I was going to write about snatches. Then I realized most people a) don't even know what a snatch is let alone how or why one should do them and b) it is very unlikely that even if I explained these things that any of you would actually do them. Too bad that the best single exercise known to man is so underused. For most of you: stick with squats and deadlifts.![]() |
Those of you who are concerned with being super duper dope and learning the olympic lifts: get lifting shoes! You will not regret it. Also if you have long femurs or are tall, lifting shoes will drastically improve your squatting ability, get them or make them. I recommend the latter, I just took a pair of old Chuck Taylors and contact cemented 1/2 inch plywood heels on the bottom. I'll be putting up a "how to make your own custom weightlifting Cons" article as soon as I go buy a new pair.
Understanding Yourself
In order to understand anything, you have to understand yourself. Why? If one could only see through the lens of a camera and knew nothing of optics then a lens flare event would likely be interpreted as something it's not. If you see everything through the lens of yourself and have no knowledge of yourself then you will misdirected by your emotions, you will interpret them as having meanings that they don't.
You, through your schooling, have been trained to think that you know something. That there is such a thing as "facts"
Please excuse my use of the term "you" in this instance, I am not a product of the government enforced Prussian based school system as I did not attend their school after about ten years of age. When I got older I noticed the governmental system that I did not agree to be in their employ and have been without Canada ever since.
Back to the fallacy of facts. By calling it a fallacy I am purposefully imparting a phallic nature to the nature of facts. To presume of them is an arrogant, macho and false gesture, a display of self worship. The only place "facts" "exist" is in a court of law and they only exist there because you notice the court of them before hand and they can be anything you are willing to stand behind. They are a fiction just like your name, your birth date, your certifications and law itself.
People at large are woefully ignorant of what they do not know. Insofar as they do not recognize that are indeed ignorant. The first step in curing alcoholism is admitting that you are an alcoh0olic, here too the first step is acceptance.
The reason most people shy away from this train of thought is because they use "knowledge" to subjugate fear. They slash at the soft underbelly of the beast with the gleaming blade of "facts": there is no such thing as monsters. Ted Bundy is monster a he is quite real. Same for a host of others that may make him look rather tame. The most hilarious part is that you likely can't even spot the real monsters as they usually blend seamlessly in, such as chemtrails, neotane, Al Gore and radiation.
A mind that no longer seeks, convinced of it's own worth is like a sports car with motorcycle engine: it's fraudulent and against the very nature of the thing. A hideous mockery. You, by choosing the road of thinking "I know", show that you don't know and that you are in essence afraid and merely battling illusory demons because you are too afraid to battle real ones. You become a mockery, a staged event.
Fear is thought to be the enemy when fear is your ally. Watch a cat leap three feet straight up into the air when startled, what you aren't seeing is that the time the cat spends in the air gives it time to asses the situation and gives it an advantageous vector to attack the potential threat. The cat's fearful reaction helps it. The issue is that fear is made out to be something it's not and by who? You? Did you ever consciously examine fear and make a logical and informed decision? When was the last last time you consciously examined and made an informed decision about anything? Newspapers, magazines, television news and radio do not count as information sources. Nor do superficial web sources like or, product webpages or any similar such misinformation dispensary. So given these exclusions, when was the last time you you actually made a decision?
Look at what Bertrand Russel said about the topic:
Fichte laid it down that, education should aim at destroying free will, so that, after pupils have left school, they shall be incapable, throughout the rest of their lives, of thinking or acting otherwise than as their schoolmasters would have wished. But in his day this was an unattainable ideal: what he regarded as the best system in existence produced Karl Marx. In future such failures are not likely to occur where there is dictatorship.
Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible.
Even if all are miserable, all will believe themselves happy, because the government will tell them that they are so.”
Bertrand Russel is talking about you. You are the product of the system he is describing and because of it you can't see it. The governments of your lands are predating you. You are their food so to speak. A human resource.
"They" aren't to blame. "They" are insane. What about you? What role do you play in this game?
Here is the Merriam Websters Dictionary definition of "Man" (3 and 4):
a : a feudal tenant : vassal b : an adult male servant c plural : the working force as distinguished from the employer and usually the management
a : one of the distinctive objects moved by each player in various board games b : one of the players on a team
Well, you are their man as long you are being moved by "them". You are supposed to be moving yourself but because you're unable to think properly you can't, you need a puppet master. This is ok, for now. Just switch your master to someone you decide on. At least then you will begin exercise some semblance of free will.
Free will is impossible in the absence of informed decision. Your will will never be free until you cognize the forces at work. A fish can't swim against the current until he knows what direction the current is flowing.
To Finish
Pay attention to your responses. All of them. Pay attention to everything in your life. It's your life, do want to ignore it away? Do not judge anything, a judgement is presumption. Learn to recognize hearsay, newspeak and rhetoric. Most of all learn who you are.
Look up Edward Bernays and the Hegelian dialectic.