An Example of How 98% of the Population has Severe Cognitive Dysfunction
People who workout usually are concerned with their diet, even if it is a simple concern such as: get enough protein. Obviously there are others who are much more involved as evidenced by the plethora of bodybuilding type supplements that are now available everywhere. People who buy these types of "supplements" are in fact retarded.![]() |
What could possibly prompt someone to buy this shit? Oh BTW it's filled with a meth type stimulant. METH! |
Seriously people what you need is food not chemical powders. If you really think you need some kind special edge - take steroids, it's cheaper, easier and apparently more effective. Even better EAT SOME FUCKING FOOD YOU IDIOTS. You don't need to take this type of shit - even whey protein is basically irrelevant. Yes, I'll put this in caps so you can read it again: WHEY PROTEIN IS BASICALLY IRRELEVANT.
The issue is that you are so stupid that it hurts you and you don't know what a human is supposed to eat. The humans with the best eyesight and cardiovascular health of any populace in the world, the Inuit (which means 'eaters of the meat'), eat dead seals - raw and fresh. You can watch this on Tony Bourdain's show. I have to reiterate, again, BEST CARDIOVASCULAR HEALTH OF ANY POPULATION. Interestingly enough this isn't because these guys run seven days a week, (running is so fucking terrible for most people it stands as a testament to how stupid you all are) it's because they eat ORGANS.
"Eww, gross, I don't like that, it sounds gross" Well fuck you - suck then, see how much I care dummy.
Let us, the superior humans, explore some interesting tidbits of scientific exploration:
"IN THE MEDICAL publication called Proceedings of the Society of Experimental Biology and Medicine for the month of July, 1951, B. H. Ershoff, M.D., described a fantastic experiment he performed with rats in order to test an anti-fatigue diet. He had an idea that there is something in liver that might produce energy. He used 3 groups of rats, feeding them for 12 week as much as they wanted of 3 different diets. The first group ate a basic diet, fortified with 9 synthetic and 2 natural vitamins. The second group ate this same diet, vitamins and all, with a plentiful supply of vitamin B complex added. The third group ate the original fortified diet, but instead of vitamin B complex, 10 percent desiccated liver was added to their ration.
Desiccated liver must not be confused with extract of liver which is used in the treatment of anemia. Desiccated liver is the entire liver of selected, healthy cattle -- liver that has been freed of external connective tissue and fat, and dried in a vacuum at a temperature far below the boiling point so as to conserve as much of the nutritional content as possible. The final, powdered or tableted product is about one-fourth by weight of the fresh raw liver.
The first group of rats, which was given the ordinary diet, showed the least amount of growth in 12 weeks. The second group that received the extra B vitamins, experienced a little higher rate of growth in that period. But the third set which, instead of the additional B complex, was given the desiccated liver, grew about 15 percent more than group one.
Then Dr. Ershoff tested his rat subjects for fatigue. They were placed one by one into a drum of water from which they could not climb out. They had to keep swimming or drown.
The rats on the original diet, which was well fortified with vitamins, swam for an average of 13.3 minutes before they gave up. The second group of rats, which had the added fortification of the ample B vitamins of brewer's yeast, swam for 13.4 minutes before giving up. Of the last group of rats, 3 swam for 63, 83, and 87 minutes. The other 9 rats of this group, the ones that had the desiccated liver, were still swimming vigorously at the end of 2 hours when the test was terminated. In other words, the rats that had received desiccated liver could swim almost 10 times as long as the others, without becoming tired." - Source
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Science at work killing animals for our benefit. |
Hey this article doesn't even mention that liver contains more protein per pound than ANY meat.
"The liver is what filters out toxic materials so eating it is bad because it's like eating a filter" People who use this logic have basically signed up for a moron badge, give them one if they say this to you. The liver isn't a filter moron, it's a processing plant. It destroys toxic materials, it negates them. It does this with an incredibly diverse array of chemical processes and what better place to get the materials required for the chemical processes of DE-toxification in the liver than from liver itself? Duh dummies, you are so stupid it amazes people like me that you can get your clothes on right.
If you're too much of a whiny bitch to eat liver, just say "I'm too much of a whiny bitch" - I'll respect you more for your insight.
Whoop On
I'll spell out 'weight training' very simply for everyone.If you more closely resemble a T-Rex (stocky with short limbs, long torso) do this: Overhead Press (from chin height), Squats, Bench Press and Rows.
If you more closely resemble a grey alien, do this: Overhead Press (from chin height), Deadlift, Dips and Chins.
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Good deadlifting build. |
Give your self ten minutes on the OH Press and Squats/Deadlifts and get as many singles, doubles or triples as you can, next time try to beat it. For the bench/rows and dips/chins, alternate between them for ten minutes getting as many sets in as you can. Set a benchmark volume for each ten minute block (e.g. 40 OH presses in ten minutes) when you reach your benchmark go up in weight and start over. When you stop making progress switch to the other program (alien or t-rex) for a few weeks.
This is admittedly a grossly simplistic formula but most people are grossly stupid and it will work despite said gross stupidity, you will get stronger and more muscular - guaranteed.