Here is my favourite: "we won World War 2".
Who did?
Aren't there no winners in war as it is an affront to our collective dignity? Doesn't a huge apocalyptic war only show how laughably weak and insecure we are? There is a very good reason for this total lack of reason.
"The Nazis were evil." - this is the reason my great grandmother, who survived WW2 in Scotland, gave me when asked "why did they not just stay home?".
Okay well, I am by no means a fan of Nazis nor am I advocating any of their policies; in fact I am writing this to expose and resist Nazi policy as it has become incarnate in the social policy of our modern nations. Let's start with some hilarious facts about the NSDAP (Nazis).
- in it's infancy and right up to the outset of "total war", the NSDAP was bank rolled by American and British interests (same with the Bolsheviks, but that's another story).
- These interests include Prescott Bush via the Harriman Bank, IBM, Kodak, General Motors, Ford (more on that in a bit), Standard Oil, Chase Bank (now Chase Manhattan), members of the American state department as well as a host of others
- The American military, facing Nazi forces in France, were shocked to find the Nazis using Ford trucks! Ford was building vehicles for the Nazis until the end of the war and Ford was even involved in legal proceedings against the US government for bombing one of their factories on German occupied territory (that was building vehicles for the Nazis).
The much beloved Winston Churchill, who starved 6 million Bengalese to death in 1943, said: “You must understand that this war [WWII] is not against Hitler or National Socialism, but against the strength of the German people, which is to be smashed once and for all, regardless whether it is in the hands of Hitler or a Jesuit priest.”
So we have here one of the supposed primary opponents of Nazism saying that he doesn't oppose Nazism or Hitler: he just doesn't like the Germans very much. Interesting. The fact that he doesn't oppose national socialism becomes quite obvious if you look at the modern political bent of Britain. They are socialist now and therefore, vicariously, so is Canada and probably Australia and New Zealand as well (definitely actually but let's go slow). Canada and these other countries are technically a "constitutional monarchy" as represted by the Queen having a representative in each country called the Governor General who lives on land technically outside the land governed by the respective nation.
I'll skip over the fiefdom aspect of this and what a feofee is.
The long and short of it is that despite being superficially against the Nazis, the power brokers of America, Canada and England were actually quite enamored with national socialism. When the war ended they held the Nuremberg Trials which were an absolute farce, it was merely a show for the public to make it look like some form of justice was being served instead of the wanton cronyism that was actually playing out. You see only ten people were executed. Ten! That's seems kind of low for a supposed genocide of six million Jews (although there is actually a disturbingly small amount of evidence that supports this).
What was happening behind the scenes is that Nazis of any real use or importance were being whisked away to America and the rest were "escaping" with the aid of the Vatican (!) to South America, most notably Argentina (one of the potential sites of the then prospective state of Zion/Israel!!). This was all done under the now declassified "Operation Paperclip". Ardent Nazis were given new names and given cushy defense jobs in America. The CIA, when first created in 1948, had it's "Soviet Desk" entirely staffed by "ex"-Nazis.
So I ask at this juncture: who really "lost"? Certainly the German people were totally f'd, no question there and a token few of the Nazi political hierarchy were punished but by and large the Nazi thinkers were practically rewarded for their work. What?
So let's think about this: the heavyweights of Anglo-American/British society are in favour (they paid for it!) of national socialism and they help the most intelligent and "ardent" (actual paperclip description of Werner Von Braun) escape the horror and starvation of post war Germany to luxurious lives and interesting new jobs in their given fields of expertise in America. Hmm, so again: who lost? It would seem that we did.
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I watched a documentary once in which a Canadian vet was was PISSED that they sent him and his fellows into combat with bolt action rifles. Where did all that "Victory Bond" money go? |
We, the people of the warring states, paid with our lives, our (basically slave) labour, our war bonds, our very existence so that the industrialists, bankers and "ardent Nazis" could profit in a way previously unheard of. The worst and most despicable part of this is how the policies of Nazism have ever so slowly corrupted everything from our government to our very understanding of who we are as individuals.
This vile and pernicious corruption can be seen everywhere. From anti-smoking legislation, a Hitler original idea, to gun control, we are steeped in the social policies of the NSDAP. The fundamental defining factor is that in national socialism, you are not an individual, you are a state owned and controlled asset that exists merely for the benefit the state can derive form you. This is why our "freedoms" are being curtailed constantly. The government/crown has taken out an insurance policy on your life, hence seatbelts and "smoking is bad".
Sidenote: Smoking is only bad because tobacco is filled with propane exhaust. Tobacco leaves are dried in containers heated with propane and not vented properly. This results in every leaf of tobacco being steeped in all kinds of toxic crap that naturally would be absent, not the least of which is the radioactive and extremely toxic Polonium 210 which was implicated in the death of secret agent Victor Litvenko. This, as far as I can tell has been done on purpose, insofar as the companies that do this are aware of it and do nothing to change it. Smoking has it's place in a toolbox of natural remedies, it can be used to reduce kapha from an ayurvedic standpoint. Individual constitutions vary, so to categorically say that smoking is bad is simply wrong. Not to mention so are car interiors, paint thinner, Tylenol and flouride and those are all plenty legal and okay.
The world, through UN soft law, is being transformed in to the Fourth Reich. Do you find it coincidental that the UN was formed right after WW2? If so, then you sir are a coincidence theorist. It was done on purpose with the full and known intent to bring about a world wide socialist government that owns your body, your land and all possessions, resources, etc. Sounds crazy perhaps but I am going to argue that to a very large extent this has already happened.
Benito Mussolini one said "Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power." Hmm, really, so if your country is corporation then what does than mean? News flash everyone: our "countries" are little more than feedlots and are very much corporations. We live in facist state already, in the US congress there is an image of an eagle clutching a fascia. Canada is registered as a corporation with the American Security Exchange Commission, AS AN AMERICAN COMPANY. So are our courts and all the provinces.
The Nazis won WW2 as they were little more than puppets of America and Britain. You have not done your homework and as such are complicit to one of the greatest scams in history. You want to see something hilarious?
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A wonder plane of the modern era, advanced American innovation. |