Saturday 18 August 2012

Lies: Nazis

"It's funny, there is an axiom in the advertising world: "repetition is the most effective form of mind control". I am consistently entertained by the subtle derision for the sovereignty of the individuals mind that statement conceals. Given this idea it may be a fact that we can determine "the party line" by just looking at how often a given "truism" is repeated.

Here is my favourite: "we won World War 2".

Who did?

Aren't there no winners in war as it is an affront to our collective dignity? Doesn't a huge apocalyptic war only show how laughably weak and insecure we are? There is a very good reason for this total lack of reason.

"The Nazis were evil." - this is the reason my great grandmother, who survived WW2 in Scotland, gave me when asked "why did they not just stay home?".

Okay well, I am by no means a fan of Nazis nor am I advocating any of their policies; in fact I am writing this to expose and resist Nazi policy as it has become incarnate in the social policy of our modern nations. Let's start with some hilarious facts about the NSDAP (Nazis).

 - in it's infancy and right up to the outset of "total war", the NSDAP was bank rolled by American and British interests (same with the Bolsheviks, but that's another story).

 - These interests include Prescott Bush via the Harriman Bank, IBM, Kodak, General Motors, Ford (more on that in a bit), Standard Oil, Chase Bank (now Chase Manhattan), members of the American state department as well as a host of others

 -  The American military, facing Nazi forces in France, were shocked to find the Nazis using Ford trucks! Ford was building vehicles for the Nazis until the end of the war and Ford was even involved in legal proceedings against the US government for bombing one of their factories on German occupied territory (that was building vehicles for the Nazis).

The much beloved Winston Churchill, who starved 6 million Bengalese to death in 1943, said: “You must understand that this war [WWII] is not against Hitler or National Socialism, but against the strength of the German people, which is to be smashed once and for all, regardless whether it is in the hands of Hitler or a Jesuit priest.”

So we have here one of the supposed primary opponents of Nazism saying that he doesn't oppose Nazism or Hitler: he just doesn't like the Germans very much. Interesting. The fact that he doesn't oppose national socialism becomes quite obvious if you look at the modern political bent of Britain. They are socialist now and therefore, vicariously, so is Canada and probably Australia and New Zealand as well (definitely actually but let's go slow). Canada and these other countries are technically a "constitutional monarchy" as represted by the Queen having a representative in each country called the Governor General who lives on land technically outside the land governed by the respective nation.

I'll skip over the fiefdom aspect of this and what a feofee is.

The long and short of it is that despite being superficially against the Nazis, the power brokers of America, Canada and England were actually quite enamored with national socialism. When the war ended they held the Nuremberg Trials which were an absolute farce, it was merely a show for the public to make it look like some form of justice was being served instead of the wanton cronyism that was actually playing out. You see only ten people were executed. Ten! That's seems kind of low for a supposed genocide of six million Jews (although there is actually a disturbingly small amount of evidence that supports this).

What was happening behind the scenes is that Nazis of any real use or importance were being whisked away to America and the rest were "escaping" with the aid of the Vatican (!) to South America, most notably Argentina (one of the potential sites of the then prospective state of Zion/Israel!!). This was all done under the now declassified "Operation Paperclip". Ardent Nazis were given new names and given cushy defense jobs in America. The CIA, when first created in 1948, had it's "Soviet Desk" entirely staffed by "ex"-Nazis.

So I ask at this juncture: who really "lost"? Certainly the German people were totally f'd, no question there and a token few of the Nazi political hierarchy were punished but by and large the Nazi thinkers were practically rewarded for their work. What?

So let's think about this: the heavyweights of Anglo-American/British society are in favour (they paid for it!) of national socialism and they help the most intelligent and "ardent" (actual paperclip description of Werner Von Braun) escape the horror and starvation of post war Germany to luxurious lives and interesting new jobs in their given fields of expertise in America. Hmm, so again: who lost? It would seem that we did.

I watched a documentary once in which a Canadian vet was was PISSED that they sent him and his fellows into combat with bolt action rifles. Where did all that "Victory Bond" money go?

We, the people of the warring states, paid with our lives, our (basically slave) labour, our war bonds, our very existence so that the industrialists, bankers and  "ardent Nazis" could profit in a way previously unheard of. The worst and most despicable part of this is how the policies of Nazism have ever so slowly corrupted everything from our government to our very understanding of who we are as individuals.

This vile and pernicious corruption can be seen everywhere. From anti-smoking legislation, a Hitler original idea, to gun control, we are steeped in the social policies of the NSDAP. The fundamental defining factor is that in national socialism, you are not an individual, you are a state owned and controlled asset that exists merely for the benefit the state can derive form you. This is why our "freedoms" are being curtailed constantly. The government/crown has taken out an insurance policy on your life, hence seatbelts and "smoking is bad".

Sidenote: Smoking is only bad because tobacco is filled with propane exhaust. Tobacco leaves are dried in containers heated with propane and not vented properly. This results in every leaf of tobacco being steeped in all kinds of toxic crap that naturally would be absent, not  the least of which is the radioactive and extremely toxic Polonium 210 which was implicated in the death of secret agent Victor Litvenko. This, as far as I can tell has been done on purpose, insofar as the companies that do this are aware of it and do nothing to change it. Smoking has it's place in a toolbox of natural remedies, it can be used to reduce kapha from an ayurvedic standpoint. Individual constitutions vary, so to categorically say that smoking is bad is simply wrong. Not to mention so are car interiors, paint thinner, Tylenol and flouride and those are all plenty legal and okay.

The world, through UN soft law, is being transformed in to the Fourth Reich. Do you find it coincidental that the UN was formed right after WW2? If so, then you sir are a coincidence theorist. It was done on purpose with the full and known intent to bring about a world wide socialist government that owns your body, your land and all possessions, resources, etc. Sounds crazy perhaps but I am going to argue that to a very large extent this has already happened.

Benito Mussolini one said "Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power." Hmm, really, so if your country is corporation then what does than mean? News flash everyone: our "countries" are little more than feedlots and are very much corporations. We live in facist state already, in the US congress there is an image of an eagle clutching a fascia. Canada is registered as a corporation with the American Security Exchange Commission, AS AN AMERICAN COMPANY. So are our courts and all the provinces.

The Nazis won WW2 as they were little more than puppets of America and Britain. You have not done your homework and as such are complicit to one of the greatest scams in history. You want to see something hilarious?

A wonder plane of the modern era, advanced American innovation.
The NAZI commissioned Horton HO 229, the B2 above is WW2 technology. The Nazis even developed the stealth material and used it on their Type XXl U-boats, they also had the first jet engines, heat seeking missiles, lasers, working nuclear reactor and semi-conducting transistors.
 The evidence is right in front of our faces but we are too ignorant of history and placated by our materialist ideologies that we choose to remain totally ignorant and blind to it. If you are one of these people: you are a willing accomplice and a fascist, your existence is an insult to all of humanity, read: insecure and weak. To the rest of you: are you going to take this? Is this the world you want to live in? To quote Aqua Teen Hunger Force: "See, I think that's what hell is like. You know, constantly raped by dogs. I don't know if I believe in god but he sure must hate me." I'm sure you get the allegory, if not, perhaps you should consider suicide. Remember, next war: send the politicians in first."

Thursday 16 August 2012


Here's a good hook: using cybernetics can improve your workout efficiency by over 400% - but you won't be able to use it.

Why? To put it nicely: because you don't know who you are.

Initiation into Cybernetics (Franz Bardon joke, anyone?)

Cybernetics as we understand it today come from the Greek "Kybernetes" which was the word they used for "helmsman" or "navigator" or simply "the guy who steers". Today the word has taken on slightly different socio-cultural meaning but the essence is the same nonetheless.

In this example cybernetics refers to steering or controlling what would otherwise be just a pile of metal.

Cybernetics and You

We will be discussing the voluminous topic of self steering. This is very important because although many of you believe that you are in fact steering yourselves you have been steered to believe that by the person who is actually steering you.

Zac's Allegory of the Maze

Imagine first a prison, now imagine that the prison is shaped like maze and finally imagine that the is being called by a different name. Now imagine yourself in this prison, unaware that it is so and there are other people, stuff is happening and most people are going about their merry way oblivious to where they are. Most of you would in fact stay in the prison totally unaware that it was indeed a prison. Should one consult one of the "administrators" they would tell you that you were free to leave at any time. You would perhaps wander the maze looking for the exit but to no avail and likely determine that you were somehow the problem and end up back with everyone else completely demoralized.

This is how most of you think: the prison/maze is confusion where you are kept intentionally by your jailors/handlers. When you ask the question 'why?' you are told that you can "leave any time" and that "you're on your own" (Black Sabbath reference). You try to escape the confusion/prison/maze but find that you become even more confused/lost in the maze and eventually return to hands of your jailors/handlers even more willingly docile than before. The reason you can't escape confusion is because you don't know that you are in fact IN it. The jail looks like real life, you could think of it like a an aquarium - a human 'habitat' - so that you are comfortable enough to accept it although in fact be quite flawed.

The system of reason you have been taught to use is flawed in such a way as to keep you from escaping it while simultaneously allowing the handler full control over you. This achieved by you not understanding that this is happening and you being given the false sense that you are in control and totally free to do as you please. The handler then disguises their motives as your motives and you enact of them your own "free will". All quite brilliant on the part of the systems creators.

All of this happens IN YOUR MIND, there are very few physical control mechanisms if any. The only thing that makes any of this system real is that you enact it. Yes I mean you, again you will think that you are the exception, that you actually "get it" but you don't, that is their programming, you are as much a total willing slave to this as the others.

This is primarily achieved by obscuring the individuals view of themself, their world and their place in the total system. A false set of hierarchies are substituted for the natural ones, this is not far from being very much akin to computer hacking. This is cybernetics but it is being used on you instead of by you, those are the two choices: steer yourself or someone else will do it for you. Why this is happening is quite simple: what is better than being able to steer oneself? Being able to steer a whole swarm of expendable patsies! Durr...

The issue with cybernetics is that you can't steer a boat you can't see, through waters you can't see. Perceptually you are blind to yourself and your surroundings. Personally, the last guy I would pick to steer any boat that I was on would be the blind guy and individually we are the boat, the helmsman and the blind guy.

"People aren't like that, they're not evil." Oh yeah motherfucker, who isn't? I've considered using this on the mass of dummies several times before and I'm actually not that evil, imagine if a Jeffrey Dahmer type got a hold of this? Don't you think they have already? Again: durr...

The Blind Leading the Blind

So if people can't see themselves and as such have no real reference point how can anyone ever hope to use cybernetics effectively? Let's use the ship allegory some more. In order to sail anywhere you have to have somewhere to sail to. A destination. This will be your goal. You will need a map. This will be your plan; and you need your compass. This will be your diagnostic method. Also you'll  need a ship's log to track your progress. This will be your workout log.

So to recap, you will need:

- Goal
- Plan
- Diagnostic method
- Workout log

Setting Your Goal

This is easy: what do you want? Now because you don't actually know what YOU want because society has programmed unoriginal expectations and beliefs into you you'll have to do some serious introspection. What would you get out of bed at 4 am to get? Figure it out: if you fail here, the rest of your project is doomed. If nothing else, enter some kind of competition and train for that. That way you'll be motivated just to not look stupid. That is a good start.

Your Plan

This is also easy: it is simply an understanding of what goes where. What do I mean? Well if you are training for an endurance event then doing plyometrics is probably not going to be your main training method. If you are training for a jumping type of event then plyo is a great choice. Your plan is simply an idea of how you are going to get to your destination.

The Diagnostic

Man I love that word, it's so loaded. Anyhoo, this is the method by which you will be determining when is the best time for your physiology to train and further to this, which training you'll be doing. There are many ways to go about this. Some use objective tests: reflexes, waking heart rate, waking temperature, certain stretch, applied kinesiology, etc.

Some use a more subjective method: they just wing it. This method is only for those who can not think about doing something and just do it. It relies on instinct and this is probably the most powerful way to train. Do what you want, when you want but most of you will fail using this method, start with a more analytical method first. This method could be likened to dowsing.

Workout Log

This is the alchemical mirror, when you show it your fuckups it will reflect gold back to you. By monitoring your diagnostic method and then charting the result you will soon learn how to use you diagnostic much more effectively, if you learn to read it properly. It can show you how you are ACTUALLY responding rather than how you THINK you are responding. There is a Hermetic equivalent but let's leave well enough alone for now.


I recently read the following in an article by Bret Contreas:

"In a recent study (McNamara et al., 2010), sixteen beginner weight-training subjects were divided into two resistance training groups. All the participants performed the same volume of training and the same rep max schemes (10RM, 15RM, and 20RM) twice a week, except one group performed the routine in a regimented fashion while the other group was allowed to choose when to perform the given workouts based on how they felt.

At the end of the 12-week training period, those who were allowed to train instinctively increased leg press strength by 62 kg compared to only a 16 kg increase in the control group."

400% motherfucker. 400% .

Why did I bother going on and on about cybernetics when this just sums up what you need to do? Because cybernetics can be used for ANYTHING, it will allow you to take back control of your life so that you get what YOU actually want from it. Why do I care? Because if you aren't out there doing what nature intended you to do then the world we all live in will suck balls, oh wait it already does, you see what I mean? Use the method for ANYTHING but most of all to discover who you REALLY are and why YOU came here. There are answers to these questions, dismissing them under the guise of some pseudo scientific atheistic hobnobbery is SOMEONE ELSE'S PROGRAM because there is tons of SCIENTIFIC data (if you're into that kind of thing) to support the position that the entire universe is a holofractal consciousness that we are all a part of. You ignore a huge mass of data because you think it's intellectually unfashionable and this results in me seeing your "intellect" as the farcical mockery of nature that it is.

You live in a tiny pinhole of reality, in two hundred years everything you believe in will have been disproven, rendered obsolete or simply forgotten because IT HAS NO MEANING. Everything is just that: a thing. Thoughts, beliefs, whatever. Is a carrot right? Should we avoid doves because they are a hoax? Can you debunk a can opener? No, it's all shit, your labels: "idealist", "communist", "blue", "five", "dog" - these are all irrelevant things that will be rendered obsolete, do not invest yourself into them, invest yourself in the only thing with a valid meaning: your existence. Or maybe that makes me an "existentialist": fuck you.

If you read this all: props. If you skimmed and/or cut to the end: you are already my slave (via power attractor), bitch.

Monday 13 August 2012

Fat and Stupid Bitches

Sometimes I wonder why I even try to help. Should I not just hoard my knowledge and use it to rape and pillage the ignorant? My name is Mars...

"Birds live for food, men live for fortune"

Today I was consulting with a woman on the health of her dog. The dog has lymphoma. After the conversation ended I wanted her dog to die as death is probably preferable to living with her. This woman is addicted to Prednisone for no reason other than she has food allergies that she will not face. Prednisone is a form of steroid for treating things like ulcerative colitis which is directly caused by diet problems (intolerances/allergies). The symptoms  of her mystery disease are the hallmarks of food intolerance: puffy swollen eyes and tongue.

Stupidity is forgivable but ignorance really gets me: she flat out said that there was no point in even trying to talk to her about the topic of either Prednisone or the pitfalls of  vegetarianism  because she is a "well researched" "health  nut".  She also would never associate with anyone who hunts (what about her dog?) and that she now has the mother loving dog on Prednisone.

"Ma'am the cure for your particular condition is a lead pill inserted directly into the brain, if you'll just step over here onto this plastic sheeting we can begin the procedure". If only we as a collective could ever be smart enough

She had the f'ing dog eating chick pea snacks, chick peas! 

I guess there is no helping some people.

Her overweight friend was trying to tell me she knew something about losing weight because she lost sixty pounds (and is still fat!). By the same token she knows something about being a fat mentally retarded bitch too. Holy shit dear reader, the commoners are not only dangerously stupid but also flat out insane.

Well, fudge 'em: they get what they deserve: abject and utter slavery and poverty of consciousness and just regular poverty too. Hahahahaha > Omitofo!

Stupid spoiled retards and their dogs. I fucking hate the dog scene. While this consultation was happening I saw a man carrying his obese golden retriever around the dog park and the fat one was explaining to me that her dog gets into the fridge and eats her broccoli, she is a dog walker by trade (I'm sorry to real tradesmen) and apparently she can't train her dog not to fuck with her stash.

Then again this is the same world with personal trainers getting fat housewives on tricep kickbacks and ellipticals. Of "Body by Vi' reps trying to attack what I do with hilariously distorted "FACTS" as he put it all because I said "Body by Vi" is a scam and that soy protein in basically poisonous. Actually lets look at that because I think we can learn something. I'll withhold his name to be nice (you know who you are ;).

His reply to my 'soy is gay and so is Vi' type commentary:

"Education Zac is the key. Don't believe North American propaganda about soy.... facts are that countries who consume the most soy... Japan, etc. have much lower risk of all cancers... FACT!! What you should be worried about is Milk loaded with hormones... but that;s another topic... doen't even help with osteoporosis likes it's touted.... Fact... countries who drink the most milk have the highest cases of osteoporosis.... FACT!! And our soy is isoflavonne free by the way.... and non GMO. I better not tell you then that excercise is actually shortening people's lives by producing large amounts of free radicals... happens primarily during exercise and digestion. Improves their quality... yet shOrtens it... weird but FACT!! So go easy on your clients... cause your cutting in to their life span... sadly. They would be better off just walking  or gardening or doing tai chi, etc. Good luck Zac! Fun chatting."

Can you believe this guy? He says education is the key, if only he knew where that word comes from. I would love to point out here that Japan and other Pacific rim, soy consuming type countries only eat FERMENTED soy products and would only eat a non-fermented soy products during times of total famine. Fermentation changes the structure of the soy protein to make it digestible by humans, obviously "Visalis" doesn't know that or maybe they just don't care.

Next milk, he has brought this up because he is trying to make a case against whey protein (I have assumed this because I didn't mention milk at all and I was initially confused as to why this was in here), firstly the hormone content of whey, if any, would be so minimal as to be without mention due to the process of manufacture. Secondly, whey isn't supposed to help with osteoporosis or contain calcium. Thirdly, being one of the four white devils, I recommend that people only drink raw milk or abandon milk entirely.

Isoflavonne free soy is okay? No, unfermented soy protein is literally anti-nutritional. If you don't beleive me: TRY IT! It fucks up your digestion bigtime. Horrible gas and bloating in most people I've consulted with who were using it and, guess what, it disappeared after they removed the soy from their diet! Amazing. Not to mention I haven't met one person yet who was using any form of soy protein that didn't have fat legs and a big fat ass. Coincidental? Fuck no: soy is estrogenic and the legs and butt are where the estrogen receptor mediated fat gain happens.

This guy, continuing to happily dig his own grave, continues. Exercise produces free radical which in turn kills you BUT it increases your quality of life. Wow, okay he says digestion and exercise cause this and he is selling what? A food product? Isn't he shortening people's lives as well? I don't even want to get into how superficial and totally laughable this is. Has no one ever heard of exercise induced SOD upregulation? Obviously not. You see, education really is the key: it makes you dumber, as it's designed to.

Plus: improves their quality of life. I would rather have a slightly shorter life in which I'm awesome and attractive and can do stuff than spend the last half of my life demented, wearing a diaper and hooked up to a dialysis machine. So although it seems like he's trying to argue against me it seems like he is proving the validity of what I do...FACT!

The last point: my clients would be better off just walking, gardening or doing tai chi. A) I have actually been in tai chi and it is good yay but there are still fat lazy pieces of crap in there. B) walking and gardening is not conducive to awesomeness, old people do these types of things and look at them: lame. John Grimek squatted 640 x 4 at seventy something years of age.

Must have been all the gardening....
There is so much more I could go into, I could literally write a book on this case. What is it that causes this type of insidious stupidity? That is a story for another time...

I hope someone gets this besides me...

Sunday 12 August 2012

Lies: Every Other Day

Classic, people accept dogma on faith, doing no research or experimentation. Say something enough times and people will believe it. "You have to pay taxes", "it's the law", "don't workout on consecutive days". All total lies: taxes are for government employees (ha and you are one and don't even know it), the law is only by agreement (of those same government employees, ever wonder why 'police' spells 'policy'?) and you can workout as much as you goddamn well please.

Perhaps I'm being too critical, I mean the dummies of the world were convinced up until very recently that echoes were the devil incarnate trying to deceive you. I shit you not good reader, the devil. As if there is such a thing. This is why science must be de-mon-strated or if you prefer: de-monster-ated, because the people of the day would accuse you of being "in league with Satan" if you seemed smarter than them; then burn you.

If you look back to the renaissance, they laughed at how primitive the people of two centuries previous were. Then during the Baroque era they laughed at the primitive renaissance and now we laugh at how primitive the Baroque era was. We are equally as primitve, in two hundred years people will look back at us and say "wow can you believe those cavemen thought that _____________? I mean it's common sense you just look at _______ and you know _________. Was everybody then retarded?" The answer is yes and if you can't recognize that we are in fact infantile morons barely scraping enough intelligence together to crawl out of cave then, you sir, are still in the cave (Plato's allegory).

But I have digressed.

Back to training.

Does a construction worker only do hard work every other day? Do roofers only carry shingles up ladders every other day? I'm sure by now you can see where I'm going with this. The three days per week bit is nothing but outdated quasi scientific dogma. Westside lifters do more workouts per week than there are days, same with Olympic lifters. Not only can you workout every day but you can workout more than once every day.

Chuck Vogelpohl works out more than three times a week - usually twelve times. I don't know what it is but something tells me it's not all that bad for you...

I'm not saying it's easy or that you won't be tired or wish you were dead but you can do it and, once you adapt to the training  frequency, get strong as fuck. As fuck I say, as fuck. That's why the aforementioned elite athletes use this type of training: it works good.

The Bulgarian weightlifting team, who is basically a collective god in the sport of Olympic lifting, was faced with a problem: a lifter's testosterone peaks after about forty five minutes of beginning their workout. Their solution is pure genius in it's simplicity: do more forty five minute workouts a day! Then you can have huge amounts of training frequency and very low acute fatigue this means the sport skills were drilled constantly to keep their groove fresh, heavy so as approximate the competition environment and fresh so that the lifter is able to put maximal output into the bar for every lift. To boot it also raises the lifters natural testosterone production like crazy. Pretty dope eh?

You can use this incredibly hardcore idea yourself despite the fact that you aren't really that hardcore. Do a bodyweight exercise four times a day, don't go to failure, always leave some in the tank, you'll need it to recover properly. If you can do 12 triangle pushups, do seven to nine - four times daily and don't blame me when you have to buy new shirts.

Looks like Sergio could use a bigger shirt.... and a smaller watchband.

I prefer that you use an exercise that generates more total body tension than pushups but what I'm saying is that even that will work. Mechanics usually have huge forearms simply because they reef on them hard everyday. Sailors, who used to have reputation for being buff before they had a reputation for being gay, often had huge lats, biceps and forearms from pulling on huge ropes and climbing rigging, which they obviously did daily. No Mon - Wed - Fri or body part split. "Sorry Cap, today is chest day", I think would've received a cool "keel haul him" from the captain.

John Grimek was almost defeated in a pressing competition by a Swedish fisherman who, daily, lifted huge steel baskets over his head (with a curl grip too!).

JOhn Grimek,
Moral of this story? You're a bitch, bitch. Get the fuck out there and do some shit and for the love: de-learn yourself. It's the only hope we have.

Saturday 4 August 2012

Therefore, vicariously, I am a medalist

The Olympics, a puppet show of savage and primitive hypocrisy, pseudo-nationalism and ego stroking vicarious achievement. I am talking to you, O viewer. "Caring" about sport for the first time in four years, feeling overwhelmed with national pride when one of "your" athletes wins a medal.

You are scum and you should know it. I don't hate you, if I did I would ignore you but because I have faith in man I extend the olive branch of introspection in the hopes that someday we can move beyond such vampiric savagery into a new world of real human beings.

Because I am not interested into this discussion halfway through. let me lay out what the issues with the "armchair athlete/corporate citizen" actually are. I will do this in a very basic point format for easy skimming because it is unlikely you have the requisite attention span for anything more in depth than the "cliff's notes" version:

- You, the viewer, did absolutely NOTHING to assist in the winning of any Olympic event and as such d o not deserve to fell any modicum of satisfaction other than totally fictional satisfaction and that is, well, pathetic. Why not just invent some other fiction to feel pride for? Like maybe a fictional scenario in which YOU actually DID SOMETHING.

- Canada, or any nation for that matter, is a corporate entity; not too long ago Canada was listed on the American Securities Exchange Commission website as being an AMERICAN OWNED and publicly traded CORPORATION. So the pride you feel in Canada might as well be for Walmart or Monsanto or Pepsi. Further to this, what exactly did the corporation actually do for the athletes there supposedly representing them? In Canada: jack shit. Zip, nothing, nada. Oh wait they flew them there and gave them some rags to wear, what a good deal. Sounds like cheap advertising to me.

- You are vampiring off of their (the athletes) success. They worked hard and got up at 5:00 am for practice and spent 10 hrs a day in the pool and you suck them dry for it. In certain orders of Taoism there is an understanding that when another person so much as looks at you they can steal your energy (kids know this). This whole Olympic circus is designed to suck the power of the whole body of athletes who, arguably, are the most powerful people on earth.

- National pride is equivalent to racial pride. If you are black and a black athlete wins a medal amid a  slew of non black competitors and you feel good about him having represented the awesomeness of blacks everywhere, you sir would be a racist (by today's craziness). Or did me using a black subject short out your socially programmed racism detector? Let's try again: you are white person of Nordic descent, a white Nordic athlete wins amid a slew of black, Hispanic and Chinese competitors and you feel proud that this white Nordic represented the awesomeness of white nordic people. Sound racist now? Well neither of them is racist! Yet they both are! Nationalism is founded on even less than a racial connection and yet it is acceptable?

- You don't know the athletes, they don't know you. They did not go to the Olympics to represent you. They to represent themselves and the HUGE amount of time, fortitude and commitment THEY made for THEMSELVES to get there. You are living vicariously through THEIR awesomeness and because you have invested in no way to get them there, you are a thief.

Gimme dat pride homie!

I could go on and on about how ludicrous the Olympic psycho-social phenomena is but I'd just be adding to the dirge of Olympic themed propaganda out there. Really it's not up to me, I can point out this or that until I'm blue in the face but YOU are the problem and YOU are responsible to fix yourself.

I suggest facing the fact that you are in fact not your own owner. You are in fact a weak, externally manipulated thing, a willing robot in the care of a an uncaring master who is so desperate for some grain of personal power/satisfaction that you are more than willing to steal it from those who have made it for themselves.