Wednesday 4 December 2013

AGLC = Nazism

For those of you who are unaware, Alberta - the corporate entity, contains within it's rotten and diseased corpus an unlawful yet "legal" monopolistic, fascist depository of the worst scum humankind has to offer. Now this could be the preamble to any one facet of Alberta's corrupt and ridiculous human farming company but the specific unlawful, fascist, corporate monopoly I'm talking about is the 'Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission' or AGLC.

Canada on the whole has had a seriously fucked up relationship with alcohol, this is poignantly illustrated if you read this Wiki article about the history of the AGLC.

This article is amazing, so let's get this straight: Albertans vote to ban alcohol, then can't stick to their decision, making their ban a massive failure and bringing about the predecessor to the AGLC and effectively putting the control of alcohol in the hands of the state. The state doesn't drink: humans do. Why the fuck did this happen? Are people actually this stupid? Baffling...

I am inclined, from viewing the situation from the outside, to say this is an obvious cash/power grab by the government/mafia. I mean let's apply the most basic and fundamental tenet of investigative journalism: follow the money/power. Who stands to benefit the most from a liquor control board? Is it A) the people, or B) the governing bodies? Not hard.

"But we need to make sure alcohol doesn't end up in the hands of children"

No we don't dummy, kids in France can buy booze - it's not an issue. Further there is hoards of evidence that shows that the social problems we have that are caused by alcohol are made much worse by control/prohibition. This doesn't stop at alcohol, drugs too. Check out Portuguese drug policy.

Further - humans have an interesting subconscious drive, psychologists call it the 'Thanatos Instinct', this drive causes people to seek out things that would be detrimental to their overall wellbeing. As in: people will be bad on purpose, just for the sake. If you tell people liqour or drugs are 'bad' they seek it out more than if you put no label on it. Look at college students: crazy binge drinking right? Why? Because they can. They were prohibited from doing it and now they are allowed to, and worse, they have a "fuck you" kind of attitude towards being told not to do it the first place. So they drink with vengeance because you told them not to.

This is basic psychology. Anyone who is even a reasonably good observer of human behaviour can see this in action. Duh people, duh. The worst part is that the government and corporate world have known about this forever and have been exploiting your dumb ass this whole time. Graphic warning labels on cigarettes sell more cigarettes!

Then we get to the issue of ID.

Let me see your papers!

I am not required to carry ID nor am I required to have it at all, or provide it - ever. Why? Because it's my fundamental human right to identify myself as whatever the fuck I want, whenever I want. No state has any right to require me to identify myself in any particular way.

The AGLC doesn't care about your rights because they require that you must physically posses a government issued picture identification card. What if I don't have one because I am not a member of any government other than myself? My right to engage in commerce is harmed because of someone else's insanely twisted morality. As in: I can't buy a Guinness from their brewery in Ireland, which should be a private transaction between two parties, because the AGLC will send armed mercenaries after me. Literally.

 Why does this sound like some kind of Nazi-esque totalitarian insanity? Because it literally is. When the state tells you what to do instead of the other way around you have socialism, the word 'Nazi' is an abbreviation from the German term for 'national socialist'. Nazism is socialism and socialism is Nazism. Which makes the AGLC Nazis.

I don't like Nazis. In fact it could be said that I fundamentally oppose them. One may even say that the mere fact that the AGLC exists is corporeal proof that most humans are dangerous, mentally deranged Nazis. At least in Alberta anyway... and eighteen American states.

It doesn't end with them just being fascist control mongers either, they're also a government sponsored unlawful scam!

How about this craziness from Wiki:

"Although liquor is retailed in Alberta by private interests on a competitive basis, like its predecessor the AGLC has maintained a monopoly over the wholesaling of wine, coolers, imported beer and spirits. The AGLC is the wholesale-level purchaser of these products and thus Albertan liquor taxes (which are still high compared to taxes in the U.S.) are termed as the liquor markup. The wholesaling operation itself is mostly handled by Connect Logistics, a contract distributor based in St. Albert. Maintaining a monopoly over the wholesale business allows the AGLC to maintain tighter controls over liquor distribution than an entirely privatized system would allow. In particular it allows the Government of Alberta to ensure that it does not miss out on any "markup" (the bulk of the liquor tax in any Canadian province, including Alberta is the provincial liquor markup)."

The have a monopoly and they charge "markup" (supposedly "not for profit") AND they're run by the government. Monopoly = scam, markup for a non-profit = scam, not for profit = scam, government = scam. Do I need to make this any more clear? The AGLC is fucking Albertans in the ass and calling it a government service. It's the same as calling rape a service: "There you are - all "serviced" up, oh and by the way that will be twenty dollars".

If you meet someone who works for these assholes - berate them for selling out man and his integrity and for being a Nazi stooge and finally for being legally entitled rapist. Then you should suggest that they hang themselves. The "Board" members should be tried, convicted and imprisoned for their crimes against humanity. They are criminals and should be treated as such.

Don't let the Nazis win: DOWN WITH THE AGLC!

Wednesday 13 November 2013

Training: Don't Fuck Around

An Example of How 98% of the Population has Severe Cognitive Dysfunction

People who workout usually are concerned with their diet, even if it is a simple concern such as: get enough protein. Obviously there are others who are much more involved as evidenced by the plethora of bodybuilding type supplements that are now available everywhere. People who buy these types of "supplements" are in fact retarded.

What could possibly prompt someone to buy this shit? Oh BTW it's filled with a meth type stimulant. METH!

Seriously people what you need is food not chemical powders. If you really think you need some kind special edge - take steroids, it's cheaper, easier and apparently more effective. Even better EAT SOME FUCKING FOOD YOU IDIOTS. You don't need to take this type of shit - even whey protein is basically irrelevant. Yes, I'll put this in caps so you can read it again: WHEY PROTEIN IS BASICALLY IRRELEVANT.

The issue is that you are so stupid that it hurts you and you don't know what a human is supposed to eat. The humans with the best eyesight and cardiovascular health of any populace in the world, the Inuit (which means 'eaters of the meat'), eat dead seals - raw and fresh. You can watch this on Tony Bourdain's show. I have to reiterate, again, BEST CARDIOVASCULAR HEALTH OF ANY POPULATION. Interestingly enough this isn't because these guys run seven days a week, (running is so fucking terrible for most people it stands as a testament to how stupid you all are) it's because they eat ORGANS.

"Eww, gross, I don't like that, it sounds gross" Well fuck you - suck then, see how much I care dummy.

Let us, the superior humans, explore some interesting tidbits of scientific exploration:

"IN THE MEDICAL publication called Proceedings of the Society of Experimental Biology and Medicine for the month of July, 1951, B. H. Ershoff, M.D., described a fantastic experiment he performed with rats in order to test an anti-fatigue diet. He had an idea that there is something in liver that might produce energy. He used 3 groups of rats, feeding them for 12 week as much as they wanted of 3 different diets. The first group ate a basic diet, fortified with 9 synthetic and 2 natural vitamins. The second group ate this same diet, vitamins and all, with a plentiful supply of vitamin B complex added. The third group ate the original fortified diet, but instead of vitamin B complex, 10 percent desiccated liver was added to their ration.
Desiccated liver must not be confused with extract of liver which is used in the treatment of anemia. Desiccated liver is the entire liver of selected, healthy cattle -- liver that has been freed of external connective tissue and fat, and dried in a vacuum at a temperature far below the boiling point so as to conserve as much of the nutritional content as possible. The final, powdered or tableted product is about one-fourth by weight of the fresh raw liver.
The first group of rats, which was given the ordinary diet, showed the least amount of growth in 12 weeks. The second group that received the extra B vitamins, experienced a little higher rate of growth in that period. But the third set which, instead of the additional B complex, was given the desiccated liver, grew about 15 percent more than group one.
Then Dr. Ershoff tested his rat subjects for fatigue. They were placed one by one into a drum of water from which they could not climb out. They had to keep swimming or drown.
The rats on the original diet, which was well fortified with vitamins, swam for an average of 13.3 minutes before they gave up. The second group of rats, which had the added fortification of the ample B vitamins of brewer's yeast, swam for 13.4 minutes before giving up. Of the last group of rats, 3 swam for 63, 83, and 87 minutes. The other 9 rats of this group, the ones that had the desiccated liver, were still swimming vigorously at the end of 2 hours when the test was terminated. In other words, the rats that had received desiccated liver could swim almost 10 times as long as the others, without becoming tired." - Source

Science at work killing animals for our benefit.

Hey this article doesn't even mention that liver contains more protein per pound than ANY meat.

"The liver is what filters out toxic materials so eating it is bad because it's like eating a filter" People who use this logic have basically signed up for a moron badge, give them one if they say this to you. The liver isn't a filter moron, it's a processing plant. It destroys toxic materials, it negates them. It does this with an incredibly diverse array of chemical processes and what better place to get the materials required for the chemical processes of DE-toxification in the liver than from liver itself? Duh dummies, you are so stupid it amazes people like me that you can get your clothes on right.

If you're too much of a whiny bitch to eat liver, just say "I'm too much of a whiny bitch" - I'll respect you more for your insight.

Whoop On

I'll spell out 'weight training' very simply for everyone.

If you more closely resemble a T-Rex (stocky with short limbs, long torso) do this: Overhead Press (from chin height), Squats, Bench Press and Rows.

If you more closely resemble a grey alien, do this: Overhead Press (from chin height), Deadlift, Dips and Chins.

Good deadlifting build.

Give your self ten minutes on the OH Press and Squats/Deadlifts and get as many singles, doubles or triples as you can, next time try to beat it. For the bench/rows and dips/chins, alternate between them for ten minutes getting as many sets in as you can. Set a benchmark volume for each ten minute block (e.g. 40 OH presses in ten minutes) when you reach your benchmark go up in weight and start over. When you stop making progress switch to the other program (alien or t-rex) for a few weeks.

This is admittedly a grossly simplistic formula but most people are grossly stupid and it will work despite said gross stupidity, you will get stronger and more muscular - guaranteed.

Monday 11 November 2013

The Socio-Collective Death of the Individual Human, Why it Sucks 1.0

I was visiting a local metaphysical bookstore, having inquired about the availability of adjustable pendulums for use with Radisthesia, I was met by the stores apparently quite knowledgeable owner (he knew what I was talking about). We had an interesting conversation, until he brought up the idea of the "ego death", then I became a little dismayed.

The ego death is an idea in what some would label as occultism, the idea being that until you destroy your sense of self you will not be in command of any of the 'higher' forces (such as in the case of the conversation with the bookshop's owner: radisthetic potential). I find this to be a rather flawed perception of something real: the existence of ego isn't the problem, it's the fact that most people have a dysfunctional ego. How the hell could people not understand this - it's akin to cutting off your tits to prevent breast cancer, as a certain "celebrity" has recently done, and then replacing them with cancer causing implants. So stupid as to baffle.

"Ow, my hip hurts because I haven't exercised since high school and spend 90% of my waking life sitting: better get it chopped off".

I'm amazed that these people can even do simple math let alone file their taxes.

Anyhow back to the sense of individuality: if people had developed selves they wouldn't need governments or even what we call police and it would be very difficult to have crimes as we understand them in 'society' because a healthy sense of self would preclude what we call immoral acts > one cannot harm another because they are actually harming themselves; and what healthy human would want to do that?

Question: if we overthrew the government and could resist oppressive tyrannical assholes, do you really think that some stupid Mafioso types would present ANY challenge to us at all? Good lord people if you don't understand something: shut up about it.
People try to play up this sense of an obligation to society (debt to society) or to their nations. Society and nations do not physically exist which means that they don't physically exist (which means said debt is fantasy). Countries only exist on maps, same with cities, states, provinces and same with their corresponding societies. More importantly: because you've seen those maps, they exist in your mind/perception/action.

Let me give an example of a society: the Freemasons. People go to their societies meetings and are 'in' the Freemasons, in reality they are sitting in a room in a building with some other people dressed in silly clothes playing 'make believe'. Most of them know this because they aren't all total fools but their knowledge of the fictitious nature of their society shows that the Freemasons 'society' is in fact more advanced than yours. * I'm not saying all Masons understand the fallacious nature of their vestments and ceremony, just that some do and that they represent a greater percentage of the whole than in say national or hemispheric societies.

Anyhow the homogeneous, amoeba-like mass of the individual's psycho-sociological precepts aren't usually based on the observed actual, but rather the unobserved and over reported media approximation. This media version of the world in not true to reality, it is not only physically impossible but also mentally impossible due to how the brain interprets and facilitates information. I will not expound on this because I have in previous posts but suffice it say that you do not see events on television or on the internet as they are, all you experience is a flashing colored screen and an electromagnetically induced vibration of atmosphere. That is all.

Human: "I'm not sure if planes really crashed into the World Trade Centers"
Man: "They did, I watched it on TV as it happened"
Human: "But you weren't there?"
Man: "No I said I saw it on TV"
Human: "All that proves is that you saw a flickering light that seemed to show a plane crashing into the WTC"

Obama has apparently been using the slogan "we're all in this together". This is, obviously, untrue: "we" are all experiencing quite different realities from one another and it is absolutely foolish to assume anything other. People have a need to understand one another to facilitate complex interpersonal relationships and, since they have malfunctioning internal communication, any information they receive will A) be incomplete and B) be so distorted they have to 'fill in the gaps with frog DNA' to borrow an idea from Jurassic Park. Unlike in Jurassic Park, we are talking about understanding another's psycho-emotional self. Because of the information breakdown we don't really have any true cognition of the other and we paint them with the brush of own self understanding.

[A not shitty Jurassic Park meme...oh wait.]

This is dangerous. If we paint the other in the colors of our own world view and said other acts in ways that don't make sense to us, there becomes a tendency to dehumanize the 'other' and make things like war, hatred and oppression etc. possible. Look even at the cultural suppression of the left handed. Simply put: other people are not as we are, we are unique individuals with varying levels of certain attributes. All we have to do is look at art to see that concept clearly

Communism failed because it failed to account for people's varying attitudes toward things, the individual did not feel the way the state felt, hence problems. Another interrelated issue is that of social vs. personal responsibility. If, as in Communism, a persons job security is never in question, a door is opened for the person, if his values are different to that of the employer, take liberties that benefit him and are in opposition to the larger organization. Ergo the Soviet Unions massive alcohol problem and falsified production figures.

If we take the idea of personal responsibility to an extreme it could be argued that we shouldn't even have clothes unless we make them ourselves, or drive cars unless we can build them from scratch. There is merit to some of these ideas but this is only a slightly more psychologically functional paradigm and is non-functional en masse. Learning to provide basic services for one's self is an absolutely essential exercise to empower a sense of self worth, self-reliance and responsibility but it, like performing exercise, is only a simplistic approximation of much more complex and efficacious method of functioning

Right now we are individually dependent on society, like children, we should seek to empower ourselves through learning to become independent, like young adults, so we may move onto interdependence, in which we can take care of ourselves yet choose to have interdependent relationships that are empowering, as the interdependent functioning of self sustained individuals results in an overall net gain in positive attributes.

An example:
One nation invades the other: if the the aggressor does not encounter a standing army and instead is met with tens or hundreds of millions of well armed, intelligent and self reliant individual enemies they will be unable to defeat them by the shear facts of logistics. They are unconquerable*

Imagine if your body's cells we're all self sufficient and autonomous, you could have your legs blown off and simply regrow them. Like the zombies in Return of the Living Dead you would have no vital areas and hence could sustain huge volumes of damage and still be functional. If the cells could recognize malignancy they would easily be free of cancer and other disease due to the fact that every one of them would also be an immune cell. We could claim that such a creature would be the ultimate organism and I could go very much on about the multitude of biological similarities but I'd like to talk about the next obvious point.

The cells of such a body would need three primary capacities (remember this is behavioral analogy and not biology): the ability to self sustain, the ability to effectively communicate and self organize and the ability to dedifferentiate. In behavioral terms this means the ability to be self actualized, the ability to communicate effectively and organize information and the ability to revert to a more basic form to learn new tasks. This could be summed up as: strong, smart and plastic. As you should be.

Most of you are not, because you are still dependent from a psycho-emotional point of view, dependent on other people's views and ideas. I'm not saying don't consider other people but if you can function independently of them then you are actually in a position to choose to use them as opposed to being forced to because you have nothing else. This is why societies always seek to limit individual power: if people can be forced to depend on the society, that society gains purpose, otherwise it would be quite superfluous. The people representing the society need to feel as though what they are doing has meaning. This is, of course, because they are not providing their own personalized sense of meaning because they unable or unwilling to construct one.

The meaning we seek for or find in our lives is generated solely by humans and is one area wherein you should 'build your own car' so to speak. Only then will you become free of the enslavement to the other who has built it for you. If you build your own :anything: from scratch then no one may claim any ownership to it due to the fact that they have no equity and the new property can only be bequethed by contract. This is true in all realms of human experience with all types of properties. Can anyone claim to own Jimmi Hendrix's guitar skill? No one but the man himself unless he contracts to give some of his property to a recording studio in exchange for some type of valuable consideration.

The important point here is that Jimmi is the master of his own guitar skill domain and produces enough extra that he can afford to give some away. In a social system in which your :everything: is owned by the state/regent/warlord (because you have bequeathed it to them by unrefuted implied and sometimes literal contract) you have to play guitar because it is demanded, in that case, why bother to get anything for yourself if it just goes to someone else?

Humans, due to their ingrained pack/social behaviors, require an alpha to tell them what to do. This is fine, what I am suggesting is that the all that must be done is to recognize that your are you own master/slave dicotomy. One must play both parts to his advantage to gain independence and eventually interdependence. Some may argue that 'if you're happy with the way things are then who cares'? You do. I don't know anyone who considers their life perfect all the time; and if you had the opportunity to make more money, have the freedom to do things you want the way you want to do them, be more creative and expressive and have better relationships with people and make the world better through these things so that other people could have better lives too, that you wouldn't take it? You'd have to be quite insane not to.

So why don't we? Partly because most adults have the mentality of children and have been trained by each other to accept it as normal. Another reason is that from childhood we have been taught false concepts that have left many so hopelessly confused as to be rendered mentally inert. Ninety nine percent of you will be unable to recognize this because you are one of the confused.

Another example:

As a child, another child hits you. You hit him back and are scolded. You are told never to hit anyone, even when  they hit you first, turn the other cheek so to speak.

This is child abuse. You have just disarmed the one of the prime biological functions that keeps humans safe and civil. If a man is attacked by an animal - 'turning the other cheek' results in death. Fighting gives him a chance to live free of the tyranny of the aggressor. By telling the child to give up his right to defense against unjust aggression you have not only castrated his sense of self worth but also created a false idea of how the world works that will continue to harm the child for the rest of his life and cause him to live in a fantasy world divorced from true reality.

If said child believes he has no right to defend himself he'll need someone else to do it for him and to this person he will bequeath, by contract, his right to defense because he didn't even know he had it. This is why the state regulates education, so that they can teach children - wrongfully, that they are powerless and should leave most matters to 'the adults'. Imagine if school kids had to run their school themselves...

But I am repeating myself.

The long and short is this: reliance on government/social systems requires you to shut off parts of yourself that allow you to be an actually complete human. This is the equivalent of a left handed person cutting off their left hand because it's socially unpopular. You would be a fool to do this.

Non-Sequitur Prologue:
You'd be like Russel Brand actually. Russel Brand: you are politically illiterate and should stick to comedy because you poison the worlds minds with your "revolutionary socialism" which is really just Nazism 2.0 - we all know about the Fabians so hang yourself and free up some space for more deserving people - also you are hideous to look at. Die.

Remember This: Uniform = Coward

Firstly, it being "Remembrance Day" in Canada today, I have chosen to exercise my right to say "Fuck the Troops" and post a link to my remembrance day classic "Remembrance Day: A Big Fuck You to Mankind". Enjoy!

It would be one thing if all the military psychopaths could keep it "all in the family" so to speak and only agree to kill each other along set rules of engagement but they don't. Why don't they? Because they are emotionally insane and brain damaged (primary and secondary psychopathy, sociopathy, malignant narcissism). Usually this is because they are extremely poorly nourished (high sugar/carbohydrates and low animal protein/nutrition) and suffer from brain allergies to their shitty grain/sugar based diets. Not always, but in the people I have met in person who have "served" in the armed forces, this seems to be almost universal.

This in no one's fault but theirs and I hope they pay dearly for their mistakes. The problem is that they drag everyone else down  into their world of shit, all because they refuse to deal with themselves. Disgusting, if I ran the world I'd have military recruitment centers that led directly into jail.

These guys return from their "duty" even more messed up than before and frequently become cops. Yipee.

Then they put this shit on their vehicles:
So: join us or die. What an amazingly enlightened, wise and responsible thing to say. This type of sticker is a dangerous moron badge. Also: FUCK THE TROOPS! Assholes.
So did these kids refuse to stand behind you?
*Sarcasm* Yeah man: headshot. Fuck yeah - got some. Run and you'll only die tired you little fuckers. Pink mist - it's even pinker when it's kids man. Booyeah.
I pray that if there is a god that has even noticed our existence, that he comes for you fuckers with such a terrible vengeance as to show you what you look like to me.


Wednesday 16 October 2013

Writer's Block

Here for your amusement are bits of articles I started writing but as of yet, have not finished. Behold a gruesome freakshow of oddities.... and words.

"Science Based Medicine"

Some people are dumb as fuck. Although the preceding sentence is senseless from a literary standpoint I'm sure you know what I mean. There are people out there with degrees and licences to 'practice' medicine who, for all intensive purposes, are retarded. They even have their own webpage.

Now, to most, the idea of science based medicine should seem innocuous: "I mean science is good and so is medicine, look at what science has done for other fields of human endeavouring, right?"

Generally I would agree with this assertion: science has helped many feilds of human interest advance considerably. But it is extremely important to define some terms here:

Science as defined by Oxford English Dictionary:

"the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment"

Philosophy as defined by same:

"1 [mass noun] the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence, especially when considered as an academic discipline. See also natural philosophy.
[count noun] a particular system of philosophical thought: the philosophies of Plato and Aristotle
the study of the theoretical basis of a particular branch of knowledge or experience: the philosophy of science
2a theory or attitude that acts as a guiding principle for behaviour: don’t expect anything and you won’t be disappointed, that’s my philosophy"

We'll need these definitions later in the article so we can separate 'science' and 'philosophy' from each other and from devout, Dawkins-esque reductionist dogma. Somehow these have become confused.

Let us start, shall we, with the first topic under the hilariously named 'reference' section: accupuncture. 

"Acupuncture is a pre-scientific superstition". This site is a smorgasbord of idiocy, people have been cooking food since before science existed, does that mean we shouldn't eat dishes invented before, let's be very generous, the renaissance? Should we not eat bread because it was conceived of in non-scientific ages?? No it does not, the arguement that because it is old means it is not effecatious is flat out wrong and incredibly childish and is bereft of true scientific method.

"The healing practices of the time were part of what is called philosophy-based medicine" The healing practices of our time are philosophy based medicine dummy, read the above definitions. I can't think of a word that encompasses the complete lack of intelligence these "science based" people so flagrantly bandy about as science, I think a phrase may work: "a putrescent, pernicious mockery of thought". Pathetic really that these people were passed through any kind of 'higher learning' program.

 "The underlying assumptions and the practices derived from them were never subjected to controlled observation or anything that can reasonably be called a scientific process." Was Newton's observation of gravity a controlled scientific process or did an apple wang him in the gulliver? When you have a philosophical theory about the nature of an issue, then you put the theory to a test and observe the result, are you not practicing science? This is very, very simple: these people do not know what science is, what philosophy is or how to even think about concepts critically. One would expect "scientists" such as these to understand the terms they use or even what it is they're doing, I mean they are the pinnacle of intellectual evolution right? Perhaps, but obviously not neurological evolution ; )

"There is no more reason to believe in the reality of chi than there is in the four humors, or in the effectiveness of acupuncture than the effectiveness of blood letting." Aha, well how about the fact that scientists have PHOTOGRAPHED it? Idiots. Just because you haven't researched something doesn't mean it's an illusion, it only means your intelligence is. From "Energy Healing", Jones and Bartlett Learning:

"In 1971, medical scientist Robert Becker conducted a series of experiments
to test the theory that acupuncture meridians “were electrical conductors that
carried an injury message to the brain, which responded by sending back the
appropriate level of direct current to stimulate healing in the troubled area”
(Becker & Selden, 1985, p. 234). The tests measured the flow of electrical
current in the perineural cells just under the skin. The results indicated that
each acupuncture point along the way was electrically positive compared to
its environs and that each was surrounded by a field with its own character-
istic pattern. Later tests isolated the interfering reaction of the nerves along
the route, indicating that the response was carried not by the nerves them-
selves but by the underlying perineurial sleeve."

 Or you could get it straight from the horses mouth. Again I must state that the writers over at are woefully ignorant of their profession and probably dangerous to the health of mankind.

If you are a doctor and you haven't read this, you are a danger to the public.

I'm not writing this to be some kind of hitpeice against the hypermoronic reductionist fools of the world, they are too obviously stupid to make fun of; like a retarded person, a small child or Jay Leno. I am wanting to get down to why we have otherwise seemingly intelligent minds engaged in the rabid and dogged pursuit of destroying knowledge and the unregulated discovery of an infinite universe.

"because they're a bunch of assholes" - South Park

Hilarious references aside, we have an interesting myriad of interconnected causes:

- Cartesian models of an inanimate universe
- Fear and ignorance on the part of the establishment (that's why they're part of one)
- General stupidity and it's accompanying arrogance
- Massive pharmaceutical conglomerates paying doctors to unnecessarily drug people (iatrogenic deaths account for almost a million deaths per year in the US)
- Globalist political meddling
- emotional non/under-development leading to massively dysfunctional cognitive processes
- blah, blah, blah

To understand why one may be able to make a lasagna but yet remain willfully ignorant of their own profession we have to look into why they do it. You see ignorance is a question of motivation......

Where I was going: reductionists are scared of life and are living in denial.

If chemo and radiation cures more people than it saves, then you're not actually a sadistic, profit motivated, murderous sociopath.


Here's something that's fucking hilarious: voting.

What a heap of shit, if you got to vote for who became the warden in your prison from maybe about three candidates, would it make it a free and democratic prison? No the sheer fact that you are indeed in a prison would technically preclude it from being free.

The Free Dictionary by Farlex definition of 'prison':

1. A place for the confinement of persons in lawful detention, especially persons convicted of crimes.
2. A place or condition of confinement or forcible restraint.
3. A state of imprisonment or captivity.
I'd like to draw your attention to definitions 2 and 3 and ask you a few questions.
1. Are you free to do as you please or are there rules that will cause force to be used against you if you contravene said rules like if say, you don't pay your taxes?

2. Do you have the ability to travel at your whim to anywhere you'd like without harassment or detention, or, do you require permission (passport)?

3. Are you able to partake in any type of activity one should see as being desirable so long as another party isn't injured (drug use) without harassment or detention?

4. Would a prison be considered "free" if the inmates were allowed to complain about it?

5. Are you, in fact, in prison right now?

Forgive number five as it is only the illusion of a question: yes you are. You can dress it up, call it by another name and deny it up and down but it is an inescapable fact that we are imprisoned in our societies and the ability to vote does not confer any more freedom than having more comfortable toilet seats in your cell would.

Ironically what we consider to be 'actual prison' is in many ways better. Maslow's hierarchy of needs is almost completely met, whereas in 'everybody prison' we have to slave for those things. Thus making self actualization more difficult than in actual prison.

Give him those things and he won't notice he's in captivity. Watch the Star Trek two-parter "The Menagerie".

Obviously the previous point can be argued on, but the point that in most regular prisons you aren't required to slave to live is the most important. Bizarrely enough this has to do with the American Civil War: you see slaves are expensive to feed and house and care for so the solution was to "free" them so that all of the staying alive part became their problem and they just had to be alive enough to show up for work and to earn their pittance. The employers were freed from the responsibility of having to care for the slaves. In effect it was the creation of modern corporatism and the enslavement of the whole of American society except the super wealthy. 
Obviously this has been so massively profitable that most countries around the world have adopted the system, which in essence is serfdom......

Where I was going but became too distracted to get to: society is literally and figuratively a prison. You are being farmed by what are likely non-human entities that are unrecognizable to you (this does not mean aliens or some other "out there" type of shit - look up "psychopaths as interspecies predators").


For a very specific reason, the social unconscious retains the fallacious and ridiculous idea of 'Man - the Hunter'. I think this is funny because it's so stupid. Just like the whole 'struggle for survival' idea.

Men like this idea because they are retarded. Being a stupid, beer fueled, monster truck riding cro magnon appeals to them because it is a low bar to hurdle. It doesn't require much. It's also a convenient excuse for the exaggerated base emotions that men are groomed to exhibit.

Let me set the facts straight here: man is not a hunter, if he was he'd have better eyes, better smell, claws, fangs, thicker skin etc. Man is a toolmaker. We make tools and then use them to make better tools. Such as traps. Duh.

What human would go hunting with a high chance of failure/injury when you could just set some traps and hang out? (....)

Where I was going: social constructs of manliness are thought control and you buy it because you deserve to be controlled.


For almost an entire century it has been public knowledge, obtainable by any so interested, that there are surefire methods by which one may experience the physical change they desire through their pursuit of exercise. Methods that don't require any PhDs to understand that, if done consistently, will yield amazing and seemingly unbelievable results. Today I am going to cover the most important: squats.

For the unwashed: a squat is what you do to get on and off a toilet should your particular corner of the world (corner of a sphere?) be equipped with such extravagances. If not then you'll surely appreciate the squat as being your anywhere chair and I can save my 'breath'. Surely the utility of being able to bend and straighten the ankles, knees and hips goes without further exaltation.

In the modern world of physical culture people look for things in very odd places. Most people exercise for health and body re/composition purposes and yet eschew the methods that will work the most effectively for their goals. Let's look at how people render their exercise routines useless for massive recomposition:

- Insufficient load: there are growth factors that are only released during periods of high muscular tension.

- Insufficient metabolic demand: the byproducts of metabolism stimulate the release of growth hormone. They can also irritate the stomach and cause vomiting. This means if your workout isn't intense enough to make you nauseous - don't expect to look a lot different in three weeks.

Most of even the dimmest 'Men's Health' readers should already understand these points. Well then if you're so smart then why the fuck aren't you squatting five hundred? Anyone can do it - anyone with the physical capacity to squat down and get back up anyway. One of the reasons you haven't is this: you think metabolic stress means cardio. So you consequently do half an hour of weights and and half an hour of cardio, or something thereabouts.

This is so stupid it hurts, it's like saying that because sumo wrestlers have very large hands then to be a good sumo all you'll need is big ass hands. You see a highly intelligent persons intelligence is shown not in it's sophistry but rather in it's simplicity. Behold: (....)

Holy baby Jesus.

Where I was going but then decided you didn't deserve to hear about in any complexity: do squats, do them heavy and for high reps because they make you better in every way possible.

 Wrap Up

It may seem obvious at this point why some of these articles were abandoned: they sucked or I got bored. Or it was perhaps, because I was repeating previous articles. I think I may have to use the oldest writer's trick in the book: absinthe and laudanum. Hopefully the block breaks soon. 

Sunday 21 July 2013

Watch and Learn

I've been working on two articles: one about the myths of the male sex and the other about individuality. You may see one or both of them someday... but we'll see. Before that, I want to talk about some things which may actually help you - if you let them.

At first, you'll likely find that what I'm about to present disturbing or some other deference. Recognize that your objections are just deferrals and that you are masking the real reasons for which you are objecting to the material, this is because your mind is too puny to want to face what is being presented. Much like a heavy weight, it could be hard to handle unless you are experienced at doing such things. Also: like the heavy weight it may leave you sore and feeling beat up, after which time you recover, you will become stronger and more resilient.

Don't suck: do.

Go to: and watch the documentary film "The Power Principle". It is, in it's entirety, five-ish hours long. I suppose some may say it's long: deal with it.

Many people will have shallow objections, such as myself: "I think Noam Chomsky is a communist" etc. My objection is irrelevant and he is only a small part of the film. The film could even be called 'leftist' perhaps. If you watch their film 'Psywar' you'll notice such discriminations are in fact manufactured, complete with requisite emotionality, to control how you perceive your world; an old Nazi technique. Don't fall in the trap - in Zen we recognize the simple fact that despite what we 'think', reality is already perfect and your criticisms are just illusions. It is, after all, only information.

I want you, reader, to absorb said information because it may enable you to recognize some of the ideas I have been presenting on this blog more readily because, put simply, most of you can't comprehend what you  read to an extent that will enable the cognition demanded by the style in which I write. My 'fault' I'm sure.

Further to that I want you to read, or listen to, Robert Heinlein's 'Stranger in a Strange Land' so that you may file the information away for review and eventually: grok it in fullness.

I can offer some respite to the animalism exhibited by mankind in the film: humans who act in these ways are weak and that makes them afraid. When a person acts from a place of fear-weakness-fear (not a typo) they are what is called 'xenophobic', lashing out at any and all things possibly threatening. For instance: the most vicious animal is an injured one and the sad and bizarre reality is that it is likely these people were sexually abused as children. A more likely scenario than most would be willing to admit: some audits present the alarming fact that far from being abnormal; one in four children are raped. Given this disturbing fact it is likely that, to some extent, this accounts for where we get military personnel, police, politicians, drunks and drugs addicts from. Worse, due to a trauma control mechanism implanted deep within the mental apparatus of the human organism, very early childhood traumas are usually completely or at least almost irretrievably suppressed.

The even more shocking fact is that from the people I have spoken with about this topic in person, it would seem that the number is much closer to one in two. My guess would be that the extreme examples cited above were the more extreme cases of abuse. Of course it all depends on how a persons innate and self developed coping mechanisms allow them to deal with traumatic events. But I have strayed off topic as I usually do.

Don't think, don't judge: just do. Then, with acceptance: grok.

Tuesday 16 July 2013

Seven Hundred and Twenty Thousand

I went to Wal Mart. In two minutes I saw four women who were at least two hundred pounds overweight.

Comical obviously but I became suddenly aware of an obvious and hilarious fact - one pound of fat consists of 3600 kcal. Two hundred pounds equals 720 000 kcal. Seven hundred and twenty thousand.

This is something because of this interesting idea:

“In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill…. But in designating them as the enemy, we fall into the trap of mistaking symptoms for causes. All these dangers are caused by human intervention and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy, then, is humanity itself.” - Club of Rome, The First Global Revolution, 1991

Famine eh? Well let's suppose that a human being requires 2400 kcal per day to live and be healthy - one of these sub-human beached whales would feed one human for almost a year. As in : these gluttonous wastes have consumed a extra years worth of food. A whole fucking year.

There are people dying from lack of food and these things get to surf around Wal Mart on electric scooters that cost more than most of the world makes in one year. Worse: what job could someone this fat actually do? How could they possibly support themselves?

I am tempted to say that dreams of the afterlife are a fallacy: we're already in hell. Why does an ignorant, morbidly obese hillbilly who lives on welfare have enough to store an extra years worth of food while the other members of their species die form malnutrition? Fuck why: how could they themselves be so cruel to other humans? This is so disgusting it's baffling. What's more is that these people probably think they're "Christians" - how abhorrent. I think we should grind and ferment these blobs into fertilizer and put them to work.

Being two hundred pounds overweight is a clear and decided statement to the world that you don't want or deserve life. To give you food should constitute a crime against humanity.

Die scum.
Quite contrary to the Club of Rome's supposition that "the real enemy, then, is humanity itself” I posit that the real enemy is fat, socially maladjusted hillbillies in Commonwealth countries. Naturally there are other factors:  incredibly stupid land, resource and agricultural management, an idiotic shipping regulatory system and a generally lame opinion of oneself and fellow man. I could go on but it really just comes down to the latter point: people don't give enough of a fuck about themselves and, vicariously, other humans to bother: A) not squandering the worlds food supply; on B) destroying themselves. Hell - seriously. These are demons.

I'm not Christian nor any permutation of any Abrahamic religion and I'm certainly not saying I believe in god, but if there is a god, it sure must hate us. I mean shouldn't we at least be throwing garbage at these people for the simple fact that people don't have enough food in their own community let alone the rest of the world? Or how about the fact that their probably getting their money from the public? The welfare state in action folks: making hospitals>Pfizer>Bayer, etc. and Wal Mart>Monsanto>Bayer Crop Science, etc. rich (more rich) with public money. If national socialism (Nazism) is truly the blending of the public and private sectors, then you my friends should probably start getting your "Sig Heil!" on.


I shouldn't really be surprised that people are more than ready to let the humans starve given statements like this: “U.S. policy toward the third world should be one of depopulation” - Henry Kissinger, 1978.

Given the asinine nature of the state of health of these Wal Mart "people" it would seem that their national policy is one of depopulation as well. They are, after all, paying for it. Worse, even if people do get free money from the government - why are they so mentally deranged as to use it to do this to themselves?? I mean smoke some fucking meth, at least you'll lean out and get some shit done.

Far from hating fat people - which I don't - I will say this: being morbidly obese is immoral and as such, if you are morbidly obese, you are the scum of the Earth. Does that mean that I hate you? No more than I hate mosquitos or blackflies or Ultimate Fighting or television.

Funnier still, at Wal Mart, there seems to be an awful lot of products with these stupid fuckers on them:

Holy shit, look at grandpa's crazy ass Chuck Manson eyes: dude is up to some shit.

It's like the owners of Wal Mart are slapping you in the face with how much of a stupid, bible-thumping-but-not-reading-or-bothering-to-understand-it hillbilly waste of hydrogenated fat (I didn't think it was possible) you actually are - and you lap it up and PAY MONEY for their insult. I'd really like to decry the Club of Rome and Henry Kissenger for their radical eugenics and population control(reduction) ideals but it's looking like you kind of deserve whatever happens to you. I mean 'Duck Dynasty' - really?

Think of this: the Club of Rome and the Kissengers and Rockefellers of the world can say whatever they want but they are just men, like all other men, they have no more power or sway or anything than anyone else, unless you give it to them.  They can talk all day about depopulation or sterilization of the unwanted breeding stock but if you are intelligent and perceptive then their talk remains only that.

If for instance I invented a brand of cookies called 'Denta Bone for Humans' and said they were great for your teeth and showed that eating 'just' one a day could improve your dental health, then you would likely buy them and the eat more than one a day based on the logic of: "well if one is good then two is better etc.". Let's also imagine that I was an asshole who wanted your inbred hillbilly breeding stock wiped off the planet forever, all I would have to do is put a whole bunch of fluoride in them ("good" for your teeth) and it would chemically sterilize you. Problem solved - I'm rich, I haven't broken any laws and your dumb ass is sterile. Sounds like a win - win for me.

People will be quick to label me as the bad guy here but you are the dummies PAYING MONEY for them and physically injecting them into your corpus - all I did was provide them. Don't be so irresponsible, that's the same logic as blaming drug addiction on drugs or shootings on guns.

This is the old 'give them enough rope to hang themselves' trick, smart people don't use rope to hang themselves. Smart people also don't get two hundred pounds overweight - see where this leads? OK let me spell it out for you: stupid people who won't govern themselves will be governed by someone who thinks they are scum and will provide them the seeds of their own destruction because they really don't want to have to live on the same planet as a bunch of morons who can't even manage their own weight.

By the way, although it may seem that I have veered into eugenics and away from fat people - I haven't, they are the same thing. Get you to pay me for the poison that kills you - what better vengeance against the sub humans? These guys are awesome to some extent.

Wal Mart is gross, the people who shop there are weird and are likely insane. The junk Wal Mart sells is just that - junk, likely Chinese junk. The hyper fats too are weird, gross and definitely insane too. The point here is this: make fun of them, stare, make them feel like the disgusting socially backward and mentally deranged oddities they are. We don't have to take their shit, they are fat because they made themselves so and if we don't like it - we don't have to and we definitely have a right to voice our disgust.

Shooting them may not be taken to as the kind act of mercy it would actually be so avoid physical violence so stay centered and be thoughtful in your scorn and maintain a stance from which you can defend your actions. To the hyper fats themselves: I'd say hang yourself but it's unlikely you'll be able to find a chair to kick out from under you that will hold your weight - use poison, make sure to calculate the dosage to account for your 'problem' and then double it. If you aren't going t respect Earth or it's inhabitants - leave.

Tuesday 18 June 2013

Squats: Training "Light"

Squats are awesome: as in they worthy of and should induce the a state of awe. Why? The ability to squat down and then stand totally upright is unique to humans and could be classified as one of our primary beneficial adaptations. It is this fact that allows us to do some of our other primary adaptations, such as our ability to throw accurately and with high force. Ask a shot putter or javelin thrower if their legs are important to throwing.

There are many other advantages to squatting, one is that they work the most (potentially) metabolically active and largest group of muscles through the greatest range of motion of any movement. The potential benefits of this should be obvious - they have the potential to stimulate a massive disruption in homeostasis and corresponding biological adaptation. They are also, for many, highly uncomfortable which is a nice psychological stressor and can cause beneficial reflexive psychological adaptation responses. As in they make you tough.

Plus squatting with with a shit ton of plates on the bar looks really hardcore.

Paul Anderson squatted these 840 lbs of tractor parts for ten reps.
We run into some issues though: everyone wants to squat with the heaviest weights possible but n o one wants to squat in the best way possible. "What the hell? I thought heavy was best!" - and it certainly can be but we must ask ourselves: is this true for us? Let me show you an example:

Do you see that large teardrop-shaped muscular prominence on the inside of the thigh right above the knee? That is called the vastus medialis (heretoforth known as VMO) and it is responsible (in part) for stabilizing the knee joint. The relevance behind this is that many people squat in such a way to move the most weight, not to build knee stability. This, although not always, can result in progress coming to a grinding halt (pun intended) because of muscle imbalances and worse it can alter the tracking of the kneecap through the bony, well lubricated groove it is designed to slide through. This means your knees get all f'd up and doom you to squatting mediocrity.

Please don't think that just because your knees aren't hurting or swollen that this doesn't apply to you because it definitely does: if you're squatting less than double bodyweight deep enough so that your calves and hamstrings meet and/or you don't have a visible and prominent VMO, you have issues. The popularity of powerlifting style training has led to people being more concerned with numbers than their own bodies - this is self defeating because your body is what lifts the barbell. If you're body is busted then how are you gonna lift big? Durr people.

Powerlifting training is awesome and fun BUT one should also employ bodybuilding type "special" exercises for higher reps (the VMO has a fairly mixed fiber type and responds best to higher reps, as in 10-20) to build the functional quality of the joint structures. An example: lifter A squats wide and to a box (limited depth), in order to balance the stresses imposed said squatting stance he elects (smartly) to use a narrow stance, heels elevated, parallel feet, ass to grass squat for twelve to fifteen reps with what, for him, will likely be an embarrassingly light weight. The purpose being to strengthen the vastus medialis and maintain some semblance of muscle balance. It also makes his quads look buff.

Remember: balance this with....
..this. Notice the weight difference, this is important, you will feel like a bitch squatting so "light".

There could be a multi-volume tome written on leg training. For now take home the point that looking hardcore is awesome BUT in order to continue looking hardcore (and to look more hardcore in the future) you will have to do some "light", higher rep squatting - especially if having huge quads appeals to you.

Friday 14 June 2013

Ten Minutes to Manliness

Let's talk training. Look at this:

This is French bodybuilder Serge Nubret, a contemporary of Arnold.

Despite having an incredibly skinny neck: he's buff (understatement?). It may interest you to know that Serge never really trained heavy (could explain his neck) - he did rather large amounts of volume with 'medium' weights. His normal workouts included most of his exercises for six sets of twelve. He took very short breaks (a minute tops) and tried to focus on moving as much blood through his muscles as possible... it seemed to work.

I'm not saying that you should switch to six sets of twelve. It is interesting to note though that such an approach will work, provided the correct rest breaks are observed. It is also interesting to note that Bill Pearl, later in his career, trained in an almost identical fashion.

Bill was even a vegetarian.

Where am I going with this? Am I really advocating high rep 'chase the pump' type training? Not exactly - the key thing here is frequency. Serge would do abs everyday, and it shows, but he'd do like two thousand reps everyday! I'm sure that hurt like crazy, I'm sure his six sets of twelve hurt like mad at times too. Both Serge and Bill would train six to seven days a week, or virtually everyday.

It may behoove us to take a note or two from these guys: train everyday - but not always heavy - and try to rack up some volume.

Let's put this into something you can take home. Most men would like bigger arms and shoulders and to look a little more built, maybe a lot more built but most don't want to really have to put in the time and devotion to getting that way - it's okay - I have a plan.

Ten Minutes a Day to More Manliness - No Equipment Required

Push Ups - start with girl push ups (bend at the knees) and keep your arms near your sides, make a fist and do your push ups on your knuckles. I want you to do sets of ten reps. On the first day do a very comfortable amount of sets, do more the next day and so on. I want you to build up to a day in which you go balls out and make a new best number of sets, then back off to 50% of that number and build back up again. This is called 'Undulating Periodization' and it works incredibly well with high frequency, high volume routines. I recommend doing this before bed because, on your 'max' day, you shouldn't be able to use your arms to even open a beer afterwards.

Once, you can do ten to fourteen sets of girl pushups you may switch to the real deal and build back up again, expect it to take longer this time. Then once you've done that switch to dips - all you'll need is two chairs.

Add caption

Or a counter top:

I've even used the corner of a chain link fence.

One very important point: keep your breaks incredibly short - less than a minute. Sidenote: You could trow in the same scheme for your favorite ab exercise or pull ups, or, for the masochists: Hindu squats. Remember that you don't have to do more and more is not necessarily better, master at least the girl push ups before you add anything or mess with the program. Make sure to to eat a huge protein filled breakfast the next day: I like back bacon omelettes (use at least five eggs). Go hard, have fun and reap the rewards. 

Thursday 13 June 2013


Cell Phones - Guess what dummies? I don't have one!

You read that right - I don't have a cell phone and haven't since about 2002 (even then I rarely had it turned on). Far from being some type of technology eschewing Luddite, I prefer to use Arthur C. Clarke's third law to explain myself: "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic". Most of you will not understand what is being said here and that is very much intentional. Back to cellular technologies.

Those of you who are addicted are, well, pathetic. Of all the universe has to offer you, the utter shit of facebook and texting is what you have chosen to fill your life with. Ironically if you sucked cocks for crack I would have more respect for your life choices. Why? Because you would be actually out there doing something (pun), actually experiencing a diverse range of what the universe has spent literally billions (or more) of years constructing for you to enjoy.

Texting... you fucks... luckily it's killing you. Oh yes bitches, you're irradiating your cells with those ridiculously abbreviated conversations. Some supposedly intelligent and educated people will tell you it's impossible, that cell phones don't have enough power to harm your cells. In fact I was reading an article by a physicist who tried to make it seem like anyone who thought cell phones were dangerous was a woefully uneducated quack. He should look in the mirror because he's not a biologist and yet he seems to know exactly how biology reacts to pulsed microwaves (most of you are tricked by this simple deception because A) it's convenient and, B) you're incredibly stupid). Here is an article explaining a little on who has done some of the research that has shown it (cell phone radiation) to be dangerous and what the industry does to keep much of these findings swept nicely under the rug. Including hiring physicists to speak on a a topic that doesn't really have anything to do with physics.

But hey man, what do you care? I mean who would want to give up lolpics? I mean it's only your health and the health of your children and their children and everyone else around you right?

Way more important than your brain/body/reproduction/dignity.

Thankfully nature has thought this out and has a plan: all the stupid idiots out there (you) will pay for your ignorance with cancer. Many people think that cancer is a disease - it's not - it's merely nature's garbage collectors coming for you: human garbage. Natural selection at work.

The funniest part is that there ARE warning labels that you've ignored!! That's how dumb you are! Ever see this screen on your iPhone?

Of course not - because you're a fool. You probably don't even know what it means do you? Hence: you're dead bitch.

HAHAHAHAHA - you retards are so fucking dumb - you're like that cat that jumps into the fish tank on Americas Funniest Home Videos - HAHAHAHAHA!! Goddamn this reminds of a great quote from our friend Einstein: "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." Guess what? He was talking about you! HAHAHAHA!!

Oh, okay....breathe....deep breath... serenity now.....

Anyhow: suck on that. My constant insulting of you is ultimately for your own good. It may, someday, cause you to realize that in fact you are the fool I've been claiming and begin the journey of the Tarot. Maybe you'll become a stronger, smarter and more dynamic being who's grasp of reality is sure and stalwart. Maybe you'll die of cancer because you're so stupid. The choice is up to you.

I could go into how you can change, with like one minute of your time, the quality of the radiation coming out of your device so that it heals your DNA instead of unwinding and destroying it (you didn't read that article did you?), but I don't feel like it. Your health and ability to rationally continue your relationship with your phone hangs precariously by the thread of my whim.

And my whim is such that I do not care for your weakness and I would much rather see you do something for yourself rather than spoon feed you. Have fun....

Die or evolve.

Sunday 9 June 2013

Why You Aren't Lean - (Epi)Genetics

Epigenetics - or how some of us (me) are so fucking smart they should be given a medal.

This article explains that our genes expression can be the result of exogenous factors such as food, chemicals and as well as emotions and thoughts. The reason this is at all interesting is because it means that our "genetics" aren't fixed so the excuses you've been using to mask your deficiencies are now totally transparent (they were already to some of us).

I have wrote about the absolute stupidity of thinking in terms of fixed gene expression in previous posts. I have gotten myself into huge and heated arguments with medical students over this topic. I have harped and railed and it fell upon ears deafened by the blight of closed minded academic arrogance.

And now, due the publishing of this very mainstream article, I have been not only vindicated but shown that I am in fact much smarter, more perceptive and flexibly intelligent than the virtually all of the population of planet Earth. Suck on it fuckers and revel in my glory. (pig in shit ; )

But more to the point: your genetic expression is not fixed. The things you believe are true about yourself are likely being created by your belief. In the hilarious and informative "Bigger, Faster, Stronger - The Side Effects of Being an American" a diminutive weasel explains that the reason he is involved in genetic research is to prove that what we call 'athletic talent' is just an inherited gene. Said weasel is attempting to make 'gene doping' a reality and explains that he would be first in line to receive it if it were brought to fruition.

I smell not only weasel but also some childhood sports performance related trauma - and bullshit. This "man" is blaming his shittiness at sports on his genes and then attempting to rewrite them in such a way as to assuage his inherited weaknesses.

If this obviously functionally retarded excuse for a human being took a more 'never say die' type of attitude he could use simple things like food, exercise and visualization to change how his genetics express themselves. Yes you read that right I said that visualization can change your active genes - it can and in a few years I'll be writing an article very similar to this one gloating over this "new" "scientific" discovery. (You see people with gifted levels of intelligence don't waste time frittering our energy away on worrying about the peer review process or even credentials - those things are theatrics and they are solidly for the ignorant mass.) Your beliefs create conditions in your body - chemical, electrical etc. that your cells respond to.

The sooner we can all get over this fact and the fact that your belief in the supposition that you aren't an ignorant retard, the sooner we'll be able to move on to a world in which "superhuman" powers will be normal human powers. I'll throw a little chum out for you - do you know what effect cold has on your gene expression? You should find out because the reality is nothing short of amazing.

We now have ventured into the realm of what I have termed 'demand'. You have tons of genes, many are inactive or latent, you have the ability to activate them by imposing a demand on their function. Much like lifting weights within certain parameters can activate genes that synthesize muscle protein, imposing other types of demand on your various systems will cause the activation or deactivation of certain genes.

If your parents lived through a famine (real or self induced, as in dieting) your ability to partition nutrients into lean mass vs. fat will be impaired as your genetics have adapted to what they have been encoded to respond to as a famine type of scenario i.e. store fat for later. Now your genes aren't different from your parents, it's just that some have been switched on and others off. This doesn't mean however that you are at the mercy of your parents ignorance.

If I'm not mistaken these are some of Winston Churchill's victims.

The demand for switching is something you control by exposing yourself to stressors. If you eat trans fats, you have controlled the activation of a gene that produces an inflammatory protein, hence now you have low grade inflammation. You were in control of whether you used the switching stressor (the trans fat) or not, you didn't have to eat it. I'm not going to spell this whole scenario out - if you get it - good, if not - you don't deserve to use it.