"Today is a very sad and solemn day for everyone in the world. When I heard the heartbreaking news about all the little angels... the 22 students from YuanChuan Elementary school in the village of Chengping, Guangshan county, Henan, China who were brutally stabbed. And in America, the 20 children and 6 adults from Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut USA who were shot and killed... What's happening to the world?"
This isn't the first time this has happened.
One thing I find alarming is that there is an almost identical body count despite the fact that the killer possessed no firearms. Media sites like this would have you believe that gun control is at the crux of the matter. That these things don't happen when guns are closely controlled by the government. To be clear: the gun control aspect of this shooting is just political spin being applied to the topic by those of the now laughably weak human populace that would like to see the individual as an unempowered state asset.
This article isn't about gun control because I don't give two fucks about gun control because ANYONE can build guns with whatever they have laying around. More. It's about much more.
What seems to be the problem here is that you, the people of the world, suck balls at protecting your children. Why? Because you can't see the real world, probably because the disturbing realities found there are censored by your emotionally atrophied brains because you don't have any ability to control over your own psychology (because you're ignorant of it!). The afforelinked is the most extensively studied human socio-psychological trait and you can bet that it's being used by people who do not have your best interest in mind.
You may have an issue with the idea that ne'er do wells are exploiting your psychology, until now unbeknownst to you, but that is because of your cognitive dissonance. You think "I wouldn't do that to someone, so then no one else would do it to me because people are inherently good like me". That is such a dangerous and insanely wrong conclusion it's terrifying and has been allowing the predation of your children for literally thousands of years by those who don't have the same moral center as you.
Some great examples:
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Aw man, Disney wouldn't do that! Yes they would, this is one of the less out-rightly obscene examples. Look it up. |
To some of you this concept will be new and you'll probably wonder why. Here is why: YOU NEVER RESEARCHED IT! Most people don't do ANY research EVER and thusly you end up with erroneous and cognitively dissonant conclusions. You have no one to blame but yourselves. Oh and in case you thought this was where I was going with the child predation thing: you ain't seen nothing yet!
Child abuse and ritual murder of children is nothing new, in fact, it's been part of civilization from as early as Babylon. What makes you think it stopped? Oh, wait for it...cognitive dissonance! This, far being isolated to a few cults, is shockingly widespread and worse populated by people whom society has posited are "trustworthy": your 'educated' professionals such as doctors, police, lawyers, judges, politicians and school teachers, as well as by people in almost every other profession. These are people you trust (erroneously) with your own lives as well as those of your children.
But hey, why take my word for it? I mean I could be living out some paranoid fantasy right (although I do seem to have a better understanding of psychology than you, but I'll humor you ; )?
Here is serial killer Paul Berkowitz telling you he was involved with child raping satanists. Read how this isn't just the frenzied delusions of a crazy person because the police investigators came to a similar conclusion. Or here how an investigative journalist discovered links to medical professionals in Berkowitz' satanic coven. Satanism is not made of who you think it is, check out Eyes Wides Shut.
Agian: you ain't seen nothing yet. Let's take a look at school teachers raping and murdering children. Here we have a case in Florida. Here we have the genocidal killing of tens of thousands in Canadian schools. More.
How could these guys be allowed to get away with this? Oh, the politicians are in on it too! That makes things easier. Hey it's practically a cakewalk at this point, but let's see, it seems like some group is missing.....
Oh yeah the church! Although already implicated in a variety of cases I've already linked to, I thought I'd throw in some more and maybe some funny pictures. Here is the pope trying to cover the churches ass. Not really surprising as much catholic symbolism comes from Babylon, hmmm, what could they be trying to tell us?
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The 'Dark Side Theme" from Star Wars should be playing here. He has a stick with a dead tortured body hanging on it, hello! Evil!! The friggin' Nazis didn't even do that! |
This case implicates virtually all social castes and is one of the more disturbing ones.
Now I should point out that child abuse isn't limited to just the catholics, it's likely that all religion (to some extent) is just a way to get people's kids away from them and into the hands of "trustworthy" people. They don't mind fleecing you because, hey, if you're dumb enough to believe it then you get what you deserve right? That's how con artists think. Politicians too (aren't they just con artists too? Didn't Obama say he was going to shut down Guantanamo bay? Did he? Or how about Jean Chrétien's comments about how him lowering taxes were "just a slip of the tongue"? ).
I really, really have to stress, there are a lot of people out there who think very differently than you and will act on those different thoughts. There are a lot of people out there who are much smarter than you who will act on that smartness and it's not always sunshine and daisies - Paul Berkowitz, like most serial killers, is highly intelligent, it didn't prevent him from doing bad stuff, in fact it led him to hang out with satanists! Think about that for second. As well, there are people who are dumber than you that will act on their dumbness and do bad stuff too. They usually can't avoid doing bad shit because they are too stupid to effectively help anyone.
Going back to the spate of shootings in the US: this is about gun control. How can we tell this? This may seem like an erroneous conclusion right? Simple: it has become political. People die all the time, from all types of things, rarely do their deaths bring in some sweeping political reform. The fact is that Obama's had this plan in the works for a while because, like all successful leaders these days, Obama is a UN patsy. The UN has been working to disarm the world for decades.
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This is outside UN headquarters. |
Could be a stretch right? Could I be saying that the shootings have somehow been caused to happen to fulfill some agenda? Well let's look at a few events from history:
The US wanted to start a war with Spanish America: so they did this.
The US wanted to start a war with Vietnam: so they did this.
The US wanted to start a war with Iraq: so they did this.
Still think this was Muslims with box cutters? Obviously you haven't heard of Operation Northwoods. Also here. Also: quit being such a dumbbass. Remember I was talking about people being smarter than you and wanting to con you for their gain?
Oh look, then the US wanted to demonize so called 'militia' groups (even though it clearly states in the constitution that they're a natural right of the people), so they did this. The sick part is it worked! They also shut down any dissent that people had over Waco and the whole Randy Walker thing (an FBI sniper murdered this guy's son and wife) by associating that resentment with Tim McVeigh's motives. This is where the whole "domestic terror" idea came from.
Durr, people, check out the rate at which the buildings "fall" (disintegrate), how could a building collapse as fast as an unresisted freefall? I'm not going to link to any 9/11 "proof" pages because there are millions, most populated by total kook dumbasses who lack "proof". Check out Dr. Judy Wood, she is a materials scientist and can actually say something from a standpoint that the rest of you consider credible. Figure it out yourself! Not hard.
IF this is is the case, would it be too much to think that maybe the rash of shootings since Obama began his presidency was planned? I mean he has always been after disarming the public. Given this ,it's not really too much of a stretch to think if false flag incidents are being enacted (Northwoods!), that they would be politically motivated and done to bring about policies that would otherwise be seen as a detestable loss of freedom. Think that's too much? Well let's see what some of the US presidents had to say about these wonderful "coincidences" (Obama having a disarmament bent and then the seemingly magical spate of shootings that justify it).
"In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way. " - Franklin D. Roosevelt
"Things do not happen. Things are made to happen." - John F. Kennedy
"He who molds the public sentiment... makes statutes and decisions possible or impossible to make. " - Abraham Lincoln
Hmmm, so did 9/11 result in sweeping political changes? Maybe it was "made to happen"? Are the recent shootings being used to institute virtually unlawful political reforms? Maybe it was "planned that way"? Here it is, all layed out.
Oh look! He's giving us the finger as he "cries" for the children. |
You've obviously allowed your cognitive dissonance to allow you to be totally played by those who know about it. You apparently can't even protect yourself because you can't comprehend what is actually happening to you. So what makes you think you can protect your children? Well you can't, as shown by the above examples. Not yet anyway (there is hope), you'll have to learn more about psychology, philosophy, law and what it is that you are that experiences. Then you can build a functioning self that doesn't take crap from the douchey assholes who want to screw you to the wall. (hopefully)
Let's look at the following cognitive disconnect. This is why you need to learn this stuff.
You think:
It's bad when an armed man kills your children. Yet simultaneously:
It's good to arm men and allow them to kill other people's children i.e. invasion (!) of Iraq and Afghanistan.
Do you see the disconnect?
"Allow the president to invade a neighboring nation, whenever he shall deem it necessary to repel an invasion, and you allow him to do so whenever he may choose to say he deems it necessary for such a purpose - and you allow him to make war at pleasure. " - Abraham Lincoln
"We cannot expect that all nations will adopt like systems, for conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth. " - John F. Kennedy
Most of you think that your troops aren't killing civilians. You're wrong and again: cognitive dissonance. Ever wonder why your soldiers are coming back and killing themselves? Ever wonder why they're after that wikileaks guy? This is why:
[Tangent: Obviously no one told these assholes that they stopped making the AK-47 in 1949 and what they're actually talking about is the AKM which has an easily manufactured stamped receiver and is about a kilo lighter than the milled receiver AK-47. Why am I telling you this? Read "easily manufactured stamped receiver" ; ) ]
It seems that if there is call to keep the mentally deranged away from guns it should start with the abhorrent, immoral psychos in this video.
Obama shedding any tears for those people's kids? Oh, wait "it's their fault", of course. Disgusting hypocrisy. You should all feel pretty shitty for enabling these psychopaths (they're your fucking kids you fucks!! what did you do to them!?!).
"It's their fault" huh? Hey, two can play at that game! School shootings: you know who's fucking fault it is? The parents for sending their kids to school! If they didn't want them to be killed then they should've educated them themselves! I mean they were the ones who put them in the hands of virtual strangers all day long and barely follow up on what exactly is going on with them, they must not even care about them. The even cares about anything?
I think you should all wake the fuck up and realize what's going on in your world, I am getting pretty sick of this shit. If you don't wake up then the next time you have psychopathic geniuses manipulating you for their gain, it might be me. Consider that a threat motherfuckers.
Postscript: This article is pretty messed up from an editing and composition standpoint, I wrote whilst practically delirious with fever. Deal with it.