You are scum and you should know it. I don't hate you, if I did I would ignore you but because I have faith in man I extend the olive branch of introspection in the hopes that someday we can move beyond such vampiric savagery into a new world of real human beings.
Because I am not interested into this discussion halfway through. let me lay out what the issues with the "armchair athlete/corporate citizen" actually are. I will do this in a very basic point format for easy skimming because it is unlikely you have the requisite attention span for anything more in depth than the "cliff's notes" version:
- You, the viewer, did absolutely NOTHING to assist in the winning of any Olympic event and as such d o not deserve to fell any modicum of satisfaction other than totally fictional satisfaction and that is, well, pathetic. Why not just invent some other fiction to feel pride for? Like maybe a fictional scenario in which YOU actually DID SOMETHING.
- Canada, or any nation for that matter, is a corporate entity; not too long ago Canada was listed on the American Securities Exchange Commission website as being an AMERICAN OWNED and publicly traded CORPORATION. So the pride you feel in Canada might as well be for Walmart or Monsanto or Pepsi. Further to this, what exactly did the corporation actually do for the athletes there supposedly representing them? In Canada: jack shit. Zip, nothing, nada. Oh wait they flew them there and gave them some rags to wear, what a good deal. Sounds like cheap advertising to me.
- You are vampiring off of their (the athletes) success. They worked hard and got up at 5:00 am for practice and spent 10 hrs a day in the pool and you suck them dry for it. In certain orders of Taoism there is an understanding that when another person so much as looks at you they can steal your energy (kids know this). This whole Olympic circus is designed to suck the power of the whole body of athletes who, arguably, are the most powerful people on earth.
- National pride is equivalent to racial pride. If you are black and a black athlete wins a medal amid a slew of non black competitors and you feel good about him having represented the awesomeness of blacks everywhere, you sir would be a racist (by today's craziness). Or did me using a black subject short out your socially programmed racism detector? Let's try again: you are white person of Nordic descent, a white Nordic athlete wins amid a slew of black, Hispanic and Chinese competitors and you feel proud that this white Nordic represented the awesomeness of white nordic people. Sound racist now? Well neither of them is racist! Yet they both are! Nationalism is founded on even less than a racial connection and yet it is acceptable?
- You don't know the athletes, they don't know you. They did not go to the Olympics to represent you. They to represent themselves and the HUGE amount of time, fortitude and commitment THEY made for THEMSELVES to get there. You are living vicariously through THEIR awesomeness and because you have invested in no way to get them there, you are a thief.
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Gimme dat pride homie! |
I could go on and on about how ludicrous the Olympic psycho-social phenomena is but I'd just be adding to the dirge of Olympic themed propaganda out there. Really it's not up to me, I can point out this or that until I'm blue in the face but YOU are the problem and YOU are responsible to fix yourself.
I suggest facing the fact that you are in fact not your own owner. You are in fact a weak, externally manipulated thing, a willing robot in the care of a an uncaring master who is so desperate for some grain of personal power/satisfaction that you are more than willing to steal it from those who have made it for themselves.