Tuesday 26 June 2012



I live in a neighborhood of fairly "successful" people. When I look at their faces I see twisted, frozen masks o f fear and anxiety. They are afraid. They insulate themselves with nice lawns and "well maintained frontages" because they don't want to signal to the rest of the herd they are living in abject fear.

I surmise the thought train goes something like this, bear in mind that this will be a mix of both their conscious and subconscious processes: "I focused on doing things right, I'm schooled, I married well have the requisite number of children, a good job and yet I feel like I have nothing, my life feels empty, I fear I have wasted what I perceived to be the best years of my life and now I am locked into something I don't want but I will tread the waters of the river Styx with grim determination because it's easier than being wrong". Such fragile egos.

Pigs and wild boars are actually the same animal. The ONLY difference is that one lives in the wild and the other on a farm. If you release a pig from captivity it starts growing tusks and a woolly coat.

...to this.
Anyone ever notice how we live on farms?

There was a feral human, a girl of about nine when this story happened, who lived in France in the 1700s. She wandered into a town one day and the god fearing peasants thought she was a demon of some kind and they all ran inside and wet themselves. Someone had the great idea to let their bulldog out and send it after the intruder. The "wolf girl" as she came to be called, upon noticing the aggressor moving very swiftly toward her, froze and then began, very slowly, to reach for a cudgel she kept stored in bag she wore. Frozen completely still except for the almost imperceptible raising of her cudgel, she stared directly at the dog as it came into range, then, like a mousetrap springing shut, she clubbed the dog dead in one blow between the eyes. She then jumped on top of the dog's body and leaped in the air in celebration and then bounded off back into the wood she emerged from.

In the city I live in there has, of late, been a good number of dog attacks with "victims" ranging from children to adults. We as a species should be very concerned when dogs, especially domesticated dogs, become our aggressors. I am shamed to imagine the insidious weakness that is showing through these events. Then again, I was a kid who lived with the family dog in the backyard, slept in the dog house, drank water out of the hose and even used the lawn for my "business".

Anyway, what do feral pigs and depressed suburbanites have in common other than superficial domestication? They both have latent potential that is being squandered. I mean I don't even want to eat pig when I could have wild boar. So even as food, domestication is inferior.

I do not claim to be a wild boar among pigs by any stretch of the imagination. It would be laughably arrogant of me as well as just being a lie. What I am saying is that we can all strive to regain some our ferality and much to our benefit. Our brains are mush. Our bodies are mush. We are a homogenized product of an industrial mindset.

Total weakness. What do you really care about social policy? Or taxes? Or the GDP? Or anything of that sort? So why then should you pony up the life, labour and concern for the psycho, inter-species predators that do? You deserve better, you deserve to be a real human or at least closer to it than you are. We deserve better.

Start carrying a weapon. Boars have tusks, dogs have fangs and birds have talons. 

And if a dog comes after you: fuck 'em up.


Many bodies with skinny forearms, who's operators claim to have tried it all, usually have overlooked a very, insanely basic concept. Well, it's actually a set of basics , let's take a look:
  • Basic One: the muscles of the forearms, based on total cross sectional area, primary function is to open and close the fingers.
  • Basic Two: Force = Mass x Acceleration
  • Basic Three: the muscles of the forearms have a very mixed fiber type and are usually quite highly trained due to the simple fact that we use them all the time.
  • Basic Four: muscles growth is limited to the size of the fascial bag they are contained in.
So, how do we apply these basic precepts into a functioning forearm routine? Actually, while we're at it, let's make it one that you can do anywhere, anytime and with no equipment. Hey let's even take sets and reps out of the equation too so one doesn't even need to know how to count. 

Here it is: Forearm Magic

Open and close the hands as fast and as forcefully as possible, as many times as is required to get a massive, painful, skin splitting pump. If you want to supercharge muscle growth: wait for about a minute after you stop, or until the pump is just insane and then stretch your forearms ; D

How it works.

It stimulates virtually all the muscle fibers of the forearm. It uses high contraction speed to activate high threshold motor units and has enough time under tension to fatigue the lower threshold motor units. The massive blood engorgement of the pump stretches tight fascial bags (that's why it hurts) and shuttles nutrients directly into where they are needed. This works so well I should be charging you but I learned it for free and so now are you. I'll even throw in a little tip: pretend you are flicking water off your fingers.


Monday 25 June 2012


I just googled my own blog and was appalled to find that in fact there is more than one power cave!! This power cave is in no way affiliated with the Waldorfspowerfitness.com power cave. I assure you that the name "power cave" was thought up independently from Waldorf in 2007, by me. All I have to say is: way to go Waldorf in having come up with such a dope name.

Five Solid Mass Routines

Tommy Kono...
and Tommy Kono.

Here are some hyper-effective barbell routines I've used:

Deadlifts, super-set with pullovers, do five of one then five of the other for eight to fifteen sets. Use a medium-ish weight. Good for V-shape and a big chest.

Squat: eight sets of five. Bench: ten sets of five. Deadlift: eight sets of five. All three on one day, don't doddle. Use 60% of your max. Three times per week. Eat and sleep lots, you'll get big.

Clean and Press, start with eight singles, then add four per day, for five days a week. Do one rep per minute. Then do the exact same with front squats. Last day of the week will see you doing twenty four reps of clean and press in twenty four minutes and twenty four front squats in the next twenty four minutes. Add some weight the next week and do it over again. You can get big and strong doing this.

Dumbbell Bench, eight sets of eight. Snatch Grip Deadlift on Podium, twenty sets of five. I put on ten pounds in three weeks with this.

Super Squats. Do 2x12 Behind the Neck Press. Then 1x20 Squats. 1x20 Pullovers. 2x12 Bench. 2x12 Bent Over Rows. 1x15 Straight Leg Deadlifts. 1x20 Pullovers. If you still can: 2x12 Curls.

Do each one for three weeks, take a back off week wherein you reduce the volume to half while keeping the load the same and then switch to the next routine. You'll make progress, I guarantee.

You can't beat hardcore basics.

Educere of Rutilus Vir

Limits of Growth

UN propaganda.
I touched on the 'pernicious corruption' by the green movement in my last post. Much of that notion comes from the book pictured above. To be very clear: this idea (limiting growth) is pure bullshit. It subsumes that human growth is directly tied to oil and resources. To me this reeks of an underlying agenda to limit the human being and create an unbridgeable class gap between the slaves and their "masters".

Oil is only central to human industry because it is profitable for it to be so. Profit, it should be clarified, in law, is when an entity takes or assumes more than it requires. That is why it is taxable, because in essence, it is "immoral". Indeed all of mans laws are prerequisite to the subversion of natural law or equity, it, by agreement of the concerned parties, allows what would normally be reprehensible and inequitable. 

There is a heap of ignored and supressed ways to generate electricity. How many of them did this socialist trash take into consideration? Farming is this way too, the only reason there could ever be any kind of food shortage is because someone manufactured one. In the 20's, I believe, the USDA sent one of their men to China to examine the efficiency of their farming practices. He concluded that if US farmers farmed like their Chinese counterparts that the US could easily feed most of the world. The only issue with food production is that we intentionally use incredibly inefficient methods. 

It seems that we a re intentionally using incredibly inefficient methods for practically all of mans endeavors. Given this, it is no wonder that there are "limits to growth". The green movement on the whole is so scientifically ignorant as to be downright dangerous. For example does no one realize that the moons gravity generates untold amounts of peizio-electric current in granite? Has anyone ever noticed that we live in the midst of massive charge gradient? That free heat from the sun and force from gravity are giving us so much energy that it's virtually immeasurable?

Orgy of Fools

The Book of Psalms, Chapter 82, A Psalm of Asaph:

"God" says:

5 They know not, neither will they understand; they walk on in darkness: all the foundations of the earth are out of course.
6 I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.

There is a lot to cover here.

First: I am not a christian or a catholic or a member of any religion. I do not believe in god as the abrahamic religions would have you understand "him". 

I have shown this psalm for a reason though, replace the word "god" with "the universe" (practically the same thing). We are a microcosm of the universe because we are "sons" of the universe, it made us, and because the universes implicit order is fractal we are fractal to the whole of it. We are it and it is us. This is, of course, is what is spoken of in the Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus: 

1) This is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth:-
2) As below, so above; and as above so below. With this knowledge alone you may work miracles.
3) And since all things exist in and eminate from the ONE Who is the ultimate Cause, so all things are born after their kind from this ONE.
4) The Sun is the father, the Moon the mother;
5) the wind carried it in his belly. Earth is its nurse and its guardian.
6) It is the Father of all things,
6a) the eternal Will is contained in it.
7) Here, on earth, its strength, its power remain one and undivded.
7a) Earth must be separated from fire, the subtle from the dense, gently with unremitting care.
8) It arises from the earth and descends from heaven; it gathers to itself the strength of things above and things below.
9) By means of this one thing all the glory of the world shall be yours and all obscurity flee from you.
10) It is power, strong with the strength of all power, for it will penetrate all mysteries and dispel all ignorance.
11a) By it the world was created.
12) From it are born manifold wonders, the means to achieving which are here given
13) It is for this reason that I am called Hermes Trismegistus; for I possess the three essentials of the philosophy of the universe.
14) This is is the sum total of the work of the Sun.

(Fulcanelli's Translation)

Hermes harnesses the union of opposites.

There is no limit to the "ONE". It is infinite and without measure. So too, we, being of the one, are infinite and without measure. So how then can our growth be finite? In a vaccum of creative progress. We have the unlimited power of the entire universe all around us all of the time. Quantum non-locality shows us that we are intimately intertwined with everything that exists, all of the time, in real time (no speed of light constant!). Which means we have literally unlimited interaction with the whole.

The limiting factor in growth is twofold: 1) it is limited by creativity and, 2) it is limited by our decision to allow limitations, personally or governmentally/industrially imposed. Now can you see why propaganda is so important? If what we call humans are in fact infinitely creative, self propagating fractal expressions of the entire universe then all you have to do is convince them of something and then it will manifest through the creative expressions of all convinced. Propaganda is code that our world is being written in. 

Is your world the way you want it to be? Is this what we all want? Limited growth, ecofascism, primitive obsolete technology,  shitty poisonous houses that all look the same, informing on your friends, owning nothing and having your life dictated to you by your school masters? Watch Brazil because this is where we are heading.

Fun with Words

Most people would have you believe that word 'educate' come from the Latin word 'educere' which means 'to draw out' or 'bring forth', and most of you will believe this explanation because it come from a reputable source. You just believed propaganda. 'Educate' does indeed come from Latin but from the masculine version of the feminine 'educere': 'educare'. This word has a slightly different and more yang type of meaning: "to lead forth" or, as the Cesar's used it, a punitive meaning; "to march out". Don't take my word for it, go ask a Doctor of Latin. Education is to march (train, flog, deride) the creative fractal expression of infinity out of you. Your slave masters have seen to this and that is why they use the education model they do.

Education, more practically, could be called "enducation" or perhaps "inducation" which would be essentially a spin off of the word inducement

A Clockwork Orange: Alex "educates" Jesus.

Wednesday 20 June 2012

Rutilus Vir

Musings from the Abyss

I was listening to Slayer, no one who knows me will be in anyway surprised by this. I was listening to "Killing Fields" and was in the process of closing (killing) some tabs in my browser (SRWare's Iron). I clicked on an open youtube.com tab I was viewing from doing some research on the UN's Agenda 21 and a funny thing happened, this:

Allison Redford: "a sociopath with empty eyes and no soul"
Exactly as I open this tab and see this image, Slayer's lyrics are: "a sociopath with empty eyes and no soul", I was frozen. Hilariously "coincidental" I think. Actually "Divine Intervention" has some seriously awesome and disturbingly relevant lyrics. Even if you don't like Slayer (most don't, I can't imagine why) check them (the lyrics) out in text form.  I still get goosebumps from listening to the song "Divine Intervention" for the album of the same name. It's a very cleverly veiled account of alien abduction, seriously f'd.

Thyroid, Caloric Flux & Healing

One thing I've been coming across recently in my forays through the information field is a prevailing reductionist mentality. People are endevouring to make themselves as small as possible in every way. I blame much of this on the social conditioning people receive. The whole "environmental" scene is an especially pernicious corruptor of the human image. People are trying to eat less, weigh less, pay less, have a smaller carbon footprint and generally reduce themselves in any way possible. Not only is this incredibly stupid and arrogant (do you really think that even with all of human industry we could EVER produce enough of the MINOR greenhouse gas CO2 to change the planets atmosphere? do they know how much CO2 a volcano puts out? or rotting leaves?) but it is without merit and totally counter productive to human development.

*defensive* "well you sir, lack merit"
We must balance catabolism with anabolism, but not by switching from one to another. While driving, rapidly switching back and forth from right to left is a really good way to  lose control or flip your vehicle. We should keep our anabolism checked with catabolism and then, when required, we judiciously strengthen or reduce one to achieve a given objective.

Let us use this principle of combined or balanced opposites for healing the body, increasing energy, increasing lean mass, decreasing fat and improving intelligence all at once. Most dummies would have you believe that, much less having all the things I just listed, you can't increase muscle and reduce fat at the same time. They are called dummies for a reason: they can't talk for themselves because they don't have a brain so who really cares about them anyway.

Enter: Metabolismo

This is really a very simple concept and works the same as smelting (kind of). One charges a furnace (body) with a whole shit ton of mixed fuel and ore (calories and nutrients) and then forces air (exercise/activity) into the furnace to accelerate the combustion beyond what it would normally perform given static atmospheric conditions (homeostasis). In short: eat a shit ton of food, then burn it.

Many people argue that you are wasting food. No. They are wasting food because they're feeding a mentally retarded, gutless waste of humanity: themselves. Anyway, the reason that this is a really good idea is manyfold. 

Fold one: the more fuel/ore mixture you burn then the more gold (or whatever) you get from it. The more food you eat, the more nutrients you get (conditional upon the type of food you eat of course).  The more nutrients you get the healthier you can potentially be which is conditional upon your ability to use the nutrients effectively. Which brings us to:

Fold two: effective nutrient use is conditional (so many conditions) upon two major factors, metabolism and instructions. Both of these, not surprisingly, are hormonal with thyroxin from thyroid controlling the metabolism and a slew of others (estrogen, progesterone, somatropin, testosterone etc.) controlling the information. You can think of hormones as being like scripts or sets of blueprints, they instruct the cells what to do.

By metabolizing (burning) calories there is, of course, waste. Metabolic waste signals a huge and incredibly diverse array of chemical changes. Firstly it breaks tissue down, this is good, it can be likened to bulldozing an old decrepit house. Secondly it triggers the release (re-lease, housing, get it?) of human growth hormone that essentially orders the construction of a newer, better house. So your old weak tissues are broken down, recycled and combined with new material and reconstructed into new, more robust tissue.

People age because they become more sedentary, I proved this(correlatively) by comparing graphs of rates of inactivity with graphs of age related physical decline as measured by key hormonal markers and lean body mass in a paper I wrote for a physiology course I took (I was bored). Along with this decline in activity people also experience sleep and digestive issues that compound the problem, these sleep and digestive issues are usually caused by malfunctioning hormonal systems that are not producing the requisite hormones and neurotransmitters due to low overall metabolism.

Fluxing the Furnace

Into the above mentioned furnace one must load a quantity of flux. Flux (usually green glass, like the Heineken bottles) forms a molten barrier between the liquid metal pooling at the bottom of the furnace and the still combusting fuel/ore/air mixture. It keeps the metal from oxidizing which it is very prone to do in the very reactive environ of the smelting furnace. Our bodies must also protect themselves from the reactive environment of metabolism, our flux comes in the form of anti inflammatory omega threes and anti oxidants. These are critical in mitigating any potential damage from having a relatively high metabolic state.

I should point out at this juncture that "prehistoric" skeletons studied by archeo-anatomists show absolutely massive tendon attachment points. What does this mean? It means that the bearer was of what we may now call superhuman strength. Oh, did I mention that the particular skeleton I am mentioning was from an anatomically modern female? They figure she would have been able to out bench Arnold. People of that day ate huge amounts of food, rich with omegas and antioxidants and performed huge amounts of physical exercise (okay, you've killed a mastodon, now carry it home!). We can't hope to match this today because we eat slave rations from the food dispensary and it isn't very good as food goes, but we can do so much better than we are.

Setting it All Alight

The last thing you should do is run out and start cramming every bit of  foodstuff you see down your throat. You must first work to earn your appetite. Work (or exercise) is like the work order that sets the machinery of metabolism in motion. You should, like prehistoric man, perform a great deal of different types of activities. There is no one answer here.

Split wood, lift weights, do calisthenics, jump up and down, run, sprint walk, flip tires, throw kettlebells, climb, do everything, all the time everyday. If you have a job that doesn't allow you to: do it before and after work and on your breaks; pushups, squats, jumping lunges, you can do these anywhere anytime and you can do them. The long and short of it is move. Do you know what happens to joints you don't use? They calcify, it's disgusting, don't be that person.

To be explicitly clear: you can not have a healthy metabolism unless you A) move, a lot and, B) eat tons of food. If you do do this then you will reverse age and gain powers and abilities you didn't know you had.

Rutilus Vir

"14 karat gold!"
If you want your body to function like a well oiled machine then you must build that machine and oil it. It is not free. You must master the force of the elements. You mast have blueprints and must have the will. Will, contrary to popular belief, is not a dirty word. It's not even hard, you just do it. 

The benefits of increased metabolism are like leveling up in any RPG, it makes all of your attributes better. If you' prefer a different analogy: it's like having an old car with a busted alternator, your power windows, radio and dash lights don't work, you think it's normal or that your car doesn't have these features: then you get a new alternator and voila! Get a new alternator! 

Or don't, you just make me look better by comparison : D

Tuesday 19 June 2012

Hormone Replacement = Wanton Ignorance

Bio identical only means expensive

It is truly sad that we live in a world wherein "doctors", who take an oath to do no harm, are allowed to prescribe hormone replacement to the masses. This shows to me that a doctor is the equivalent to a crooked auto mechanic: "aw man, this is bad, your muffler bearings (there's no such thing) are shot, you need new ones right away, I can't even safely let you out of here without them".

Doctors know damn well that when you introduce hormones at or above physiological levels that the systems responsible for controlling and producing those hormones completely shut down. "So? They're malfunctioning, who needs'em!?" You do, to live. When a person starts taking thyroid hormone (usually for weight loss), their thyroid inevitably shuts down it's production of thyroid hormone. When a person starts taking insulin (side note: I know people who have to do this and their doctors tell them to continue to eat bread and fruit!! wtf!?!) they stop producing their own insulin. I've used both of these scenarios to illustrate a point: if the person stops taking their thyroxin or insulin, guess what happens to them? They die!

On to the "bio identical hormone replacement therapy". These are steroid hormones, which means that when you take them you are taking steroids. Bio identical or not that's what they are.  The media is all too happy to wax on and on about the evils of steroids, anabolic steroids specifically (what do you think "bio identical" testosterone is?) and how they will rot your organs and make you "hear voices" and develop "homicidal and suicidal tendencies" (I'm referencing the Chris Benoit double murder/suicide that was blamed on steroids, not his extremely advanced brain damage from having literally hundreds of concussions).  I'm not demonizing anabolic steroids, they are a boon for burn victims and AIDS patients and hey, they help our Olympians bring home the gold!

Yes the forms of testosterone used for anabolic steroids are sometimes different that those used for hormone replacement. But the effect is still the same, it's the same damn thing whether it's testosterone base, 1-testosterone or testosterone propionate. Even more ridiculous and hypo critical is that injectable testosterone is way better for. You see when you inject testosterone it does not have to go through the liver so they can be a more pure form, when you take testosterone pills of any kind they are alkylated which makes them toxic so the liver won't touch them allowing them to make it through the liver in to your blood stream. Bottom line: testosterone in pill form is toxic to the liver! Period.

Anabolic steroids aside, what about estrogen and progesterone? I can safely say that virtually nobody in the civilized world needs estrogen. Why? Everything we contact is estrogenic, from doughnuts to your car interior, everything we do is increasing our estrogen load. People with symptoms of having low estrogen are suffering from one of two things: too much weak phytoestrogens (soy products, wheat, flax etc.) or low progesterone (although one does equal the other). To boot: we can't detoxify estrogens at all because we're so low in magnesium and B6 it's ridiculous, the WHO has identified this deficiency as the most prevalent deficiency in the world. So we are exposed to tons of estrogens and we can't get rid of them (is your ass wider than your shoulders? guess why). Great.

Guess what having ridiculously high estrogen (phyto, xeno, exo or endo) levels does? It tells your pituitary gland to shut off progesterone production. So if you have abnormal estrogen levels, you have abnormal progesterone levels. How can this be said? Progesterone and estrogen antagonize each other. If one is fudgy, so is the other. Not to mention poor testosterone. Testosterone is made from progesterone. So you can see the issue there as well.

There could be some confusion at this point as to how exactly high phyto estrogens result in low estrogen levels. Many of the phyto estrogens we encounter are very weak estrogens, this means that in your body they attach themselves to your estrogen receptor sites and are not chemically powerful enough to activate them, this is how the drug clomiphene citrate or Clomid works. It blocks normal estrogens from completing the activation of their receptors.

This is all compounded even further because guess what competes for raw materials with progesterone? Stress hormones!! So high stress levels scavenge all of your pregnenalone (raw materials) so there isn't enough left for progesterone production.

So let's just imagine for a second that you have normally functioning hormones. What you can expect to see is that there are natural hormone cycles that coincide with certain activities (or lack thereof), with your hormonal system responding to the changes in your body by raising certain hormones and binding/destroying others. This is how your physiology is designed to work.

When a hormone is replaced, the delivery system is now in control of how much hormone gets into your blood and when.  Your natural cycles fail and as a result your physiology is now no longer in control of the system. Your bodies chemistry and operation represent one of the most complex systems ever discovered by science, you could not even with a team of the top endocrinologists in the world, replicate it with hormone replacement. Which means that in short hormone replacement is a drastically inferior system compared to your bodies own system.

But the reason anyone would even consider hormone replacement is because the system has failed to do what you want it to, right? To which I ask: what have you done to make it work properly? Nothing perhaps? Well if you don't change the oil in your car what happens? 

La Resumen

Here are the take home points:
  • by taking replacement hormones you become dependent on them (did somebody say racketeering?)
  • your average doctor knows nothing about hormones
  • testosterone pills are toxic by the nature of how they function
  • our entire civilization is estrogen packed
  • plant foods are filled with estrogen blocker (this is only conditionally true, in most cases the subject, or what a doctor calls a "customer", responds with full blown estrogen symptoms)
  • You have a mineral/vitamin deficiency that amplifies your health/hormone problems
  • Stress wrecks your health/hormones
  • hormone replacement is inferior to a functioning body
  • Your actions destroy your hormonal health, not heal it (unless you change your actions)
  • this is all fixable: luckily there is ProgestroPro, it boosts your natural production of progesterone and detoxifies your estrogen and liver all in one go without replacing anything
You can read more about these topics in my article: Why you aren't lean.

Monday 18 June 2012


Dynamism requires that everything have an equal and opposite reaction. Same with magnetohydrodynamics. Most loathesomely, so does Newtonian physics. For every push there is a pull. For every injury there is healing.

This concept is summarized by the ancient Taoist alchemists this way:

In our modern slave society we all have issues. All kinds. Digestive, relationship, repetitive strain (my bane), hormone, weight etc. These issues arise from a lack of balance. "Well durr" I hear you say. If you do indeed have a functional use of this knowledge, why aren't you winning Olympic medals or better yet making gold from lead or driving your rocket car to your own Hawaiian island? The simple answer is that if we collectively understood this idea we'd have a stunningly and drastically different world.

Let's review some basics. If you work hard then you must relax hard. If you beat yourself up in the gym, you must pamper yourself outside of the gym. When you quit work you have to stop thinking about it and go do something for yourself (watching TV does not count). If you have a cold, warm yourself up. 

Given the fact everything has an opposite characteristic to it, let's move this idea  into some other arenas. Religion, what better a place to explore the union of opposites.

Phrased poorly but the right message.
We have on one hand a bunch of people trying to gain the favor of god through their various actions. Then on the same hand you have the same people having sex with children, looting and pillaging, condoning wars and engaging in an incredibly diverse array of seemingly unconscious behavior. Odd no? Not really, in reality the Jedi from Star Wars probably would do all the same stuff. They, by publicly adhering to one half of the yin/yang, will privately enact the qualities of the other. Or perhaps more interestingly: vice versa. Think of this in politics: in public they are considerate, well spoken and have everyone's interest at heart and behind the curtain they sleep with their interns, kill them and then hide the bodies and lie about it.  Think about that next time you go to Canada Place.

Slave society places unbalanced premiums on certain types of behavior. This is simply because some behaviors are more profitable than others. For example: who has more social clout? An executive who wears the slave collar (neck tie, noose) and lives in a giant house and has a nice car (all bought with borrowed money in the form of financing and mortgages) who owns neither but has merely sold himself into slavery for his lifetime for the proprietary use of these items, or the entrepreneur who sometimes doesn't have any money but owns his car outright and is in debt to no one? Which one has more worry? Who has more equitable value? These are very important topics, how often do you consider them?

You can, though you may be a slave yourself, learn to use the principle of the unification of opposites to empower yourself and heal yourself despite adversity. The problems in our lives I mentioned are merely the universe forcing balance because you have failed to do so, in essence you have forfeighted your right to free will by not observing how you exercise it. In short your problems are not problems if you accept that they are the universe trying to heal you and accept them. In the film "Jacob's Ladder" there is a line: "If you're scared of dying, you'll see demons ripping your life away. But if you've made your peace, they're really angels, freeing you from the Earth.". 

This reminds me of the notion of failure. People think that you can fail at something. All I see is learning, which is a success. You try to squat 500lbs. and you fail, where did you fail? Did you get bent over? Was it your quads? If you observe how you fail, you'll learn where you are weak and then you can become strong through the knowledge you've gained; i.e. you got bent over = work your hamstrings.

Oh french people, when will you learn.

Recently I made a new bench press personal best. I was so happy because my bench has always been weak. I figured that if I worked even harder I'd do even better. Well I did work harder and now I can't bench at all because I've injured my pec minor. My success bred weakness and ultimately failure. I was doing some reading on Compassionate Dragon and found that the type of injury I was suffering from was caused by me not shouldering the responsibility of taking care of myself because of an overly self competitive drive to best my previous performance. Now I'm at: success>weakness>failure>knowledge>improved self>future greater success. It is the wheel of the yin/yang in action. My "failure", will in time, make me stronger which is no different from a regular workout: put in time working out and you'll get stronger over time.

Dualism. I think this is the most ridiculously inept and unconscious observation a person could have about the yin/yang and it's associated concepts. A yin/yang is only a yin/yang because there are no animated gifs on paper, which is what the Taoist alchemists wrote (brushed) on. The yin/yang does not exist in dynamic time which is where we live. Do an experiment: take a yin yang and spin it, what do you get? Grey circle. Yin and yang do not exist statically. They are in constant interplay with each other, the symbol does not represent reality it represents an idea of what is happening underneath reality that can only be displayed in the absence of time. Dualistic mentality shows the observers mind, not reality, and what it shows is a very limited and small perceptual capacity.

Keep the iron off your feet, your (gun)powder dry and your sidewalks free of banana peels.

"My name is your religion"

I am the one, orgasmatron the outstretched grasping hand  
My image is of agony, my servants rape the land  
Obsequious and arrogant, clandestine and vain  
Two thousand years of misery and torture in my name  
Hypocrisy made paramount, paranoia the law 
My name is your religion, sadistic, sacred whore

I twist the truth, I rule the world, my crown is called deceit
I am the emperor of lies, you grovel at my feet  
I rob you and I slaughter you, your downfall is my gain  
And still you play the sycophant and revel in my pain  
And all I promise are lies, all my love is hate 
I am the politician and I decide your fate

I march before a martyred world, an army for the fight 
I speak of great heroic days, of victory and might  
I hold a banner drenched in blood, I urge you to be brave 
I lead you to your destiny, I lead you to your grave  
Your bones will build my palace, your eyes will stud my crown 
For I am Mars, the God of war and I will cut you down

"Orgasmatron", Original Lyrics by Lemme Kilminster

Saturday 16 June 2012

"School Kids"


I was going to write about snatches. Then I realized most people a) don't even know what a snatch is let alone how or why one should do them and b) it is very unlikely that even if I explained these things that any of you would actually do them. Too bad that the best single exercise known to man is so underused. For most of you: stick with squats and deadlifts.

Those of you who are concerned with being super duper dope and learning the olympic lifts: get lifting shoes! You will not regret it. Also if you have long femurs or are tall, lifting shoes will drastically improve your squatting ability, get them or make them. I recommend the latter, I just took a pair of old Chuck Taylors and contact cemented 1/2 inch plywood heels on the bottom. I'll be putting up a "how to make your own custom weightlifting Cons" article as soon as I go buy a new pair.

Understanding Yourself

In order to understand anything, you have to understand yourself. Why? If one could only see through the lens of a camera and knew nothing of optics then a lens flare event would likely be interpreted as something it's not. If you see everything through the lens of yourself and have no knowledge of yourself then you will misdirected by your emotions, you will interpret them as having meanings that they don't.

You, through your schooling, have been trained to think that you know something. That there is such a thing as "facts" 

Please excuse my use of the term "you" in this instance, I am not a product of the government enforced Prussian based school system as I did not attend their school after about ten years of age. When I got older I noticed the governmental system that I did not agree to be in their employ and have been without Canada ever since. 

Back to the fallacy of facts. By calling it a fallacy I am purposefully imparting a phallic nature to the nature of facts. To presume of them is an arrogant, macho and false gesture, a display of self worship. The only place "facts" "exist" is in a court of law and they only exist there because you notice the court of them before hand and they can be anything you are willing to stand behind. They are a fiction just like your name, your birth date, your certifications and law itself.

People at large are woefully ignorant of what they do not know. Insofar as they do not recognize that are indeed ignorant. The first step in curing alcoholism is admitting that you are an alcoh0olic, here too the first step is acceptance.

The reason most people shy away from this train of thought is because they use "knowledge" to subjugate fear. They slash at the soft underbelly of the beast with the gleaming blade of "facts": there is no such thing as monsters.  Ted Bundy is  monster a he is quite real. Same for a host of others that may make him look rather tame. The most hilarious part is that you likely can't even spot the real monsters as they usually blend seamlessly in, such as chemtrails, neotane, Al Gore and radiation.

A mind that no longer seeks, convinced of it's own worth is like a sports car with motorcycle engine: it's fraudulent and against the very nature of the thing. A hideous mockery. You, by choosing the road of thinking "I know", show that you don't know and that you are in essence afraid and merely battling illusory demons because you are too afraid to battle real ones. You become a mockery, a staged event.

Fear is thought to be the enemy when fear is your ally. Watch a cat leap three feet straight up into the air when startled, what you aren't seeing is that the time the cat spends in the air gives it time to asses the situation and gives it an advantageous vector to attack the potential threat. The cat's fearful reaction helps it. The issue is that fear is made out to be something it's not and by who? You? Did you ever consciously examine fear and make a logical and informed decision? When was the last last time you consciously examined and made an informed decision about anything? Newspapers, magazines, television news and radio do not count as information sources. Nor do superficial web sources like ask.com or about.com, product webpages or any similar such misinformation dispensary. So given these exclusions, when was the last time you you actually made a decision?

Look at what Bertrand Russel said about the topic:

“It is to be expected that advances in physiology and psychology will give governments much more control over individual mentality than they now have even in totalitarian countries.

Fichte laid it down that, education should aim at destroying free will, so that, after pupils have left school, they shall be incapable, throughout the rest of their lives, of thinking or acting otherwise than as their schoolmasters would have wished. But in his day this was an unattainable ideal: what he regarded as the best system in existence produced Karl Marx. In future such failures are not likely to occur where there is dictatorship.

Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible.

Even if all are miserable, all will believe themselves happy, because the government will tell them that they are so.”

Bertrand Russel is talking about you. You are the product of the system he is describing and because of it you can't see it. The governments of your lands are predating you. You are their food so to speak. A human resource.

"They" aren't to blame. "They" are insane. What about you? What role do you play in this game?

Here is the Merriam Websters Dictionary definition of "Man" (3 and 4):

a : a feudal tenant : vassal b : an adult male servant c plural : the working force as distinguished from the employer and usually the management
a : one of the distinctive objects moved by each player in various board games b : one of the players on a team

Well, you are their man as long you are being moved by "them". You are supposed to be moving yourself but because you're unable to think properly you can't, you need a puppet master. This is ok, for now. Just switch your master to someone you decide on. At least then you will begin exercise some semblance of free will.

Free will is impossible in the absence of informed decision. Your will will never be free until you cognize the forces at work. A fish can't swim against the current until he knows what direction the current is flowing. 

To Finish

Pay attention to your responses. All of them. Pay attention to everything in your life. It's your life, do want to ignore it away? Do not judge anything, a judgement is presumption. Learn to recognize hearsay, newspeak and rhetoric. Most of all learn who you are.

Look up Edward Bernays and the Hegelian dialectic.

Monday 11 June 2012

2012 Olymipcs, Propaganda and... Alien Invasion?

Nick Pope, this guy is is famous in UFO circles as actually having worked for the British MOD's (ministry of defense) unidentified flying shit desk and then come out "after retirement" and spoke/wrote about some of what he dealt with.

 Then a mainstream British news dispensary dispenses this: "Keep an eye on the skies for saucers during the Olympic Games, warns former MoD UFO expert".

I was in total shock reading this because of how a) incredibly stupid so many aspects of this article are and b) that this is even getting media attention (well not that shocked).

A couple days ago I was watching the 2011 World weightlifting Championships and I saw something rather odd on the preamble, this:

Notice UFOs in the sky and 2012 Olympic logo in the center obscured by phone booth
This is a non-Olympic event happening in 2011, so it is questionable as to why there is all of this business in there in the first place (hype). Then as the intro continues, this image comes up:

  Nothing strange there right? Not unless you were privileged enough to hear Rik Clay speak before he mysteriously "commited suicide". He pointed out how there are strange aspects of the "2012" logo such as superfluous dots and funny looking mismatched twos.
Watch how easily this changes into....
So that sign on the weightlifting preamble says "road to zion" with ufo's flying around. Huh, maybe I'm just kind of paranoid but then, as I mentioned earlier, we have that "anomalous" article in the Daily Mail. Let's look at that a bit...

"He said: 'It has been a widely held belief in Ministry of Defence circles that "aliens" have been able to detect us for decades via TV and radio broadcasts." Uh, that's news to me!

"On their arrival it is difficult to say what they would do: explore, help or destroy. Our resources make us quite a special threat." Well it actually seems like he has some pretty ideas on what they would do....

"If UFOs came into our atmosphere, RAF jets such as the Eurofighter Typhoons, and missiles such as the Rapiers guarding the Olympic Games would be well equipped to enter the fray."

"And if the aliens landed, in an unprecedented move, I am in doubt that the entire Army would be join the fight." This seems like misquote because he goes on to say...

"The TA and the Reserves would be called out and conscription potentially introduced."

Then this:

"Speaking about the cultural impact of aliens since the first widely-reported cases in the 1940s, he said: 'It is interesting to note that we are all in some ways equipped to deal with alien invasion - games such as Resistance: Burning Skies on PlayStation Vita help acclimatise people to the reality of extraterrestrial life - and in particular that they might be hostile.

'It is a widely held belief that classified information about weapons and tactics useful in combatting alien occupation are embedded into such gameplay."

A tangent: if the threat of having to fight aliens is "a widely held belief in Ministry of Defence circles" and that "It is a widely held belief that classified information about weapons and tactics useful in combatting alien occupation are embedded into such gameplay." then what does this say about other games? Namely Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 in which you play as a CIA operative killing hoards of unarmed civilians in an airport?

Or perhaps how later, in the same game, you play as a soldier "clearing houses" in an American suburb?

Wow, I knew this was some kind of psychological programming when I played it and was quite disturbed that I was alone in my observation but here we have a MoD insider telling us that this type of thing (implanting psychological programming into games) is going on. If the MoD is sure of this then we can bet that the DoD is doing it. Look at the logo of the publisher of Call of Duty:

This is overt, there is no "conspriacy" here, it's just in your face with "hey this is what's happening but because you are symbol illiterate, you can't tell, ha ha". There is no question that the military is heavily involved in the entertainment industry, it's been flat out admitted numerous times and, based on that and this Call of Duty and Resistance craziness, it seems a sure bet that they are involved in the gaming industry (like there was ever any question).

Back to the article:

"He added: 'Aliens may possess weapons or advanced technology we’ve no idea of. Aliens may have invisibility, a death ray, teleportation, force fields and other things we can't even guess at." Wow, this guy must be a genius (sarcasm). "Death rays" seriously? What is this? A joke? This is like Mars Attacks stuff. But he steps in it even more:

"Beyond this, unity is key, but as history dictates, this is not so easy.

'The logical course is to unite the world against the alien threat, combining our military strength and fighting under the United Nations. But some countries might not fight.

'We saw this type of treachery and cowardice in the Second World War. Though some brave people joined the Resistance, much of France accepted Nazi occupation."  

Oh, looks like he's spilled the beans here: an obvious globalist agenda! We've been hearing this crap for years, this is why they started the "League of Nations" after WW1, globalism. What is wrong with globalism? Read "1984" or "A Brave New World" or watch "Brazil". There has been a globalist agenda on the table for over a century, in fact, doesn't popular belief hold that Hitler, wanting to dominate the whole planet, was a globalist? Isn't globalism the fevered wet dream of every dictator? How would this be any different?

Not to mention: fighting what is obviously a staged staged Alien invasion means that you are a treacherous coward? This sounds like a "hate speech" to me (he basically called most of the French "treacherous cowards", also to be clear I am mocking "hate speeches"). This guy is a one man propaganda machine! (I doubt very much that he is speaking for himself)

But speaking of 1984, a funny thing happened at the Los Angeles Olympics that year:

This photo is from the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics (!?)
For some strange reason, during the closing ceremonies a "UFO" flies over the stadium (carried by helicopter), lands, then these little fuckers get out and explain how awesome it is that the whole globe has united at the Olympics and what amazing things the human race could do if we just globalized. I can't make this shit up, ask anyone who was there or check it out on the internet. Can this possibly be a coincidence? I think you would have to have the pattern recognition skills of a can of tuna not to see this one.

Maybe this "Alien threat" is why they decided to put all of those surface to air missile batteries on top of a shitload of London's buildings or why they have almost fifty thousand (50 000!!!) armed troops in London for the Olympics. Perhaps this has to do with the Rockefeller Foundation document "Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development" that predicts 13 000 dead at the London Olympics (written in 2010)? Maybe not...

...but what about these limey little faggots?

Jeez, don't those guys look kind of, well, alien-y? Why are these guys the mascots for the Olympics that has UFOs flying around in pre event hype? Even if the whole "alien invasion" bit, fake or otherwise, doesn't happen; isn't it still incredibly odd that there is an overt "Alien" theme at both the 1984 and 2012 Olympics and that we have this MoD patsy spouting off all of this fear mongering invasion stuff? To compound this strangeness there is this: Ronald Reagan talks about uniting the world because of some alien threat during an address to the UN. Not once, twice (well once it seems to be a White House press release) !!

I'm not going to get into the who is behind this because I don't know, there are lots of theories. Just think, who stands to benefit the most from a global government? Something tells me that it's bureaucrats. The "do nothing, take everything" crowd of politicians, bankers and bureaucrats. (funny, when you have tissue in your body that "does nothing, takes everything" it's called cancer)

To be clear about he whole "Zion" thing: there is a very good reason to believe that "Zion" is the global superstate (one world government). The reasons behind this this line of thinking are beyond the scope of this peice. The Olympics would be the "Road to Zion" because they would hypothetically be using it as a vehicle to sway popular opinion in favour of a global superstate by staging some catastrophe; one that apparently involves UFOs or Aliens in some capacity.

Just to finish this whole whole business off...

Does it not seem totally insane that Nick Pope and the British media (Pope, there's a red flag ;) says that jets and missiles are going to help combat the Alien menace but also says that we have no idea what kind of technology they will have and also that it will be superior? How do those sets of beliefs co-exist? I could probably go on and on and on about the contradictions and wacky weirdness involved in this whole business but I digress, I leave it to you to look at what is presented here and see what you can see for yourself.

Whatever happens, if there is ANY call to fight, stay home. If everyone in pre WW2 Germany just stayed home the whole thing would have been averted. From the looks of this the whole thing is being staged, lookup Project Bluebeam, they've been working on this for decades. Just ask yourself, what would Gandhi do? : )

Thank you to redicecreations.com for their excellent news coverage, Rik Clay (RIP) and everyone else who has contributed to this story in one form or another.

Friday 8 June 2012

Comrade, no weights? The party says: do this...

I'm going to show you how to program a workout plan using the Soviet conjugate method. This method is why the Soviets absolutely dominated the 1984 friendship games they held (to make up for boycotting the Olympics). To make this method available to the unwashed and ignorant masses (who am I kidding, the fact that you read has separated you from them, good work) I'll be showing how to program this method with body weight exercises. Who else would put together such an awesomely useful concept?

Anatoly Pisarenko squatting for the glory of the CCCP, da comrade!

Conjugate periodization is simply a method by which all relevant sport skills are trained simultaneously, as opposed to in blocks. Block training is where a sportsman would train only one type of development factor. Example: high total number of lifts for skill familiarization and muscular hypertrophy would be one training goal and the focus of one block, usually about two to four weeks, with the next block focusing on another skill like rate of force development (speed). So the conjugate method trains all of the relevant sport skills at the same time, these skills include but are not limited to: general physical preparedness (work volume), speed (force generated over a short amount of time), maximal strength (force generated over an undefined period of time), sport specific skill practice and restorative activities.

Since our example routine will not be geared towards any specific skill, let's imagine that being hardcore is a sport and train for that.

We will use four training days a week, this allows for an optimal amount of both work and recovery. We will have two lower body focused days and two upper body focused days. This is identical to the Westside conjugate method template but I don't expect most of you to know what that is, so suffice it to say that the Westside system is based on the Soviet system. One of our main tenets will be contrast, one leg day is heavy with other being fast, one assistance exercise is stable and the other unstable, etc. This results in a an incredibly varied training stimulus so you'll get better at stuff you aren't really training for.

Okay, the routine:

MON - Max Effort Lower Body - warm up (if you're into that) and then do as many Pistols on your weaker leg as you can, then do the same number on your stronger leg.<- Get tight as fuck for this, clench your abs, butt, fists and anything else you can and make 'em look good! Then do three sets of jumping squats, don't jump for height, jump for reps, as many reps as you can without really killing yourself. Get a pump and move on to Split Squats, use a five second negative and do three sets. Abs are next, I don't care what you do here, I recommend V-ups or jackknife planks but work your abs good for three sets and hit the showers.

TUE - Max Effort Upper Body - warm up, then go for max reps on the one arm pushup with your weaker arm, then do the same number of reps on your strong arm.<- Again, get tight as fuck for this, clench your abs, butt, fists and anything else you can and make 'em look good! Then do three sets of pull ups or chin ups, don't kill yourself but put work in. Then do three sets of diamond or triangle pushups. Last, do some more chins (use a narrow grip).

Franco knows whats up

WED - Off

THU - Dynamic (Speed) Lower Body - warm up and then do some sprints, short ones, like forty-sixty yards or something. Do four to six sets.<- In sprinting, the faster you move your arms back and forth the faster you will run, keep your chin down and lean forward, it's basically a controlled fall. Next is lunge switches, three sets, jump high. Next is lateral lunges, two sets, slow and good form. Then do some abs for three sets, whatever you do make it contrast to your last ab exercise.

FRI - Dynamic Upper Body - warm up and then hit up some clapping push ups, twelve sets of two, make 'em powerful and 'jump" high. Then do some hindu or pike push ups for three sets. Next is SEAL chin ups: put one hand on each side of the bar and chin to either side. I can't find a picture of this. If you do a normal chin facing the bar then you would do these "straddling' the bar, as in you would be standing under the bar with it running in the same direction you are looking. This will necessitate that one hand is in front of the other when your grip the bar, switch them from set to set. Do three sets.

This is an incredibly simplistic form of the conjugate method and is by no means exhaustive of the subject. If you want to know more: read more.

A word on intensity and periodization: for the love of yourself (most christians think that to love oneself is a sin, maybe that's why they've killed so many people over the years) don't jump in and go balls out on this routine. You will be so sore as fuck as to never even think of doing it again. Build up in a three week wave to a balls out week and then start over again. So first week: easy, don't push, test the water. Second week: get more comfortable and get a good sense of what you can do. Third week: get psycho. Then repeat the wave over. This will be hard for you type 'A' types but this method will result in the most gains, both in body composition (+ muscle, - fat) and skill improvement (strength, speed, coordination).

That's some good skill

Remember: Alter the leverages to make the exercises easier or harder depending on your skill level, use inclines, declines, walls, trees whatever. You can't do pistols? Do box pistols. Can't do one arm pushups? Do them against a wall or something, use creativity (no, it still still exists).

Get out there and don't fuck around.