To those of you who are on the whole Zombie kick: leave Earth. Your status has been revoked, you are no longer rated to operate the following equipment: human body, surface dwelling.
This was done with in 2002. Now I see a Z-Day survival kit being offered by cutlery manufacturer Gerber. Gerber has always sucked, what with their plastic axes and all, but this has crossed the line even for their obviously low standards.
A recent episode of the hilarious social satire South Park recently illustrated just how low the bar has dropped in the western world. We are so desperate for entertainment as to become savages. You, western world, have lowered yourselves to the level of children, spoiled, poorly behaved children. Or retarded, incestuous hillbillies, you pick, they're both the same. Watch an episode of ANY show and tell me it isn't savagely arrogant and simply a vessel for social programming and I will show you a savagely arrogant, socially programmed waste of what we now depressingly refer to as humanity.
Babysitters Being Stabbed with Knitting Needles by Gay Presidential Candidates
Why do I even care about the moronic and and vapid ways in which you decide to waste your collective lives? Maybe it's because I can't find a decent used pullover unit anywhere and I'm generally irritated by it. In fact that's likely. I mean how bad could humanity be when they, we, are the creators of said pullover unit? Not all bad anyhow.
Enough with the Negativity!
Okay okay, I'll switch to something more humorous.
Hmmm...... I can't think of anything: fuck you scum, may your dying breath be the inhalation of my balls. Die slow - oh wait you are! In front of the TV, at the the chemical executioner, oh wait - Doctor, and sucking down microwaved food substitute. My wishes have come true it would seem except for one thing - you want to do these things! It's just not the same, I want you to be forced to these things against your will and have it be a torture. Grrrr.
I want to see the horror in your eyes as I sell you movie tickets for a piece of shit Batman movie you know will be vomitously gay, I want to see the fear twist your face as you PAY me for the tickets with your hard earned money that you received from doing some job you hate and that you know contributes to our collective downfall.
Luckily I can convert my cold hatred into motive force that drives me to assert my inner power to become an even greater and more powerful unit of man. Your waste is my gain. Hahahaha, Omitofo.
Super Heroes - The Pantheon of Modern Spandex Gods
Did no one notice that comic books were and are for children? I see adults with 'Transformers' emblems on their vehicles - as though it were hardcore! What a joke - I should wear some 'Barney' gear to the gym which I, ironically, would be able to pass off as hardcore because it's on me and this is the face I make when I lift:
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Barney's love/face the slayer |
Tim Burton in his Michael Keaton Batman movies recognized the stupidity of he whole genre and made fun of it with satire. Satire is lost on the majority of you because it is one of the most intellectually advanced forms of comedy. In fact the inability to recognize sarcasm (a form of satire) can be used medically as a diagnostic method to detect certain types of cognitive dysfunction (retardation). I guess that means most of you are in fact retarded. Again this reminds me of a recent South Park episode but I have digressed.
There has been much written on the homosexuality expressed in the superhero genre and how it, to some bizarre extent, has become our new embodiment of the Nietzschian superman. The Nazi's, as related to me by a living Auschwitz survivor (in person!), would only kill the flamboyant gays because the butch gays "made better killers" than even the already super efficient and loyal straight Nazi's. Which brings me to my next point.
Notice how the "hero" comes by his powers - how many are self created? Zero. Batman has god, I mean Morgan Freeman, who gifts him his "crime fighting (?)" gadgetry (for money). Captain America has the army (god) to thank. Thor get's his power straight up from god. Superman is an alien (god, through no doing of his own).
Why is this an issue? It tells us through our unconscious (through the use of symbolism) that power is granted to you by someone else. This an absolute and obvious fallacy that everyone just kind of accepts without thinking about (hmmm, subconscious programming anyone?). It also shows that to be powerful you'll need some kind of exogenous aid (technological integration) to achieve greatness because you don't have it on your own. You're just another pathetic slave until god (authority) hooks you up (authorizes) or until you're rich enough to buy god's favor.
Now I'm not going to say some shit about how the real heroes are the men and women in the armed services or police or some shit because that would be like pouring perfume on a pig. Those people are the villains, well more like the villain's retarded orc minions. These guys are psychologically mutilated psychopaths, but mutilated by what? Comic books? Video games? Super hero movies perhaps? Look at what these guys are okay with doing:
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"Re-educated dissidents" - your drones at work. The fact that you pay for this makes me want to kill you. |
Good work everyone, this is what we need more of. I mean those drone pilots are making the world safer not creating generations of future dyed in the wool killers who want to destroy you and your entire way of life. I think a nice pat on the back is in order, everyone grab a knife and pat the guy next to you with it and then yourself.
Super hero movies are programming you to to kill on command through the authority authorizing you to behave in what would otherwise be an immoral way "for the common good" symbolism. You become "super" through the integration of the granted to you technology (drone, tank, jet, AC130). You don't and won't make these connections with your conscious mind because it has been educated not see this way, it has been educated for you because you wouldn't do it yourself. So you, being a lazy, sense oriented, sack of pestilence and rot has resulted in robots flying around Pakistan and Afganistan killing people's families for no reason other that they may potentially stand in the way of huge illicit drug profits - with you signing the cheque.
I hope you read this and kill yourself.