Printed Guns
"Having read this article, I was amused at the prospect of printing my own AR lower receivers because they are certifiably a bitch to machine. What I was not amused by was the general tone of the article: this idea is scary.Scary? Your a fucking coward, coward. People buy guns at hardware stores in the US. Everybody and their dog has a gun and THIS is what scares you?? I recommend moving to Sweden or some other equally bitch like and castrated European socialist work camp if the idea of printing guns scares you.
Next the article states that, Mr. Wilson, after having announced his intent to print guns with a Stratasys 3D printer he had aquired, had his printer repossessed by Stratasys. It sounds like Stratasys is a company populated with estrogenic, mush brained zombies and like I would never do business with them unless paid handsomely and was able to mock their ignorance openly.
Next the author uses subtle insinuation. Check these strange inclusions:
"I wasn’t sure what to make of him. He checked his phone every 10 seconds. He had a hard time making eye contact. Every other sentence ended with “Do you know what I mean?”" - my god he's a terrorist! Anybody stop to think that maybe this guy had a really tenuous hold on his girl and that the phone checking and eye contact thing had something to do with that or some other personal thing that has nothing to do with anything the author has any business writing about? Or maybe that the author had no business writing about this guy in this way because it's totally irrelevant to the piece? Is this reporting or an editorial, does anyone even know the difference anymore?
"Printing a lower receiver takes seven hours, but there is something particularly ominous about seeing the ARS plastic begin to take shape as the lower receiver is born." - ominous huh? Wait this is the same coward from earlier!
"It’s either exciting or scary–or perhaps both–and that polarity is something Wilson recognizes, and which he knows how to bend to his advantage." - bending fear to his advantage? Isn't the author of this article doing just that, however subtle?
"He’s created his own world in this mission, where friends or law school grades take a backseat to the message." - insinuating he's delusional perhaps? Or divorced from reality maybe? I mean: his grades man, what could be more important than an imaginary and arbitrary grading system? Oh also he's on a mission in his fantasy world, apparently, claimeth the author.
"It’s impossible to know where that mission will end..." - oh and some foreboding.
"It all made for a rather confusing week in Texas, during which we were often alone with just Wilson, who appears to have few distractions outside of his work" - holy shit your mommy (or nanny or what the fuck is this guy talking about?) left you alone with this fantasy mission obsessed, fear wielding manipulative terrorist who could snap at any moment, the indicators for which are that he doesn't conform to your idea of how a person should talk or make eye contact? Jesus fuck: good thing there are all those drones flying over American soil, this guy needs to be executed without trial under Obama's executive order!
I find it humorous that people read articles like this and don't pick up on subtlety. What a pack of fools.
Erin Lee Carr, read this: you suck and are a terrible, manipulative and disgusting person. Your gutless insinuations and vaguely anti gun sentiments are the hallmark of someone who is so laughably weak as to be an insult to all humanity, I would say 'may god have mercy on your soul' but, if god were real, I wouldn't want him (her/it whatever) to.
Hopefully your fingers and vocal cords (and will to live) will be destroyed in some kind of freak industrial accident involving acid and you will be forever silenced from spreading your diseased, commu-socialist groupthink forever.
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Canada is full of them. |
or one ounce of faith in anything you're about - Fuck you all""