Sunday 9 June 2013

Why You Aren't Lean - (Epi)Genetics

Epigenetics - or how some of us (me) are so fucking smart they should be given a medal.

This article explains that our genes expression can be the result of exogenous factors such as food, chemicals and as well as emotions and thoughts. The reason this is at all interesting is because it means that our "genetics" aren't fixed so the excuses you've been using to mask your deficiencies are now totally transparent (they were already to some of us).

I have wrote about the absolute stupidity of thinking in terms of fixed gene expression in previous posts. I have gotten myself into huge and heated arguments with medical students over this topic. I have harped and railed and it fell upon ears deafened by the blight of closed minded academic arrogance.

And now, due the publishing of this very mainstream article, I have been not only vindicated but shown that I am in fact much smarter, more perceptive and flexibly intelligent than the virtually all of the population of planet Earth. Suck on it fuckers and revel in my glory. (pig in shit ; )

But more to the point: your genetic expression is not fixed. The things you believe are true about yourself are likely being created by your belief. In the hilarious and informative "Bigger, Faster, Stronger - The Side Effects of Being an American" a diminutive weasel explains that the reason he is involved in genetic research is to prove that what we call 'athletic talent' is just an inherited gene. Said weasel is attempting to make 'gene doping' a reality and explains that he would be first in line to receive it if it were brought to fruition.

I smell not only weasel but also some childhood sports performance related trauma - and bullshit. This "man" is blaming his shittiness at sports on his genes and then attempting to rewrite them in such a way as to assuage his inherited weaknesses.

If this obviously functionally retarded excuse for a human being took a more 'never say die' type of attitude he could use simple things like food, exercise and visualization to change how his genetics express themselves. Yes you read that right I said that visualization can change your active genes - it can and in a few years I'll be writing an article very similar to this one gloating over this "new" "scientific" discovery. (You see people with gifted levels of intelligence don't waste time frittering our energy away on worrying about the peer review process or even credentials - those things are theatrics and they are solidly for the ignorant mass.) Your beliefs create conditions in your body - chemical, electrical etc. that your cells respond to.

The sooner we can all get over this fact and the fact that your belief in the supposition that you aren't an ignorant retard, the sooner we'll be able to move on to a world in which "superhuman" powers will be normal human powers. I'll throw a little chum out for you - do you know what effect cold has on your gene expression? You should find out because the reality is nothing short of amazing.

We now have ventured into the realm of what I have termed 'demand'. You have tons of genes, many are inactive or latent, you have the ability to activate them by imposing a demand on their function. Much like lifting weights within certain parameters can activate genes that synthesize muscle protein, imposing other types of demand on your various systems will cause the activation or deactivation of certain genes.

If your parents lived through a famine (real or self induced, as in dieting) your ability to partition nutrients into lean mass vs. fat will be impaired as your genetics have adapted to what they have been encoded to respond to as a famine type of scenario i.e. store fat for later. Now your genes aren't different from your parents, it's just that some have been switched on and others off. This doesn't mean however that you are at the mercy of your parents ignorance.

If I'm not mistaken these are some of Winston Churchill's victims.

The demand for switching is something you control by exposing yourself to stressors. If you eat trans fats, you have controlled the activation of a gene that produces an inflammatory protein, hence now you have low grade inflammation. You were in control of whether you used the switching stressor (the trans fat) or not, you didn't have to eat it. I'm not going to spell this whole scenario out - if you get it - good, if not - you don't deserve to use it.