Thursday 16 August 2012


Here's a good hook: using cybernetics can improve your workout efficiency by over 400% - but you won't be able to use it.

Why? To put it nicely: because you don't know who you are.

Initiation into Cybernetics (Franz Bardon joke, anyone?)

Cybernetics as we understand it today come from the Greek "Kybernetes" which was the word they used for "helmsman" or "navigator" or simply "the guy who steers". Today the word has taken on slightly different socio-cultural meaning but the essence is the same nonetheless.

In this example cybernetics refers to steering or controlling what would otherwise be just a pile of metal.

Cybernetics and You

We will be discussing the voluminous topic of self steering. This is very important because although many of you believe that you are in fact steering yourselves you have been steered to believe that by the person who is actually steering you.

Zac's Allegory of the Maze

Imagine first a prison, now imagine that the prison is shaped like maze and finally imagine that the is being called by a different name. Now imagine yourself in this prison, unaware that it is so and there are other people, stuff is happening and most people are going about their merry way oblivious to where they are. Most of you would in fact stay in the prison totally unaware that it was indeed a prison. Should one consult one of the "administrators" they would tell you that you were free to leave at any time. You would perhaps wander the maze looking for the exit but to no avail and likely determine that you were somehow the problem and end up back with everyone else completely demoralized.

This is how most of you think: the prison/maze is confusion where you are kept intentionally by your jailors/handlers. When you ask the question 'why?' you are told that you can "leave any time" and that "you're on your own" (Black Sabbath reference). You try to escape the confusion/prison/maze but find that you become even more confused/lost in the maze and eventually return to hands of your jailors/handlers even more willingly docile than before. The reason you can't escape confusion is because you don't know that you are in fact IN it. The jail looks like real life, you could think of it like a an aquarium - a human 'habitat' - so that you are comfortable enough to accept it although in fact be quite flawed.

The system of reason you have been taught to use is flawed in such a way as to keep you from escaping it while simultaneously allowing the handler full control over you. This achieved by you not understanding that this is happening and you being given the false sense that you are in control and totally free to do as you please. The handler then disguises their motives as your motives and you enact of them your own "free will". All quite brilliant on the part of the systems creators.

All of this happens IN YOUR MIND, there are very few physical control mechanisms if any. The only thing that makes any of this system real is that you enact it. Yes I mean you, again you will think that you are the exception, that you actually "get it" but you don't, that is their programming, you are as much a total willing slave to this as the others.

This is primarily achieved by obscuring the individuals view of themself, their world and their place in the total system. A false set of hierarchies are substituted for the natural ones, this is not far from being very much akin to computer hacking. This is cybernetics but it is being used on you instead of by you, those are the two choices: steer yourself or someone else will do it for you. Why this is happening is quite simple: what is better than being able to steer oneself? Being able to steer a whole swarm of expendable patsies! Durr...

The issue with cybernetics is that you can't steer a boat you can't see, through waters you can't see. Perceptually you are blind to yourself and your surroundings. Personally, the last guy I would pick to steer any boat that I was on would be the blind guy and individually we are the boat, the helmsman and the blind guy.

"People aren't like that, they're not evil." Oh yeah motherfucker, who isn't? I've considered using this on the mass of dummies several times before and I'm actually not that evil, imagine if a Jeffrey Dahmer type got a hold of this? Don't you think they have already? Again: durr...

The Blind Leading the Blind

So if people can't see themselves and as such have no real reference point how can anyone ever hope to use cybernetics effectively? Let's use the ship allegory some more. In order to sail anywhere you have to have somewhere to sail to. A destination. This will be your goal. You will need a map. This will be your plan; and you need your compass. This will be your diagnostic method. Also you'll  need a ship's log to track your progress. This will be your workout log.

So to recap, you will need:

- Goal
- Plan
- Diagnostic method
- Workout log

Setting Your Goal

This is easy: what do you want? Now because you don't actually know what YOU want because society has programmed unoriginal expectations and beliefs into you you'll have to do some serious introspection. What would you get out of bed at 4 am to get? Figure it out: if you fail here, the rest of your project is doomed. If nothing else, enter some kind of competition and train for that. That way you'll be motivated just to not look stupid. That is a good start.

Your Plan

This is also easy: it is simply an understanding of what goes where. What do I mean? Well if you are training for an endurance event then doing plyometrics is probably not going to be your main training method. If you are training for a jumping type of event then plyo is a great choice. Your plan is simply an idea of how you are going to get to your destination.

The Diagnostic

Man I love that word, it's so loaded. Anyhoo, this is the method by which you will be determining when is the best time for your physiology to train and further to this, which training you'll be doing. There are many ways to go about this. Some use objective tests: reflexes, waking heart rate, waking temperature, certain stretch, applied kinesiology, etc.

Some use a more subjective method: they just wing it. This method is only for those who can not think about doing something and just do it. It relies on instinct and this is probably the most powerful way to train. Do what you want, when you want but most of you will fail using this method, start with a more analytical method first. This method could be likened to dowsing.

Workout Log

This is the alchemical mirror, when you show it your fuckups it will reflect gold back to you. By monitoring your diagnostic method and then charting the result you will soon learn how to use you diagnostic much more effectively, if you learn to read it properly. It can show you how you are ACTUALLY responding rather than how you THINK you are responding. There is a Hermetic equivalent but let's leave well enough alone for now.


I recently read the following in an article by Bret Contreas:

"In a recent study (McNamara et al., 2010), sixteen beginner weight-training subjects were divided into two resistance training groups. All the participants performed the same volume of training and the same rep max schemes (10RM, 15RM, and 20RM) twice a week, except one group performed the routine in a regimented fashion while the other group was allowed to choose when to perform the given workouts based on how they felt.

At the end of the 12-week training period, those who were allowed to train instinctively increased leg press strength by 62 kg compared to only a 16 kg increase in the control group."

400% motherfucker. 400% .

Why did I bother going on and on about cybernetics when this just sums up what you need to do? Because cybernetics can be used for ANYTHING, it will allow you to take back control of your life so that you get what YOU actually want from it. Why do I care? Because if you aren't out there doing what nature intended you to do then the world we all live in will suck balls, oh wait it already does, you see what I mean? Use the method for ANYTHING but most of all to discover who you REALLY are and why YOU came here. There are answers to these questions, dismissing them under the guise of some pseudo scientific atheistic hobnobbery is SOMEONE ELSE'S PROGRAM because there is tons of SCIENTIFIC data (if you're into that kind of thing) to support the position that the entire universe is a holofractal consciousness that we are all a part of. You ignore a huge mass of data because you think it's intellectually unfashionable and this results in me seeing your "intellect" as the farcical mockery of nature that it is.

You live in a tiny pinhole of reality, in two hundred years everything you believe in will have been disproven, rendered obsolete or simply forgotten because IT HAS NO MEANING. Everything is just that: a thing. Thoughts, beliefs, whatever. Is a carrot right? Should we avoid doves because they are a hoax? Can you debunk a can opener? No, it's all shit, your labels: "idealist", "communist", "blue", "five", "dog" - these are all irrelevant things that will be rendered obsolete, do not invest yourself into them, invest yourself in the only thing with a valid meaning: your existence. Or maybe that makes me an "existentialist": fuck you.

If you read this all: props. If you skimmed and/or cut to the end: you are already my slave (via power attractor), bitch.