Tuesday 4 November 2014

Holy Fuck Boys: Dinosaurs are Fake!

I was listening to Liquid Stranger and reading this hilarious article in which the author postulates that there is in fact evidence to support a 'dinosaurs are fake' hypothesis, or at least illuminate the glaring and disturbing lack of transparency in palaeontology. Now I am not one to say something like the world was made by the Christian god five thousand years ago. Nor am I really in a position to refute that supposition other than by saying that if christians are made in the image of god then their god would have been too fucked in the head to have made a world as genuinely interesting as this one.

Lambastes aside, this article posits some interesting points in critical thought: if you have never seen a dinosaur bone, ever, because they are not on display to the public; how would you be able to verify their existence? Trust in an "expert" would be a priori and therefore inadequate to base any solid conclusions on. Beware how many of your supposed "truths" are in fact beliefs based on a priori conclusions. Lapses in logical thought land people in very embarrassing places.

Further incriminating the establishment is that they push the idea of something they refuse to validate with the supposed actual evidence, on children. Dinosaurs aren't being marketed on adults, they are categorically being pushed on kids. The old catholic motto of "get 'em while they're young" seems poignantly applicable here. Kids are the easiest to convince of anything and further, if you are able to keep your dubious narrative intact to about the time of young adulthood, diminishing mental plasticity will ensure the spurious engram remains intact throughout life.

Mental plasticity and the weaponized use of said is a huge topic that goes beyond the scope of this piece but I admonish the reader to learn about it for oneself.

It is important to realize that at the time of the creation of palaeontology there were other suspiciously insubstantive avenues of study being legitimized as "scientific". Egyptology comes to mind. The study of which, being far from a hard science like chemistry, was open to the rose coloured or, in this case opaque, interpretations of the data by arrogant primitive supremicists. The dogmatists of that era juxtaposed into the future would probably explain the Hoover Dam as a temple for pagan rituals to the river gods and posit the generators found within as "ceremonial objects".

Palaeontology is no different. It has has been twisted and molded to fit the conclusions of Charles Darwin. We now understand that Darwin was wrong and that punctuated equilibrium actually fits the evidence much better, leaving the question: why do people still believe in Darwin's crackpot theories? See above "get 'em while they're young" explanation and notice how effective it is.

If you'd like to learn more about the dubious nature of the studies of palaeontology, palaeoanthropology and anthropology, and the insane dogmatic narcissists found within, read the excellent (and scholarly) tome 'Forbidden Archaeology' by Michael Cremo. Prepare to be shocked, horrified and disgusted.

Again I should mention that I am neither for or against the dinosaurs are fake theory, I just realize that we, as people lacking direct experiential knowledge, should be not be dismissing such claims lightly. When it comes down to it, we must remember that we have no idea where we are, what we are doing here, what we are, what this place is or how any of this stuff got here. As such I find the idea of any man as an authority laughable: man has no clue about anything, not even himself, so who is anyone to say what is best for anyone else. I have digressed.

If you find yourself having an emotional reaction or really any reaction to the theory, ask yourself why. Why would you care? What does the existence of dinosaurs or non existence matter to your life? Perhaps you are uncomfortable for having believed something that it turns out could be totally bogus? Why do you feel insecure about that?

I certainly feel there is something very wrong in the gestalt of the academic study of anything anthro or paleo. There are too many people with large theosophical and personal investments who are more than happy to lie, both to themselves and to the public, about anything that doesn't fit.

Just keep in mind: we don't know shit.