When "they" detonated the first nuclear bomb "in modern times"( - Rob Oppenheimer), they weren't sure if the fission reaction would peter out and stop. They exploded the fucking thing without knowing if they would in fact destroy either A) the Earth or B) the universe. Not to mention no one considered that maybe refining so much weapons grade fissile material and then building it into weapons was maybe not in the best interest of mankind or really all of life on Earth.
But the soviets!
Yeah total annihilation of all life on Earth, with the exception of micro organisms and cockroaches, is preferable to being communist. For sure. You know because that was our only choice.... (venomous sarcasm)
Good lord humans: how could you be so stupid as to keep buying this same shitty product over and over and over again? "Oh it's election time, time to go decide our fate"....
In case no one noticed THEY'RE ALL THE SAME! (Check the total carbs of any of the three products above) Boy George (Bush) brought in draconian "national security" changes that rendered privacy from the state a luxury for the rich and well connected. Obama, who is supposed to be a member of the opposition, furthered that same agenda so that now he can kill Americans at home and abroad with no trial, no oversight, nothing, just that HE wants them dead (and we supposedly "defeated" communism AND national socialism??). Here is a very well gaurded secret: Pepsi and Coke are controlled by the same investors, not publicly of course but they are: they're the same shit.
"That sounds bullshitty"..... is what everyone would say if they could hear you thinking (oh snap). Here is why someone would do that: no matter what you make money, regardless of which brand is most popular; and you can play the two off each other to drive up sales. Ever wonder why sports is such a big business? The reason I just said. The illusion of conflict.
If I've said it once I've said it a thousand times: there are people who make shit tons of money off of studying your behavior and then exploiting it. READ: YOU ARE BEING EXPLOITED FOR MONEY. But what do you care, right? You don't have any self respect or dignity left, you went to school and have TV. All you have now is the frail husk that is ego which is oh so easy to control. But lo! You know better, you're above average, you are more perceptive than others, you aren't being exploited, you're smarter than that. Nope, you just think that, probably because you are in fact incredibly stupid. Thus making you even easier prey.
"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free." - Johnny Goethe
"The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits." - Einstein
"The greatest deception men suffer is from their own opinions." - Leo da Vinci
"Blinding ignorance does mislead us. O! Wretched mortals, open your eyes!" - Leo da Vinci
"The more I learn, the more I learn how little I know." - Socrates
"The more you know, the less you understand." - Lao-Tse
"The longer I live, the more it grieves me to see man, who occupies his supreme place for the veiy purpose of imposing his will upon nature, and freeing himself and his from an outrageous necessity, — to see him taken up with some false notion, and doing just the opposite of what he wants to do; and then, because the whole bent of his mind is spoilt, bungling miserably over everything." - Johnny Goethe
I'm incredibly stupid: I do things that are so stupid they would baffle most of you. I ask not that you elevate yourself to the level of a superman, that would be unfair because unless I was a superman I'd be quite the hypocrite. All I ask is that you actually think, I ask that you actually read about things that make you uncomfortable and accept that there are some really smart and evil people out there who have plans that may not be in your best interest and that they will seek to use you to further their plans.
Here are some examples: imagine you had an unfair advantage at track and feild in which you, due an inherited genetic abnormality, have supernormal athletic ability, like you were just naturally on trenbolone and modafinil and EPO all the time. Would you A) fucking lay a raping at the Olympics, get tons of chicks and endorsement deals, play professional sports and be the worlds strongest millionaire? Or B) not do that because you would have an unfair advantage over the other competitors?
Give me a break. So if you had an IQ of some ridiculous number wouldn't you pretty much do the same thing? Use your advantage to further you own end at the expense of others? Fuck yeah you would!!
Don't you think there are people already like that, doing that? With even more who actually are on tren, modafinil and EPO who will do anything to get an advantage over you? Durr people!
Do you think that maybe politics is one method by which these people might try to further their own agenda? I mean fucking musicians use a a shit ton of drugs to help them be more creative, so much so that it's a cliche! Listen to some Christian rock sometime and tell me honestly that doing drugs doesn't make you a way fucking better musician.
“You Show Me a Good Loser, And I’ll Show You a Loser” - George Steinbrenner (this quote is credited to a shit load of different people)
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"I smell calzone! Costanza! Costanza's in the building!" |
Just because you may be "too moral to cheat" does not mean others are and aren't cheating their fucking asses off. It is like this in every genre of human achievement. You have to watch for this because for you to be able guide your own life and do what is right for you you'll have to discern what is best for you from what you think (which usually a conditioned response) is best for you. I mean look at the astronauts: most of them are/were Freemasons. Is that unfair to non-freemasons trying to become astronauts? Probably. But they don't give a fuck about you.
No one does. The only person who is going to give two fucks about your success is you and you had better do whatever it is that you believe you need to do to get what you want because no one else cares. If what you're doing isn't working you're going to have to do something else, don't be Einstein's lunatic and expect different results from doing the same stupid shit over and over again. You must change and adapt to your own expectations. For the love of whatever it is you love don't stymie yourself with groundless opinions on how things are or what is "okay". I'm not saying become a total psychopath and do things that are flat out wrong, we have enough of those already. They are the villainous politicians, CEOs, mafia leaders and bankers that have made this world the polluted, backwards, hillbilly fuckfest that it is. They aren't totally to blame either, YOU bought their shitty products!! You're a fucking part of it AND are responsible for the ensuing shitshow too.
Anyhow: don't fuck around. If you suck: hang yourself and get the fuck off my planet.