So "a bunch of pissed off Muslims with sand in their vaginas" (- Mr. Garrison) hijacked some (decommissioned!?) jets and flew them into various targets. Case closed. I mean they had that whole 9/11 investigation commission thing that put this whole business to rest, right?
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Why then is this man being executed by very expensive and highly trained professional killers? Because he uncovered some information about the sheep herding, mud brick house living in, still using pack animals to transport goods Muslims that carried out one of the most effective attacks against American home turf?
If the whole thing was so simple as "Muslims did it" then who would care about what some "crazy conspiracy guy" thought he had uncovered?
Maybe people shouldn't be so stupid.
An example of this stupidity: how many of you have made, let alone burned, thermite? A show of hands please.... that's what I thought. So how many of you know anything about thermite? Exactly. So how many of you can make an informed decision, based on reasonable observation, of what you are seeing in photos of ground zero? Exactly.
I could use the same line of questioning about literally dozens of related topics connected to this issue. The simple fact of the matter is that your opinion of what happened is only that: an opinion. Not a fact, a supposition based on your now obvious lack of expertise and experience.
The funny thing that there are literally thousands of experienced experts in their respective feilds that have serious qualms with the party line on the topic of the collapse of certain buildings in New York on a certain day. Literally thousands of people with better educations and more experience in relevant topics than you. It would likely be judged as heinously and monumentally ignorant to ignore the professional observations of highly trained and skilled professionals and to suppose that your opinion is right.
Before you jump into the orgy mentality of "conspiracy theory" saying, let us consider: what is a conspiracy and what isn't?
Conspiracy Theory:
"the idea that many important political events or economic and social trends are the products of secret plots that are largely unknown to the general public" -
Well okay, now we are talking. By this definition, this means that the grocery store is operated by via conspiracy. Same with the gas station, hey all of the oil industry for that matter. The entertainment industry too, oh and pharmaceuticals. Wait it seems like almost all industry is run by small cadres of important people making decisions behind closed doors..... because it is run by small groups of influential people making decisions behind closed doors!!
You would realize this if you had thought about this... ever!
"These capitalists generally act harmoniously and in concert, to fleece the people." - Abe Lincoln
"In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way. " F. D. Roosevelt
"Things do not happen. Things are made to happen." - John Kennedy
Jesus fuck you all are stupid. Do you know what Neuro Linguistic Programming is? It's the control of your mind via language. People say "conspiracy theory" as though it meant "untrue", but it doesn't, "conspiracies" power the commercial world and are a part of your everyday life. YOU participate in conspiracies everyday! They are the rule rather than the exception.
You have been programmed to think "A" means "G" when it doesn't. That "conspiracy" means "crazy" when it doesn't.
The funny part is that you rely on social programming so heavily that you don't question the information coming in, you just totally absorb it without question. Then again you just stuff yourself with whatever is put in front of you and labelled as food without thought as well.
Here's a plot largely unknown to the general populace. Apparently Obama will "cry" when American children are "shot by a lone crazy" BUT he has absolutely no problem arming children and sending them into battle for money. Is this a conspiracy? In a manner of speaking yes, but in another manner of speaking no.
You see most of what is done by the world power elite (term borrowed from "They Live") is done right out in the open so that no one can cry "conspiracy!" and actually be right about it. For instance I was told by someone that the idea that you don't own the land you buy is "just a conspiracy theory". Obviously this person never read the statutes governing this issue at a Land Titles office. It says in plain English (because you're supposed to understand it) that you merely purchase the right to use the surface of the land under limits. This means you only own a proprietary right to "your" property (which is the right to use), which is actually owned by the Queen.
So it's conspiracy huh? So then every Land Titles office in the land is in on it and doing a hilariously miserable job of keeping it a secret because they print it in the fist few pages of the titles list? I don't fucking think so. Virtually all of what you miserable intellectual "proles" (borrowed from Orwell's '1984') think is a "conspiracy theory", which in your vernacular means "untrue", is openly admitted in the PUBLIC documents put out by your respective governments! The issue is that you have never bothered to read them.
How stupid should that make you feel? Fucking. It'll get much worse when, after having read some of your country's statutes, you figure out that they aren't written in English. They are written in legal English, which has a whole separate dictionary and is in fact a separate language that uses the same words as the degenerate slang English you speak. You thought you knew what 'includes' means? Uh uh. Or how about 'understand'? Nope. You are in for some big shit my droogies.
“I know you believe you understand what you think I said. But I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.” - Alan Greenspan (Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve)
“If I say something which you understand fully in this regard, I probably made a mistake.” - Alan Greenspan, again.
A whole world of wackiness awaits those intrepid enough to explore it.