Firstly this article is British. Is it any surprise the most estrogenic nation on Earth is trying to blame something for their weakness? Probably not, these fuckers think gardening is a workout.
Next: bad backs? Who the fuck has a bad back? This guy?
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Andy is deadlifting over a grand here, guess what? He's British and obviously a credit their otherwise bitchlike race. |
It would seem that our 'evolutionarily defective' spines are quite badass if you aren't a crumpet eating faggot (proper use of the term).
The problem is that scientists are just as stupid as everyone else, they can only think within the confines of the information they have encountered. By vice of the fact that the nature of the human physical experience is infinitesimal compared to the reality we actually encounter and the fact that scientists are too stupid to recognize themselves in the reality they are subjectively observing; scientists have no business making such ridiculous suppositions as we have 'defective' parts.
Fallen arches: this is a functional issue of the individuals ability to use their body properly. This is like saying that being fat is a genetic inheritance. "But it is!!" - if you think this: get your weak mind and fat ass off my fucking blog and ritually incinerate yourself, you are what's wrong with our planet you poisonous sack of wasted atoms.
Being fat is a result of your choices, if you think you've tried everything you are fucking liar. You can't live long enough to try everything. Plus have you ever tried speed and steroids? That's what I thought: you haven't done everything you're just stupid. But hey, I'm just a beligerent sociopath who gets his kicks flaunting his inherited genetic superiority over the genetically inferior right? Yeah, you're right, hey you're probably fat because of evolution.
Back to your feet, there have been studies done on populations that don't wear shoes and how their feet are structurally VERY different from ours.
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Peep the toe spread: do your feet look like this? Do any British people's feet look like this? |
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This is what happens when you tie up someone's skull. |
It must have been evolution that made these skulls defective. These people must have evolved bound skulls. It's not their fault, it's evolutions fault.
The modern human as we understand him lives as a domesticated creature, hence our biology, which is not designed to deal with such bizarre circumstances, interferes with our otherwise normal functioning. I mean think: was the human spine designed to sit at a computer all day? No. Were your shoulders built to climb or mouse? Not hard.
Maybe, just maybe, your defective bodyparts aren't defective until you wreck them with stupidity and laziness? Hmmm?
This brings us to teeth. "Your wisdom teeth must be a genetic problem" - no, you just don't know anything about humans. Not really surprising given the depth of total ignorance and the corresponding arrogance rampant in the modern mind.
Weston A. Price, a dentist, went a on a mission to provide dentistry to all the poor, disheveled huddled masses of the third world. what he found when he arrived astonished him and shook the core of western though so violently that most of you are still walking around in shock induced amnesia.
Price discovered that teeth were onlt fucked up in populations that ate the "white man's food": pasteurized milk, white flour, processed white sugar, white "salt" (pure sodium chloride), which Price eventually labelled "the four white devils". In "primitive" societies lacking in the white man's foodstuffs people had beautiful teeth with virtually none of the dental issues so common in our "learned" first world. Simply because they ate good foods that didn't totally destroy their physiology.
As a hilarious sidenote: this idea that our insanely stupid diet of refined poisonous drugs causes a shitload of otherwise avoidable problems is also reinforced by the fact that Massai (sp?) women of Africa experience virtually no birthing pains and think of childbirth as a relatively easy process that one does alone and inside a tree. These people eat meat and drink unpasteurized milk mixed with blood. No pizza, no pasta, no rice, no fucking grains period.
"But where do their B vitamins come from?" I hear the slightly (mis)educated quip. Liver dumbass. People who are smarter than you eat organ meats and reap the huge benefits of their ingestion. In fact these easily digestable meats contain, surprise, all the stuff your body needs to function properly. If you eat a whole animal you will be a whole animal. Durr, idiots, durr.
This asinine article continues to make laughable and embarrassing spectacle of itself: "Prof Jeremy DeSilva of Boston University said that our feet would be much more effective if they resembled the "blades" used by paraplegic runners".
Jeremy Desilva: you are in the wrong profession my friend, I think comedy would be more suited to your particular "talents".
A human foot does resemble a blade use by parapelegic runners: it is a tensegrity blade consisting of, like all tensegrity structures, both rigid and elastic portions, you stupid fucks. Just like the carbon fiber and resin tensegrity structure of the disabled athletes blade. Ever look at how a dogs hind leg works? Why not? You're a fucking PROFESSOR, maybe you should, you know, study first. (Edit: people are too weak and stupid to use their feet properly, the human must lean forward to run properly and utilize the tensegrity nature of the foots design, see the book "Chi Running")
Tensegrity is the reason the human spine is looked at as a bungle of evolution instead of the zigguraut of virtually angelic design that it actually is. Very few actually understand what the spine is and how it works, let alone HOW to use it PROPERLY. Andy Bolton, pictured above, is hoisting a weight that some engineers say should easily destroy his spine, yet it does not and Andy probably has less back pain than the fucking pencilnecked faggots (proper sense) who both study evolution and write articles about it.
"Because evolution acts by making small, often jerry-rigged modifications to pre-existing structures, and our lineage has been bipedal for a mere 5 million years, there are medical consequences for turning an ape foot into a human one."
So why is it that an inanimate designer, such as evolution is posited to be, is spoken of as having engaged in an "act" which is a decidedly animistic function? Why is it that no one can see the ridiculousness of the languaging being used here? I mean "jerry rigging" is the "act" of an intelligence attpmting to cause a favourable outcome within a given set of parameters. Evolution is being ascribed the "acts" of an intelligence, a consciousness. Isn't this the opposite of what it is and how it allegedly works?
A veritable orgy of idiocy propagated and indulged in by total fools. If you buy this garbage, don't be surprised if you become garbage. Don't forget the programming maxim: "garbage in, garbage out".
Don't fuck around.