lincoln

"We cannot expect that all nations will adopt like systems, for conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth. " - John F. Kennedy

Most of you think that your troops aren't killing civilians. You're wrong and again: cognitive dissonance. Ever wonder why your soldiers are coming back and killing themselves? Ever wonder why they're after that wikileaks guy? This is why:

[Tangent: Obviously no one told these assholes that they stopped making the AK-47 in 1949 and what they're actually talking about is the AKM which has an easily manufactured stamped receiver and is about a kilo lighter than the milled receiver AK-47. Why am I telling you this? Read "easily manufactured stamped receiver" ;  )  ]

It seems that if there is call to keep the mentally deranged away from guns it should start with the abhorrent, immoral psychos in this video. 

Obama shedding any tears for those people's kids? Oh, wait "it's their fault", of course. Disgusting hypocrisy. You should all feel pretty shitty for enabling these psychopaths (they're your fucking kids you fucks!! what did you do to them!?!). 

"It's their fault" huh? Hey, two can play at that game! School shootings: you know who's fucking fault it is? The parents for sending their kids to school! If they didn't want them to be killed then they should've educated them themselves! I mean they were the ones who put them in the hands of virtual strangers all day long and barely follow up on what exactly is going on with them, they must not even care about them. The even cares about anything?

I think you should all wake the fuck up and realize what's going on in your world, I am getting pretty sick of this shit. If you don't wake up then the next time you have psychopathic geniuses manipulating you for their gain, it might be me. Consider that a threat motherfuckers.

Postscript: This article is pretty messed up from an editing and composition standpoint, I wrote whilst practically delirious with fever. Deal with it.

Saturday 8 December 2012

Testo Sterone

Nature is a many splendored thing. It provides us with literally everything we have. It is god, if you take god to be an acronym for 'Generation, Operation, Dissolution' and not a man in the clouds with a white beard. If you do take god to be a man in the clouds with a white beard, stop reading right now, you have been fired from my content.

Stop groveling!

Anyway, people these days have a big issue with what is natural and what is unnatural. Like they can even tell. Most people believe there are unnatural, or worse, artificial forces at play on this planet. A very telling example of this is illustrated by the commentators on YouTube videos, specifically in the weight training/feats of strength genre. When a given troll sees so-and-so squat 900lbs or tear a license plate in half they invariably say something stupid like"he's on 'roids" or "what would he bench if he was natural?" and here we are with the natural bit.

Natural bodybuilding, natural powerlifting, natural foods: none of this shit is natural by people's own crazy notions of what natural is. The crossfit morons are chowing down on "caveman food" in pretty vacuum packed plastic packages. Unless it's a vacuum packed, still bleeding, freshly killed mammoth shard I don't think it's caveman food. Even then it would still be vacuum packed!

People talk about lifters using steroids like it's a sin (which is what the moon used to be called BTW). They say it's unnatural. Is sitting at your computer trolling on people's strongman videos natural, jackass? Is being irradiated by powerful microwaves from your WiFi, cell towers, cell phones, GWEN towers, HAARP arrays and whatever the fuck CERN produces that we can't even measure yet? How about shopping at Walmart? Or anywhere for that matter? Your car, what about that? What the fuck is natural anyway?

Here's a fun fact: we have 50% (Edit: 30%!!) as much testosterone as our grandfathers. They only know about our grandfathers because testosterone wasn't discovered until 1935, although it's existence has been long theorized. So did our grandfathers have 50% of what their grandfathers had? We don't know. Let's look at history.

Bybon's Stone

143.5 kilos or 321.5 lbs, the handhold is visible in the center.

Sometime between 7th and 6th century BC, Bybon, son of Phola, lifted this stone overhead with one arm. At of all places: Olympia. Or at least so says the inscription on it. I don't know about what you're lifting but to me this clearly a shit ton of rock, especially to be lifted overhead with one hand. Bybon, clearly, was badass and probably had the testosterone levels of a male black bear in springtime (1240-6320ng/dl). Was Bybon natural? I don't know man, he lived in an agrarian society so his diet was artificially enhanced with easy to obtain foodstuffs. Cheater!

The Athenian Navy

A few hundred years after Bybon dominated his now famous stone, a soldier named Xenophon casually scribed that  the Athenian warships, called Triremes, could row from Byzantium to Heraclea in one day. So? Well this represents a distance of 236 kilometers, no big deal right? In 2007 when an exercise physiologist tried to replicate the feat with elite rowers he found that they could only row half as fast and for one sixteenth the duration of the Athenian rowers! Athens had over 30 000 of these badasses! It unlikely we could come up enough rowers to crew one ship let alone a whole armada of them from the ranks of the worlds top athletes. How much test do you think these guys had? Hmm? Maybe a shit ton? Maybe enough that they wouldn't waste their lives as sniveling, internet surfing, excuse producing food dumpsters?

Grognak's Chick

Neanderthal women, who all of us except the super black people of Africa, are related to, had muscle attachment points that are akin to ur elite modern powerlifters. So? What does that mean? Muscle attachment points grow larger in response to the stress placed on them. This means that our near human ancestors girlfriend would womp your sorry ass at everything you think defines you as a man, unless you find aforementioned internet trolling manly. She'd probably even fuck your girlfriend into a quivering mass of orgasmic pleasure better, faster and harder than you, all without a penis (this is based on certain theories of early human society, sexual promiscuity and Bonobo behaviour). Sad eh?

Well, we live a sad, balless age of womanly men who love six pack chicks and think that a car makes them hardcore and a men define themselves by their dick size (or lack thereof). But why is this this way? Those Athenian guys were drunk and eating barley mixed with olive oil and had a diminutive stature because they were malnourished! What the fuck?

The Testosterone Wars

Genesis 3:17:
"And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life"

Here we have someone who's pretending to be god emasculating Adam in front of his woman. This the base of the issue. Becoming a man used to mean that you had grown beyond the need for the control of the father, in essence becoming one's own father. How, pray tell, does one ever become a man under the pretense of the heavenly father from who's control one will never be free? This isn't limited to to religious concepts either, people use and are encouraged to use all kind of surrogate fathers: the state and its leaders, the boss at work, comic book characters, etc.

Let's stay with the church for now. Obviously the church doesn't want self actualized males who think and act based on their own edicts. This would be very bad for business.  I mean how long would it take for those real men to come after the homosexual pedophiles who call themselves preists and kill them?

How long would this guy last in a world filled with...
...these guys...
..or this guy?
You think either of the latter two would pay taxes? Or follow someone else's law? That's what made Harry dirty (and awesome): he made his own law.

The church has been going out of it's way to combat testosterone at every turn since it's very inception. The premise of the thing is anti man. It's an abomination and an absolute blasphemy of nature. Churchmen, consider this warning: your days are very much numbered.

I see some very strange things here in Calgary. One of them is that every wireless comm tower I see here is either on a church building, on church property or is on a tripartite mast with the comm equipment covered by a microwave permeable plastic cover with a large cross on it. Unless you've been living under a rock, or worse in a church for the last ten years, it has become apparent that microwave radiation in the cellular communication range depresses natural test levels and can even mimic estrogen. Hmm, coincidence? Probably not.

Here we have a "church" with the cell masts on the property behind it, nothing shady here..... Yeah right, this  is the middle of Calgary! No one goes to this, this obviously is a tax exempt cash grab if nothing else. Scam!
Close up of one of the towers on the same "church" property.

The church isn't the only culprit here, scientific innovator, genius and orthopedic surgeon Robert O.  Becker said in his book 'The Body Electric' (or maybe it was Cross Currents?) that a colleague of his told him that the armed forces were heavily into this type of thing as far back as the seventies! That is bad, especially because of an act from 1918, I believe, that classifies you all as 'enemy belligerents'. There was another called 'The Enemy Belligerent Act of 2010'. Yes, you the people of your respective countries are classified as enemies of that country. So given that, do you think that the military would irradiate with microwave frequencies that would make you docile and easy to control? I mean I would do that to my enemy. This concept is in use and they are known as the GWEN towers in the US and Canada (and Mexico?).

The other thing I think is really funny is that testosterone is illegal (for sale) in Canada and the US. That's weird, why would they ban such an incredibly good treatment for AIDS (sarcasm)? Sports cheating! Yup, that's why. Congress hired a bunch of experts to determine whether or not steroids should be criminalized like crack or meth, they said "no" so they disregarded their own experts and did it anyway. What's with all these weird coincidences? They seem to be so much higher than probability, what could that indicate (more sarcasm)?

Oh by the way, later, when congress held a sports doping hearing, Jose Canseco told congress under oath that A) he used steroids and he personally injected Mark McGuire with them but also that B) the team owners knew about this. Guess who owned the team those two players played for? None other than George Bush Jr. Man those "coincidences" just keep piling up.

Anyhow, the real reasons (not sports cheating) that steroids are illegal is because they cure a huge plethora of diseases. What? I thought they caused diseases!? Like with any drug, or hormone in this case, there can be consequences if abused. You wouldn't believe what Vit C can do to you, or Tylenol, or any of the shit the "doctor" pushes at you. Or water, that shit can kill (no joke). The side effects at a reasonable dose are negligible and the benefits far outweigh the risks. No question about it.

Anyway, anemia, heart problems, AIDS, adrenal fatigue, fibromyalgia, depression and chronic shittyness will all vanish will some testosterone. Steroids were blamed for the whole Chris Benoit killing his family and them himself thing. An "expert" on CNN (I think was CNN or FOX) said that steroids can cause hallucinations and make you hear voices. They can't, in no medical literature ever has that even been close to reported, that my friends is a pack of lies. Chris Benoit suffered a concussion every time he performed one of his signature wrestling moves, resulting in literally hundreds of concussions. An MRI of his brain revealed huge lesions, so bad that one doctor compared the state of his brain to an eighty year old man with severe dementia.

Testosterone relaxes humans, it makes them feel happy and confident. "Roid rage" is only present in people who are prone to aggressive and violent behavior in the first place and they'd "roid rage' without 'roids anyway. In fact estrogen, which is in everything (more on that in bit) and you can buy over the counter and is a steroid (birth control) and is legal and virtually unregulated, makes people irritable and bitchy. Play Battlefield with some Brits (highest average male estrogen levels in the world) sometime, yikes!

Estrogen, testosterone's antagonist, is in virtually all products in petrochemical form called xenoestrogens. They are super potent and extremely hard for your body to remove and are feminizing our world. Entire fish, amphibian and bird populations are being threatened by an incredibly high female populations due to these chemicals getting into the water supply from our waste (!), Russia too check it out. This is very lame and it's all because happy confident people don't go to war, they don't pay taxes, they don't go to church, they don't buy as much, they don't eat at McDonalds and they are dangerous to pedophiles and ne'er do wells (politicians). In short testosterone threatens the existing status quo.

Fuck yes: threaten the status quo, I don't know if any of you have been outside recently or looked at the "news" but everything is pretty shitty. Change it.

Here is my message to all of you: get steroids and take them, do tons or research first so you know what you're getting into and how to do the thing right. Don't let anyone tell you can't. No one has the right to control your health and well being unless you say so. That means that no is allowed to tell you what kind of health products you can or can't use. Here's a neat tidbit: steroids are not illegal to posses or buy or use! They are only illegal to sell! As long as you have a quantity you can claim is for personal use then you're golden and you know what even if you had a shit ton, still claim it's personal, who the fuck is anyone to say otherwise?

Let's get some test back into the world!

Don't let anyone tell you what to do, ever. That doesn't mean don't do what others say or don't cooperate but I mean if you want to do something that harms no one else then do it! FYI taxes only go to paying off the fictional national debt, they don't pay for roads or schools or any of that shit. That is solidly a lie.

I could go on and on about this and the implications the topic has in our world but fuck it, you get the point right?

Get out there, lift stones, row some heavy boats or weights, endanger some pedophiles, buy a gun (for photo posing purposes ; ), make a world you want instead of whatever this shit is. Disturb the shit! Make our drunk, insanely strong and awesome ancestors proud!

Also this: build an AK from a shovel! You can get parts kits for like 200 bucks and then build the receiver easily and boom, AK.

* If you need a good source check out alinshop they'll hook you up. 

Wednesday 21 November 2012

How to Get Bigger and Leaner at the Same Time

Yes: it is Possible

German men's indoor cycle sprint team have a a "quad off"

This is really simple: you're going to change your hormones without pills or injections.

There will be no theory here, because even if you can understand it, it will only serve to distract you from your mission, should you choose to accept it.

There will be a basic eating plan, I'm only putting in the important parts so you'll have to fill the gaps with frog DNA, if you can't: stay skinny fat.



Tabata Sprints

Do this on the upright bike, set the resistance high for the first set and back down as fatigue builds. Every set must be all out. 20 seconds on, ten off. Start with four rounds for total of two minutes. Add one set per week. If you aren't getting leaner: do this more times per week.


Dumbbell Bench

Eight sets of eight. Alternate your sets: heavy, light, heavy, etc. Each workout add 2.5 lbs to both your light and heavy sets or five pounds to one. If you add five to your light sets, add five to your heavy set next time. Got it? Good.

Snatch Grip Deadlift (podium optional but recommended)

Go wide with your grip, I go almost out to the sleeves. If you're six feet or over you should too. Learn to use a hook grip if you have grip issues.

I want you to do twenty sets of five. You read that right. Do it. Add weight every five sets and start light, finish heavy.

Should you use a podium: make sure you can fit your feet between the podium and bar. An upside down 100lb plate works good, you're shooting or like 3-5 inches - ish.


THURSDAY - Tabata Sprints


Dumbbell Bench - already explained.

Snatch Grip Deadlift

Same as Tuesday but do twelve sets. Add weight every three sets. Go heavy on this day and lighter on the volume day (TUE).

When you stand up make sure your shoulders are pinched back, this'll make you bigger and help your DB Bench.


If you can pinch more than half an inch of fat off the side/back of your obliques you don't get to eat carbs. If you can't: you may eat qinoa. For the rest: meat, fat, milk proteins. That's it. I highly recommend olive and coconut oil for fats, go nuts on these.


Ten or twelve eggs, raw, two - three scoops whey (best is whey+casein), quarter cup olive oil, raw milk or goats milk, a bit of water (to dissolve the whey). Drink a glass every two hours after your workout until it is gone.

Drink lots of water, three liters.

Eat four or five times a day. Meat and fat and, if you're allowed: qinoa. Take Zinc Citrate, Transdermal Magnesium (oil) and a B complex. Adopt a relaxed demeanor, confident and easy going.

Final Word

Don't try and ply me with excuses for why this won't work for you or that your skinny fat ass can't survive without carbs. It can. I've done this many times. It works. If you don't get what you want: you're the problem.

Tuesday 20 November 2012

A WOD of Shit

A Brain Damaged, Drunk, High on PCP Monkey Could Design Better Workouts than Crossfit

PTTP and KB snatches...and maybe some jump rope.

I'll be the first to admit: I like the idea of Crossfit. Olympic lifts, squats, pullups, etc. But the programming is abysmal, from a sport training standpoint it's downright retarded. Lets look at one of their "WODs" (workout of the day):

1 round for time:
10 Cleans - 225#/145#
15 Cleans - 185#120#
20 Cleans - 135#/95#

This is from Crossfit Calgary's website and from the looks of it they're as dumb as they come.

Why is this lame? Let's see: the weight is posted, not a percentage of the lifters 1RM. So what if a lifter is unable to use the posted weights? How much should they use? Because most people are unable to cybernetically periodize: they'll use really shitty form and hurt themselves (see story below). As well, cleans are a technical lift so doing them A) for time and B) for reps over five is RE-TARD-ED.

Why would they do this when all of the practical experience of decades of athletes of all types would say that this type of workout is really stupid? Let's hear it from the horses mouth:

"Trainers and civilians needs are more akin to the firefighter, cop and soldier than they are to the elite athlete. The reason being, you don't know what gameday will look like, you don't know when it will occur and you don't know what the stressor will be, you just don't know." - Greg Glassman

So train yourself into the ground with shitty technique so that when "gameday" comes you can try really hard at sucking? Not to mention for most people "gameday" looks like this: push handcart with newly purchased Ikea table out to vehicle, load box into back, push hand cart back to start. Wow, yeah man, you gotta train to be able to accommodate the demands of that stressor.

Let's look at this rather simply: strength is the SKILL of being able to stabilize ones skeleton under load and then generate sufficient force to overcome the demand. So really, from a strength standpoint, there is only one stress chain: stability (awareness)> tension with the two facets alternating many times a second through feedback loops.

So what the hell is this guy talking about?

One thing could be metabolism, the metabolic demand of the hypothetical "gameday" is an unforeseeable variable. But there are only a few different forms of metabolism and most can be covered by simply doing Tabata sprints on an upright bike or the same sprints with kettlebell snatches. Not complicated.

I think he's talking about something very simple: money. Pack the dummies in, shout slogans at them, make 'em sore and charge up the ass and because the majority of the population fall squarely into the 100 IQ range they will be totally and willfully oblivious to what you're doing. It's basically the same thing Arthur Jones did with his Nautilus machines in the 70s. Same shit, different crowd of idiots (on a side note: the nautilus pullover machine was/is super dope).

Nice hooters :  D, ahem, funbags, I mean: I'd bet he'd lend both hands! x D

The hilarious thing is that many male Crossfitters, although by the looks of some of the chicks I'd guess them too, take steroids to cope with the ridiculous demands of their poorly programmed workouts. So you need to take steroids and train like a dumbass to prepare yourself to carry your groceries out to your car? Or help your friend move his hot tub? What is wrong with everyone?

I've got way better idea: do something better! Save your money, buy a barbell and a kettlebell or two and do Pavel's 'Power to the People' and some kettlebell snatches. You'll kick way more ass and not incur all the bullshit that comes along with being trained to do Olympic events by people who learned them in a weekend certification course!

This reminds me: I was at Costco in Calgary about a month ago and I saw a man wearing a Crossfit shirt, training shorts and some lame ass Reebok trainers limping up and down the aisles. Yeah, he's ready for gameday.

I could go on and on about the specifics of how stupid this whole business is (structural balance!), but like with the TRX, I think the dummies who buy this shit get what they deserve: gimmicky crap and a lighter wallet. Fudge 'em!

Sunday 11 November 2012

Remembrance Day - A Big "Fuck You" to Mankind

November 11 is the day all you slaves are supposed to get off work and sit around and think about how all those war vets "protected our freedoms" during WW2 and be thankful for it.

Bollocks and utter shite.

How many of you have interviewed World War 2 veterans? Okay, now how many of you learned what you "know" about WW2 from Call of Duty, Band of Brothers or Saving Private Ryan? Yeah that's what I thought.

I am fortunate to have personally interviewed a former British paratrooper, a Canadian RAF pilot and an Auschwitz survivor. They tell very different stories from the commonly accepted dogma. I am also fortunate to have done tons of research over the years on the topic of warfare with  my main focus being on WW2. This will come of no surprise to those of you who knew me in elementary school : )

The thing that I always ask the combat personnel: why did you go? The answer is always the same: "well Hitler was evil". Evil. Hmm, so I am confused, if Hitler was evil, and I don't think you'll find many arguments to the contrary, then why did Ford build his trucks? Or Kodak help him with bomb sights? Or the large investment firms of Wall Street fund him? Why did the British monarchy back him and pay for his schooling? So many questions...

Hey same goes for the Commies, ahem, Soviets. We, the British Empire, ahem, "Commonwealth" put them in place, it is well documented and is without question in both cases, with dozens of books having been written by respected historians on the subject. So why, if we were funding and helping the Nazis, did we send our young men to go and kill them? To be killed by them?

The reason is primarily twofold:

1) The masses are ignorant retards who can be easily controlled with A) a basic knowledge of Freudian psychology that is then engineered into B) propganda, this is what made Disney what it is today, oh, and by the way Walt was infamous for his "love of children" and his Nazi leanings.

I will quote Julius Ceasar:

"Beware the leader who bangs the drums of war in order to whip (!!) the citizenry into a patriotic fervor, for patriotism is indeed a double-edged sword. It both emboldens the blood, just as it narrows the mind.

And when the drums of war have reached a fever pitch and the blood boils with hate and the mind has closed, the leader will have no need in seizing the rights of the citizenry. Rather, the citizenry, infused with fear and blinded by patriotism, will offer up all of their rights unto the leader and gladly so. How do I know? For this is what I have done. And I am Caesar."

2) There exist a class of people who are A) highly intelligent B) highly narcissistic and C) fabulously wealthy who engineer wars to make huge, untold fortunes off of the knowledge of Fold 1.

You see if there is no shooting war then who profits off of war bonds? Who profits off of building Jeeps (or JPs as they were know as then)? Who gets to make money building troop carriers for both the Americans AND the Nazis? Mr. Burns, the American industrialist tycoon from "The Simpsons", says of Oskar Schindler and his (Burns) involvement in WW2: "We both made shells for the Nazis, but mine worked, damn it!". This is a telling, popular example of the well known American involvement in industrially and financially supporting the Nazi movement.

The more that is destroyed, the more money is made by replacing it. If your company is 'international' (or global in the modern parlance) then what do you care who wins? Not that it matters anyway because you and your globalist industrialist friends can just sabotage who you would have lose and inforce (not a spelling error) those who you would have win. Then you have whoever you want win and everything works out just great for you.

This isn't a new technology, Caesar was kind (or arrogant) enough to inform us of that. It may be new to you but that is because you are firmly the fodder from Fold 1 and you aren't educated to know "such stuff" (Blade Runner quote anyone?). Your fault, no one else's.

Where am I going with all of this?

Here: remember this this Remembrance Day, those vets are victims of their own stupidity. They brought the world previously unknown amounts of suffering and bloodshed. We have them to thank for the fucked up world we now live in. After all, if when the war drum beat, the men all said "No, no war for me", we all would have peace instead.

But they didn't! Those drooling retarded cowards said: "uhhh, huh huh huh, sure".

"Do we like, get guns? Sweet, guns are cool, huh huh huh" "Heh heh heh, yeah, WAR! WAR!!"

Patriotism: is there a more misunderstood concept in the modern world? Benjamin Franklin, one of the founders of what supposed to be the greatest, most free republic the world had ever known said: "The first responsibility of every citizen is to question authority". In the age of the McCarthean communist witch trials he'd be labelled as a communist subversive, now he'd be called a domestic terrorist. This is the man who brought us central heating (Franklin stove), bifocals, the lightning rod and the odometer and the Declaration of Independence (from the monetary enslavement of Britain).

The reason this has been allowed to happen is because none of the drooling retards (normal people). Cares to question anything which has allowed, over the millenia, popular culture to be basically the reverse of what it should be. There is a slogan used by the overlords to manipulate the public in George Orwell's "1984":

"War is peace, Freedom is slavery, Ignorance is strength".

I made that huge so it would have a chance, however small, of making it into your totally brainwashed mind. You think you aren't brainwashed?

That means that in thinking you are without brainwashing, you have revealed only how brainwashed you really are.

Orwell's book was not about a futuristic dystopia, it was about, although cleverly veiled, 1948. If this was a social mantra in 1948, imagine how far that dialectic has come.

To those of you with a Buddhist bent: you're just as fucked as all the other dummies. How? If you take the middle path between two externally controlled opposites, whose path do you think you're walking? Yours? ROTFL!! Good stuff.

I'll send you to your maker, confront the god you seek, a flash of red upon your chest, safety out of reach - Slayer, Piece by Piece

Flash of red upon your chest, the only way to exit? Piece by piece!

Even the poppy is a gory and ridiculous symbol of the collectives idiocy. Can anyone tell  me what is made from poppies? Opium!! Why is there a war in Afganistan right now? Wait for it:

You guessed it!

Here's what your fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, brothers and sisters are A) being killed and maimed for and B) killing and maiming other peoples fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, brothers and sisters for. Notice what year was the lowest? The year that promulgated the invasion! Why was it so low? The Taliban think that drug use is immoral! Who did we go to fight for some strange reason? The Taliban, who did not attack us in any way! Nor did they pose ANY threat to us. They're a bunch of framers and shepherds with left over Soviet and CIA (Stinger, man portable anti aircraft) weapons from, at best, the eighties.

I have acquaintances that have told me that while stationed in Afghanistan they would routinely be stationed in A) weed fields and B) poppy fields. Did you know what the Iran-Contra scandal was? The American government sold weapons to Iran to secure the release of the seven American hostages Iran had taken, it was found when the scandal broke that only 12 of the 30 million dollars the Iranians had paid for said weapons actually ended up in the governments holdings. Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North explained that he, with the blessing of the National Security Council, had been diverting money to Nicaraguan rebels (contras). Why would they give a shit about the Contras? The CIA keeps itself in business with cocaine sales and the Contras had promised to keep them in steady supply.

Illegal weapons sales funding the illegal drug trade. Perpetrated by the people who make and enforce the laws. Benny Franklin is spinning in his grave.

The more funny part is that the victim mentality of the masses makes them react to this type of thing like this: "It's Raegan's fault, it's George Bush Sr.'s fault it's the CIA, blah blah blah". Oh yeah, it's their fault huh? Who put them there? Who actually went to Nicaragua to deliver the money and pick up the cocaine? Who builds the bombs? Flies the planes and supports these guys? YOU DO!! IT'S YOUR FAULT. ALL WAR/CRIME/MISDEED IS THE FAULT OF THE PARTICIPANTS AND THE COMPLICIT. That is in your own law.

When you wear a poppy you are saying "fuck you human race, I will destroy your dignity, your family and your world as I AM COMPLICIT".

I leave you with a poem (thrash metal style) by Lemme Kilminster:


I am the one, orgasmatron - the outstretched grasping hand
My image is of agony, my servants rape the land 
Obsequious and arrogant, clandestine and vain  
Two thousand years of misery of torture in my name  
Hypocrisy made paramount, paranoia the law  
My name is your religion, sadistic, sacred whore
I twist the truth, I rule the world, my crown is called deceit 

I am the emperor of lies, you grovel at my feet 
I rob you and I slaughter you, your downfall is my gain 
And still you play the sycophant and revel in my pain  
And all I promise are lies, all my love is hate  
I am the politician and I decide your fate
I march before a martyred world, an army for the fight  

I speak of great heroic days, of victory and might 
I hold a banner drenched in blood, I urge you to be brave 
I lead you to your destiny, I lead you to your grave  
Your bones will build my palace, your eyes will stud my crown  
For I am Mars, the God of war and I will cut you down

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Is Skeptic Another Word for Retard?

[Maybe it Just Means Hopelessly and Willfully Ignorant? *OR* Why Stephen Barret M.D.'s Opinion on Acupuncture is Worthless

In the course of my various adventures on the high seas of data, I was fortunate enough to come across this page. Fortunate because I love to rip into idiots and I especially love to rip into the idiots who think they are smart based on the fact that they weathered the intellectual doldrums of university (think of how pretentious the word 'university' even is).

I posit that, in fact, having weathered said doldrums is an indicator of how low ones intelligence really is. But I have digressed, let us sail bravely forth to and maketh fun of the idiocy found thereupon (or therein but I thought thereupon was more nautical...).

It's difficult to tell where to start. This page is so shockingly inept as to be, well, shocking. Okay well let's just start at the top: the logo shows a duck, or quack, with a magnifying glass and a Sherlock Holmes type double brimmed cap, implying that the the duck, or quack, is investigating or watching something. given the fact that the title of the page is "Acupucnture Watch" I'm assuming that the quack, in this case, is the watcher. Does it not seem absolutely farcical that the sites own logo is implying that the sites 'watchers' are in fact quacks? I laughed so hard it hurt. They tell you right before you even read the first symbol of text that they're the quacks!!!

The jokes continue: Stephen Barret, M.D. (the quack by the admission of the sites own logo) goes on to criticize the academic acupuncture literature because it provides an inconsistent framework for evaluating patients. I wonder if Mr. Barret has read any of his own professions academic literature? It is so fraught with inconsistencies as to be almost entirely without merit. Why do you think there is the old saying, that when given a grim prognosis: "get a second opinion". I can't count on all of my fingers and toes the stories I have heard from my friends a relatives alone of wanton medical misdiagnosis, often resulting in personal injury no less. This also covers his statement that the TCM practitioners frequently diagnose the same problem in one patient as different maladies.

Next he goes on to further cram his foot in his mouth by saying the laughable: "TCM postulates cannot be measured by scientific instruments". Ignorance of the law is not an excuse Mr. Barret. The meridians Mr. Barret puts in brackets have certainly been found by scientific measurement apparatus (1. Becker RO, et al. Electrophysiological correlates of acupuncture points and meridians. Psychoenergetic Syst. 1976;1:105-112. 2. Reichmanis M, Marino AA, Becker RO. Laplace plane analysis of transient impedance between acupuncture points Li-4 and Li-12. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng. 1977;24:402–405).

He goes on to relay a personal anecdote about how at a local college, an acupuncturist diagnosed him with "stress and "congestion of the blood". This, in Mr. Barret's opinion was untrue based on the facts that, in his words: "I do not suffer from stress, and my blood circulates normally". I am confused did the accupuncturist say that there was a circulation problem? It seems that the author is woefully ignorant of the fact that TCM uses archaic language, "congestion of the blood" could, in western allopathic terms, indicate some degree of platelet aggregation or something else that wouldn't show up as a circulatory issue yet still be a blood issue and could, in archaic terms be called "congestion of the blood".  I guess some people are so stupid as to not realize that they are, in fact, stupid. I should point out that this mans colleagues told an aquiantance of mine with type II diabetes that, as long as she ate brown bread, she could eat as much bread as she wanted. Words like stupid or idiot are not strong enough for medical professionals, how about 'dutifully derelict' or 'hazard to the public'.

Anyhow back to the personal anecdote, he (Barret) "does not suffer from stress". Stress as defined by whom? Dr. Hans Selye's definition of stress is ANY stressor, he posits that stress is needed for an organism to survive and that all living organisms, by nature, are inherently stressed to some degree. The issue here is that when Mr. Barret hears the word stress he automatically equates this to the medical definition of stress, again, woefully ignorant of the difference in terminology. Being willing to just write the whole experience off as quackery instead of investigating the claims posited by the acupuncturist can be called nothing other than willful ignorance.

I should go on to say that "stress", "congestion of the blood" and the later ventricular arrhythmia are NOT TCM disease patterns. Perhaps this accupuncturist was insane or a quack him or herself. How many medical doctors are considered quacks or insane by their colleagues? I can think of at least two: Dr. Simoncini who has found a cure for cancer and been consequently blacklisted and Dr. Aajonus Vonderplanitz who is a proponent of raw milk and fermented foods who also has been blacklisted for his contributions.

He goes on to mention a study in which a woman with low back pain was sent to a several different acupuncturists and diagnosed with a variety of TCM patterns. Because Stephen Barret is, as we established, willfully of ignorant of anything that challenges his small view of the world, he believes that this is evidence of the lack of standardization in the TCM community. I would say, as an amateur, that all of the diagnoses were interrelated and that basically none of the practitioners were wrong.

I would really like to point out the following statistics: 195 000 people are killed yearly by medical malpractice in the US with over 800 000 deaths per year from properly prescribed medicines and as well totally unnecessary medical interventions.

Hmmm, well since acupuncture needs to be watched it must be stuffing the morgues! So how many bodies can we lay at the feet of acupuncture? One. Apparently someone had a four inch acupuncture needle pierce their heart and short circuit it, resulting in heart failure. This isn't even a yearly statistic, it's an all time figure.

Well acupuncture may have some issues, namely it can't be understood by those who have massive cognitive dysfunctions, but at least when I go to get needled I don't run the risk of being killed maimed or traumatized by my practitioner. I should mention that no activity is ever going to be safe, safety is the illusion of the ignorant. And I should mention that the western allopathic approach is awesome if you've been shot, stabbed, poisoned or run over by a car.

The bottom line is this: acupuncture is safe and effective, if you don't believe me then, well then, more for me. Western Doctors are arrogant small minded retards, oh wait no, we call those skeptics now, or was it hopelessly  and willfully ignorant... whatever you want to call them, most suck balls. Now, as with any group, painting them with too broad a brush would be quite unfair, I'm sure there are some awesome and helpful western doctors; I just have never met any and I believe them to be exceedingly rare. If you have any chronic type complaints, go to your acupuncturist, better to lose sixty bucks than have unnecessary surgery.

Also watch out for the quacks at quackwatch, they try to warn you with their logo but as many of you are symbol illiterate I have taken the liberty of doing it for you.

The logo designer probably had a good laugh, I know I did.
Postscript: what makes these guys think that they, in three hundred years (I'm being generous), can outdo over five thousand years of careful observation and experimentation by hundreds of thousands (I'm being very conservative) of people who had a genuine interest in human health? Arrogant, racist and it just goes to show how barbaric, emotionally crippled scum can float to the top of society, shame on you everybody! Why? Because if nothing else you pay for this!!]

Monday 29 October 2012

Why I hate fitness, part: whatever, who cares....

Jesus fuck:

I read an article about how Frank Zane (one of the best bodybuilders ever) was a minion of Satan and was pushing mind control devices on children. Literally, you can't make this stuff up. This was apparently promulgated by the fact that Mr. Zane sells a portable electronic device that you attatch to your headphones during your workout. Said device uses binaural beats to switch your brain wave state so that you become calm and focused on what you are doing.

Satan works in mysterious ways it would seem: Mr. Zane has a degree in psychology and binaural beats are an old psychological technology used in various types of self help and mental performance products. They are scientifically valid. Is this writer saying that science is the tool of our Dark Lord: Satan? If so then perhaps he shouldn't be writing his article on a computer much less on the internet. He goes on, his website features articles on how bodybuilding magazines are trying to mind control you: (image from site)

Wow if subliminals are the only thing wrong with this magazine, Satan has already won ; )

Subliminals are a method of mind control and a fairly good one but how does printing this fact on your magazine cover equate to them being used on you? Tangent: subliminals are being used on you all the time, they work and you are victim to their programming and despite what you may have been subliminally programmed to think: they are not illegal or controlled in any way; people are "busted" for using them all the time and no charges can be pressed.

Back to Satan: so learning to take control of your own mind is evil? Wow Christians are retarded, seriously what a bunch of lunatics. Imagine if someone tried to tell you that learning to drive was evil, I would imagine that person to be a professional driver if you catch my drift.

Why do Christians even care? Bodybuilding should already be considered a tool of the devil. Can anyone say, spell or even recognize: vanity, pride and avarice? Hello, bodybuilding is obviously sinful, if you're into that kind of thing, already! The reason Christians are even into it is because of the idea of the pure, clean and discaplined bodybuilding lifestyle...... Which is total bullshit! These dummies shoot a plethora of drugs, bang sluts, prostitute themselves for drug money and a litany of other insane and amoral crap. Arnold and Franco pushed people's chimney's over and then sold them new ones as well as having attended orgies and taking steroids and who knows what else. Clean? No, you'd be as deluded as a...well...a Christian.


Here's a bunch assholes I'm sick of.

These guys diss every other sport on the planet like powerlifting is god's gift to machismo. Bodybuilding may be disgusting, shallow, hateful and juvenile but so is powerlifting.

Now I should disclaim myself at this point: like in any group there are some powerlifters who don't fall into the trap of being a powerlifter, if you'll take my meaning.

The powerlifters I'm sick of are the 'eat ten pizzas and look like fat, squinty eyed baby' guys. Yeah that's eating like a man, oh wait, no it's not: chocolate milk and pizza is what children eat at a birthday party. Or fat, depressed, menopausal women. "Don't say that to our faces" I hear being quipped. Or what? You'll chase me? Hahaha! I'd like to see that.

It goes beyond being a hideous, unhealthy, attention mongering narcissist (like bodybuilders!). Let's talk suits: the sport of powerlifting (in many associations) allows the use of special "power suits" and "bench shirts". These are made from a very strong elastic type material that stretches and absorbs energy from the barbell and stores it elastically to help the lifter out of the bottom of the lift. Powerlifting guru Louie Simmons sees powerlifting 'gear' as an evolution of the sport, such as in football where all of the pansies wear tons of special protective equipment whereas the badasses of the bygone era wore relatively little. My take is a little different: it's more like football players wearing PowerRisers. Not an evolution, a totally different game.

I read an article today by some powerlifter who sported a 950 squat (a lift that benefits hugely from powersuits) and 800 bench press (another lift that benefits hugely from 'gear') and a 760 deadlift (a lift that suits do practically nothing for).

When you bench more than you deadlift you should probably stop and and think about what you're doing. That is pathetic. The funniest part is that the fatter you are the more the suit or shirt helps you! If being obese and stuffing yourself into a super tight suit to lift some huge weight is hardcore then, again, Satan has won ; ) How tight are these suits? Well you'll literally need a team of helpers to squeeze your fat ass into one and then, when you actually lift, you'll finish with massive blood blisters all over the high flexion points of the suit/shirt.

Yeah guys, real badass. Hey here's a novel idea: try lifting without that shit. Again I should point out that there are raw leagues wherein the use of such equipment is prohibited and I do respect that to some extent (they usually still allow belts = weak). There are also lean powerlifters who look like a million bucks, usually only the heavier weight classes get in to the whole fat baby look and, again, I will say I have respect for that (the lean guys). It's just the fat attention whore types who dominate the media, which is pissing me off. No one likes fat attention whores.

Chuck Collras, lightweight powerlifting champ. (1960s?)

The Rest

Olympic weightlifting is filled, at least here, with bitchy egomanics. Crossfit turns women into shaved ape chicks. Fitness in general is a social control mechanism to ensure there are recruitable drafts for whatever wars are being planned. It all sucks. Why are any of these paradigms in existence in the first place? Lifting weights (or rocks or whatever), looking good and being able should be a prerequisite to being a human. Like sleeping or dressing yourself. Do we hold dressing competitions or rank the 10 best sleepers in the country? Fuck no because that would be stupid.

I guess I should step back and try to remember that most of you don't classify as humans anyway and this is all a moot point for you scum.

To you scum: I think there is new episode of House you can download and, hey, why not grab some pizza and ice cream too? Already seen that episode of House? Big Bang Theory! Or how about Walking Dead? Or whatever piece of shit social program is in theaters right now?

Anyway, to those of you who qualify: try not to let these hilariously stupid categories interfere with your training. They all suck and are good, just keep your eye on the goal: awesomeness, which is a complete package of aesthetics, speed, coordination, strength, intelligence and good humor. Remember who you're working for : )

Back to the scum/slaves: you don't even know the meaning of suffering yet, I have yet to even begin. >= D Repent and kill yourselves now.

Tuesday 16 October 2012



To those of you who are on the whole Zombie kick: leave Earth. Your status has been revoked, you are no longer rated to operate the following equipment: human body, surface dwelling.

This was done with in 2002. Now I see a Z-Day survival kit being offered by cutlery manufacturer Gerber. Gerber has always sucked, what with their plastic axes and all, but this has crossed the line even for their obviously low standards.

A recent episode of the hilarious social satire South Park recently illustrated just how low the bar has dropped in the western world. We are so desperate for entertainment as to become savages. You, western world, have lowered yourselves to the level of children, spoiled, poorly behaved children. Or retarded, incestuous hillbillies, you pick, they're both the same. Watch an episode of ANY show and tell me it isn't savagely arrogant and simply a vessel for social programming and I will show you a savagely arrogant, socially programmed waste of what we now depressingly refer to as humanity.

Babysitters Being Stabbed with Knitting Needles by Gay Presidential Candidates

 Why do I even care about the moronic and and vapid ways in which you decide to waste your collective lives? Maybe it's because I can't find a decent used pullover unit anywhere and I'm generally irritated by it. In fact that's likely. I mean how bad could humanity be when they, we, are the creators of said pullover unit? Not all bad anyhow.

Enough with the Negativity!

 Okay okay, I'll switch to something more humorous.

Hmmm...... I can't think of anything: fuck you scum, may your dying breath be the inhalation of my balls. Die slow - oh wait you are! In front of the TV, at the the chemical executioner, oh wait - Doctor, and sucking down microwaved food substitute. My wishes have come true it would seem except for one thing - you want to do these things! It's just not the same, I want you to be forced to these things against your will and have it be a torture. Grrrr.

I want to see the horror in your eyes as I sell you movie tickets for a piece of shit Batman movie you know will be vomitously gay, I want to see the fear twist your face as you PAY me for the tickets with your hard earned money that you received from doing some job you hate and that you know contributes to our collective downfall.

Luckily I can convert my cold hatred into motive force that drives me to assert my inner power to become an even greater and more powerful unit of man. Your waste is my gain. Hahahaha, Omitofo.

Super Heroes - The Pantheon of Modern Spandex Gods

Did no one notice that comic books were and are for children? I see adults with 'Transformers' emblems on their vehicles - as though it were hardcore! What a joke - I should wear some 'Barney' gear to the gym which I, ironically, would be able to pass off as hardcore because it's on me and this is the face I make when I lift:

Barney's love/face the slayer

Tim Burton in his Michael Keaton Batman movies recognized the stupidity of he whole genre and made fun of it with satire. Satire is lost on the majority of you because it is one of the most intellectually advanced forms of comedy. In fact the inability to recognize sarcasm (a form of satire) can be used medically as a diagnostic method to detect certain types of cognitive dysfunction (retardation). I guess that means most of you are in fact retarded. Again this reminds me of a recent South Park episode but I have digressed.

There has been much written on the homosexuality expressed in the superhero genre and how it, to some bizarre extent, has become our new embodiment of the Nietzschian superman. The Nazi's, as related to me by a living Auschwitz survivor (in person!), would only kill the flamboyant gays because the butch gays "made better killers" than even the already super efficient and loyal straight Nazi's. Which brings me to my next point.

Notice how the "hero" comes by his powers - how many are self created? Zero. Batman has god, I mean Morgan Freeman, who gifts him his "crime fighting (?)" gadgetry (for money). Captain America has the army (god) to thank. Thor get's his power straight up from god. Superman is an alien (god, through no doing of his own).

Why is this an issue? It tells us through our unconscious (through the use of symbolism) that power is granted to you by someone else. This an absolute and obvious fallacy that everyone just kind of accepts without thinking about (hmmm, subconscious programming anyone?). It also shows that to be powerful you'll need some kind of exogenous aid (technological integration) to achieve greatness because you don't have it on your own. You're just another pathetic slave until god (authority) hooks you up (authorizes) or until you're rich enough to buy god's favor.

Now I'm not going to say some shit about how the real heroes are the men and women in the armed services or police or some shit because that would be like pouring perfume on a pig. Those people are the villains, well more like the villain's retarded orc minions. These guys are psychologically mutilated psychopaths, but mutilated by what? Comic books? Video games? Super hero movies perhaps? Look at what these guys are okay with doing:

"Re-educated dissidents" - your drones at work. The fact that you pay for this makes me want to kill you.

Good work everyone, this is what we need more of. I mean those drone pilots are making the world safer not creating generations of future dyed in the wool killers who want to destroy you and your entire way of life. I think a nice pat on the back is in order, everyone grab a knife and pat the guy next to you with it and then yourself.

Super hero movies are programming you to to kill on command through the authority authorizing you to behave in what would otherwise be an immoral way "for the common good" symbolism. You become "super" through the integration of the granted to you technology (drone, tank, jet, AC130). You don't and won't make these connections with your conscious mind because it has been educated not see this way, it has been educated for you because you wouldn't do it yourself. So you, being a lazy, sense oriented, sack of pestilence and rot has resulted in robots flying around Pakistan and Afganistan killing people's families for no reason other that they may potentially stand in the way of huge illicit drug profits - with you signing the cheque.

I hope you read this and kill yourself.

Sunday 16 September 2012

Shaved Ape Chicks



I have to face facts here: most people work out just to look cool. Also to look sexy, but they kind of equal each other so I'll move on. On that note: why does everyone suck at looking sweet?

Really, look at bodybuilders:

I don't think chicks see this and say: "sweet".

Oh or the crossfit "babes":

There is no god.

I'd call that a total miserable fail. Okay so even the two things that are supposed to make you look good pretty much fall flat on their faces. It seems that we need to invent a new paradigm. Something that is actually going to make studs and vixens of the human race instead of degenerating into freak worship.

To be clear: chicks with ripped six pack abs are nasty, that kind of muscle/leanness is a masculine sexual characteristic. Whats next? Chicks with huge arms?

Or god is a total homo.

I guess maybe the issue is that due to the rise of public education, television and low fat dieting, the average persons brain is just kind of shitty. When I say 'shitty' I mean 'having characteristics similar to those of shit'. Have you been to the movies recently? Who would pay for this crap? Anyway, when was the last time you took a sculpting course? Or thought for even a second on the mathematical ratios of the human form?

Hotness is in fact NOT leanness nor is it hugeness. It is a balanced ratio of the contributing factors to a whole. You may be able to call this elusive situation: health. Steve Reeves understood this idea very thoroughly, using both the idea of beauty being an expression of total health as well as a ratio of proportion.

Besides being a movie star and super rich, Steve married a Countess!

Chicks do look at a picture of Steve Reeves and say: "sweet!". To me it seems rather clear that both bodybuilding and 'fitness' have failed in their promises of fulfilling our desire to attain the much coveted sexiness. Why? Well their indiscrimnate application for one and the fact that most people don't even know what good looks like.

Proof that people have no clue what looks good.

Expressing yourself through your form is an ART. You can't go to a weekend Crossfit certification or take some lame ass 'Personal Fitness Trainer" college course and expect to be able to do this. Much like how it's pretty hard to express oneself listening to music someone else made (that's right). You need to express yourself, not someone else.

My brother brought up an interesting point: take any of the classic era bodybuilders and silhouette them, you can still identify who is who: Zane, Arnie, Nubret, Park, Reeves, Viator - they all had their own individual look. Now bodybuilders all look like bloated, cookie cut shit. 

Bodybuilding used to be about body-building as in you built a body that you wanted, like a kit car. You'd do this because you had something you wanted to express, like building a kit car. Now the masses are buying pre manufactured production model "kit cars". You will only be successful at being sexy, really in any form, if you can express individuality.

The Lotus 7, as many variants as there are builders, practically the opposite of the offensive "fat guy in plaid and hiking boots" H2. Also some variants will do 0-100kmh in LESS than three seconds. This is literally the best sports car in the world.

Tangent: Crossfit produces some of the most hideous, boxy unaesthetic physiques the world has ever seen. The women are hit especially hard - it turns them into men - total refrigerator bodies - disgusting. Not at all surprising in a system in which you surrender your individuality to groupthink, kind of like the army. Crossfit is disgusting, they use some valid methods, granted, BUT they destroy much of the effectiveness with horrendously shoddy programmig. It will get you lean, yes, but is that all there is in life?

Nasty! Guys, could you imagine trying to have sex with that? It's like a shaved (male) ape... 
Sick! Doesn't this chick(?) have a mirror?
What happened to T&A? I see neither of those things. This is an abysmal failure: hey just take steroids, it's easier, healthier and cheaper! Really! The irony of that is astounding! I am not against women being strong or athletic, I love it, but this is actually unhealthy AND unattractive. Ladies: unless you want to pick up chicks, don't go to Crossfit!

I'll be back for more hilarious crossfit and bodybuilding fails as soon as I care enough to do so, until then: go do something!