Tuesday 2 December 2014

A New Low?

Holy fuck my humans, people, not humans, are fucked.

Being the last guy to hear about anything because I eschew mass media (television, radio, news websites, etc.) like most people avoid reading, I have only just heard about the whole 'Ferguson thing'. Truly behind the times, one may say I even have a Russian fashion sense....

Track suit and dress shoes: done it.

Anyway, apparently this whole business is because a white police officer shot an unarmed black youth. Where to begin, let's start with race: this is the most hypocritical bullshit I've ever heard in my life. In fact I have pause to take a breath....... ah, better.

Okay, I will say this: blacks, whites, jews, whoever is rioting and exploding what is basically a non-event: you are the racists.

Yeah fuck you: you goddamn racist scum. Race is not the issue, white youths are shot by black police officers and no one cares or at least are better behaved about it. Further not only are you racist, you are morons who are exploiting an event for your own self centered gains.

Case in point: I'm sure the liquor store is the real culprit.
Then people have the audacity to put shit like this up, making it seem like the ferguson cops are a bunch of klan members. This is all spin.

Hmm... I wonder why... (see above looters)
I understand that these stats are alledgedly for the year previous to the shooting, making the Ferguson police force a bunch of white supremecists right? Well look who's looting the fucking liqour store! Duh. Guess what: black people in the US commit more violent crimes per capita than white people!! My god, how could I say that?? Don't I know that we have to lie about reality so as not to hurt anyone's feelings? No I don't and you who think that are fucked in the head and contributing to the downfall of all western civilization.

Would the police be racist if they assumed that white people in trailer parks were drunk wife beaters? NO! Or how about heavily tattooed latinos being gang members?

You black looters: don't you feel any shame for making your whole race look like a bunch of violent, alcoholic, sociopathic thieves? If it seems like you're being targeted by police, maybe it's because you are and maybe it's because there is a very good reason! Durr!!

Now I'm not one to paint anything with too broad a brush and I should say that I do not believe that all black people are the things I said above and, I'm sure that not all latinos with lots of tattoos are gang members or, even that all trailer park dwelling white trash are drunk wife beaters. But in reality many of these stereotypes are true in abstract, which most of the time is all we humans have to go off of.

Imagine you have a gun, you are are in the exact vicinity in which a 300lb. 6'4" man has just assaulted a shop owner, a man who fits the exact description is seen by you, charging toward you, what do you do? I would point my gun at him and command him to put his hands up and lay down on the ground (if I had time) if not I would have shot him. I would choose self defense over being physically dominated and possibly killed by a man twice my size. I would have made the decision to fire regardless of the mans race. This is exactly what happened in the shooting death of Michael Brown.

If you'd like to read more about this and even see CCTV photos of Michael Brown using violence against an unarmed man right before he was killed go here.

As a side note: there has been a slew of disturbing mass rapes of children, another of which is outlined on this link (repeat). The fact that most, if not all, of the men involved were black is indicative of why police officers may in fact have a 'bias' toward thinking that black men were perhaps more physically dangerous than other races and making on the fly decisions to fire upon them.

Again I won't be as stupid to say that all mass rapes of anyone are conducted by one race. But again there does seem to be a penchant or "culture" of this type of behavior in certain racial groups.

This whole situation is so fucked as to highlight the absolute total stupidity of everyone involved: the black people for sticking up for a thug only because of his skin color, the white people for believing blindly that the black people had some kind of justification for behaving badly and insulting whites,
the jews for using their media control to incite everyone against everyone else, everyone for believing it all and the humans for not saying or doing anything about the whole insanity.

Ridiculous! YOU ARE ALL MORONS! All this event has proved is how incredibly racist all races are and that you should be disgusted by how unfathomably lame you will be to each other based on it.

This is a new low. (Comment: this piece is brief, too brief for me to say even half of what I want to. This topic activates me too much to even write semi coherently, so do your own research, make up your own mind and to see how the media fits in, watch this great video.)

Oh wait: it's been happening the whole time!!

Saturday 22 November 2014


In the not so distant past, we humans of the third sphere, thought erroneously that dope buffness and freaky android super strength were merely for those who would meld with mechanism. That the 'trick' to looking and feeling like the human we wanted to be were to found in the clutches of semi-robotic exercise cages... that exercise looked like this:

Sophistry and conjecture.

We are the descendants of the most powerful organic system this planetary system has ever imagined into existence. Our inheritance is is this:

Herc's obliques spill over his illiac crest.
For the more slight of frame:

I ask you reader: tell me if either of these men look like the man in the machine. Further I ask: to what ideal do you aspire? I am fairly certain most men's ideal looks something like this:

Not Arnold.
Lean, mobile with well developed muscles of the abdomen, arms and shoulder girdle.

There is no coincidence that both of these men are upside down.
I will say now that one does not require machines, barbells, dumbbells, elastic bands or any kind of equipment whatsoever to become the beneficiary of their inheritance. All it takes are some very simple precepts.

Work all three body segments: upper, abdomen and lower.

This does not need to be complicated, for example one may choose to start with very basic exercises such as push ups and squats. It bears to keep in mind that push ups require holding a plank position and is a beginner level ab exercise. That you do the exercises is more important than choosing your program parameters perfectly.

Do only what you can do. Don't injure yourself.

A very important point here is to stay tight while doing high strength-skill exercises. If one is just starting, push ups may meet this criteria. Keep the armpits tight, clench the abs and glutes, try to make a fist even if one is performing an open hand variation and pull the kneecaps up. If you'd like to learn more about the skill of getting tight, read Pavel Tsatsouline's masterwork 'The Naked Warrior', the man is a genius.

Use high volumes of work. 

Exercise stress activates the the production of mRNA strands, the more strands present at any given time - the more structural adaptation there is to the imposed stress. There are two primary ways to produce high levels of epigenetic adaptation to exercise: impose high levels of acute stress as in, do few sets to circa-failure. Conversely one may do many sets without going to failure and increasing the time between sets.

If one chooses the first method, one is limited in the amount of volume they can perform by metabolic fatigue. Thus limiting their total production of messenger RNA.

If one performs a much higher volume of work by doing less repetitions per set, the trainee may perform double or more total mRNA encoding reps. This follows how humans tend operate naturally, if one were to climb a mountain or thresh grain by hand they would be very wise to pace themselves as the volume of work required is high and the prevention of metabolic and nervous fatigue is crucial to the successful completion of their task.

Gymnasts train for many hours per day, if they exhausted themselves too quickly they would be unable to perform all of the training required of their sport, they also posses some of the most developed male and female physiques on the planet.

A good method is to do one set of push ups and squats every hour for ten hours. Of course as one becomes more advanced they may choose to do an ab exercise as well.

Practice a wide variety of skills to prevent stagnation and increase strength-skill.

Muscular tension causes the activation of genes that result in adaptation to said tension, over time those levels of tension will cease to cause adaptation. This means that new and more intense stimulus must be introduced constantly to keep the body adapting. This is taken to non-functional extremes by some popular workout programs, a good reference to keep in mind is to practice exercises that are the same but different.

An example: if one were to follow the above push ups and squats program - one may choose to do normal push ups for one set an hour later do Russian push ups and the next do close grip push ups and so on. The exercise is the same but different. The varying levels of tension on different body structures will stimulate the expansion of neural nets and keep ones strength progressing.

Further by practicing a variety of skills, one works into more challenging exercises that are much more visually impressive and fun to perform. This tends to keep athletes interested in training.

Lose fat. You will automatically increase your power to weight ratio.

Body fat, while being unsightly is also a detriment to calisthenics performance as the increased resistance of non-functional bodymass impedes the performance of more complex and challenging exercises. This is why gymnasts, martial artists and rock climbers all try to stay as lean as possible. Increased work volume with no corresponding increase in caloric intake will serve reduce fat mass by itself.

The metabolic secretions produced by working muscle serve to increase human growth hormone levels - this hormone is correlated with decreased levels of body fat. Both the production of hGH and the concomitant decrease in body fat result in a favourable modification in the amount of circulating leptin, high levels of this hormone are correlated with overfeeding and poor nutrient partitioning causing more instances of over-eating and an increased propensity for excess calories to be stored as bodyfat as opposed to muscle mass.

This article is meant to be an introduction to the world of calisthenic training, it is by no means exhaustive of the topic. If one would like to learn more about exercises and their progressions, check this link out.

Thursday 6 November 2014

Flappy Bird: Earth with Humans v1.674927351(74)×10−27

Oooooooh - new Martian developments! This would be one of my faorite topics if it weren't for all the cranks and dumbasses involved in the field. I appreciate their curiosity and enthusiasm it's just that most of them are shockingly inept at coming to conclusions about things. Perhaps 'coming to conclusions' is the wrong phrase, lets say 'positing hypotheses based on available evidence'.

Fresh off the presses we have this fantastic new find:


What you may or may not notice is that to the right of centre you'll see a circle with a cross in the centre. Everybody and their dog is jumping on the "valve handle" hypothesis. While it could be the remnant of a mechanical artifact (for all any of us know the picture is fake and there are no rovers on Mars) or perhaps it's evidence of 'aliens' in a different way....

You see there is such a thing as a trace fossil, something that while not intact has left a fossilized imprint of itself or a process for which it was responsible. Behold! examples:

Fossil? Yes - but I'll be damned if that doesn't look like a Yin/Yang with a crude Bagua.
Heel strike from a basketball shoe? Nope. Fossil.
Holy fucking black and white Batman... here let me infuse some 'kulahs':

Suck on that. BTW I saw your mom behind Taco Bell in handcuffs XD

Okay anyway, impressions can be left behind by various lifeforms that look to us to be of intelligent providence when in fact it was some stupid tubeworm fucking around 500 milliion years ago. Now it should be stated that I don't blame a tubeworm for the NASA shape, it could have been a sea star or urchin-like creature, it could be a valve handle, it could be celtic cross engraving left by time travelling Merovingians, how the fuck could I tell? For all I know space as we claim to understand it isn't real and there are no other planets and the Earth is flat.

All I'm saying, like with the 'dinosaurs are fake' thing, is: we don't know. All we have to go on is either our own direct experience or a priori conclusions which includes but is not limited to hearsay. One sucks totally and one is still quite dubious. Allow me to explain.

Direct experience is obviously the best of the two. After all experience is what the scientific method is based off of. The same scientific method that so many take to be a stifling and dogmatic religion all too unfortunately, anyway nonetheless it is an accepted method by which the likely truth of a matter is resolved. It's good enough for court, right?

Wrong. Don't get me started on court. The senses you use to experience the supposed outer reality are in fact synthetic. As in they are the synthesis of electrical inputs into your brain into something we can't find: experience. It's fascinating to me that people think they experience reality when they can't find what it is that experiences it. They say "brain, the brain experiences it" okay then why do brain dead cardiac patients see the room containing their switched off cadaver and can describe conversations the surgeons had while legally dead?

The structure of the brain does not account for experience, and I don't mean memory, I mean the active experiencer, that which experiences only the now (which is eternity really if you think about it: it's never not now...). Obviously this gets into some pretty fucky territory so I'll move on.

The point is that which you experience is a proxy assembled from electrons and the structure of the inside of your own brain, not reality. It is impossible to experience reality directly because it would seem the experiencer is not present in what we call reality, likely because physical reality is an illusion, or something. So to say: "FACT: ANYTHING" is a fallacy, it is at best a supposition.

If I were to choose a pop culture reference to what reality actually is, I'd choose this one:

Crude, yes, but I believe it gets the point across.... oh wait: humans.... crap.

It's likely that there is no physical universe as we think of physicality and what lies beneath is just information, the binary codices of some super intelligent macrobe to whom we are simply gut fauna and this, the dream dreamed collectively by our doubly helical processing core, spewing forth the  "Flappy Bird: Earth with Humans v1.674927351(74)×10−27" that is all we will ever experience as ourselves in this "place".

Keep fit and have fun, or don't: it's your fantasy.

Tuesday 4 November 2014

Holy Fuck Boys: Dinosaurs are Fake!

I was listening to Liquid Stranger and reading this hilarious article in which the author postulates that there is in fact evidence to support a 'dinosaurs are fake' hypothesis, or at least illuminate the glaring and disturbing lack of transparency in palaeontology. Now I am not one to say something like the world was made by the Christian god five thousand years ago. Nor am I really in a position to refute that supposition other than by saying that if christians are made in the image of god then their god would have been too fucked in the head to have made a world as genuinely interesting as this one.

Lambastes aside, this article posits some interesting points in critical thought: if you have never seen a dinosaur bone, ever, because they are not on display to the public; how would you be able to verify their existence? Trust in an "expert" would be a priori and therefore inadequate to base any solid conclusions on. Beware how many of your supposed "truths" are in fact beliefs based on a priori conclusions. Lapses in logical thought land people in very embarrassing places.

Further incriminating the establishment is that they push the idea of something they refuse to validate with the supposed actual evidence, on children. Dinosaurs aren't being marketed on adults, they are categorically being pushed on kids. The old catholic motto of "get 'em while they're young" seems poignantly applicable here. Kids are the easiest to convince of anything and further, if you are able to keep your dubious narrative intact to about the time of young adulthood, diminishing mental plasticity will ensure the spurious engram remains intact throughout life.

Mental plasticity and the weaponized use of said is a huge topic that goes beyond the scope of this piece but I admonish the reader to learn about it for oneself.

It is important to realize that at the time of the creation of palaeontology there were other suspiciously insubstantive avenues of study being legitimized as "scientific". Egyptology comes to mind. The study of which, being far from a hard science like chemistry, was open to the rose coloured or, in this case opaque, interpretations of the data by arrogant primitive supremicists. The dogmatists of that era juxtaposed into the future would probably explain the Hoover Dam as a temple for pagan rituals to the river gods and posit the generators found within as "ceremonial objects".

Palaeontology is no different. It has has been twisted and molded to fit the conclusions of Charles Darwin. We now understand that Darwin was wrong and that punctuated equilibrium actually fits the evidence much better, leaving the question: why do people still believe in Darwin's crackpot theories? See above "get 'em while they're young" explanation and notice how effective it is.

If you'd like to learn more about the dubious nature of the studies of palaeontology, palaeoanthropology and anthropology, and the insane dogmatic narcissists found within, read the excellent (and scholarly) tome 'Forbidden Archaeology' by Michael Cremo. Prepare to be shocked, horrified and disgusted.

Again I should mention that I am neither for or against the dinosaurs are fake theory, I just realize that we, as people lacking direct experiential knowledge, should be not be dismissing such claims lightly. When it comes down to it, we must remember that we have no idea where we are, what we are doing here, what we are, what this place is or how any of this stuff got here. As such I find the idea of any man as an authority laughable: man has no clue about anything, not even himself, so who is anyone to say what is best for anyone else. I have digressed.

If you find yourself having an emotional reaction or really any reaction to the theory, ask yourself why. Why would you care? What does the existence of dinosaurs or non existence matter to your life? Perhaps you are uncomfortable for having believed something that it turns out could be totally bogus? Why do you feel insecure about that?

I certainly feel there is something very wrong in the gestalt of the academic study of anything anthro or paleo. There are too many people with large theosophical and personal investments who are more than happy to lie, both to themselves and to the public, about anything that doesn't fit.

Just keep in mind: we don't know shit.

Wednesday 10 September 2014

Ab Training: Don't be Stupid

I was reading the unfortunately titled "Women's Health" and came across a very tiny training article. It seems odd that a health magazine would have so little of it's content devoted to exercise, for instance there was more more page space devoted to ice cream than the article I'm about to mention. This pictogram (article is too nice) is called "Four Moves for Insanely Toned Abs #nofilter" (yes there was a hashtag on the articles title) and it appeared in the July/August 2014 edition.

Oh and by the way, this issue claimed to be a fitness special (!?!).

So we get two thirds of a page showing four exercises with a paragraph explaining each start/finish pictogram. Let's see what Katie Mack, a trainer at New York's Peak Performance, has to say about ab training:

1. "Suitcase Deadlift" - except the blurb says to use two dumbbells thus making a dumbbell deadlift as the suitcase deadlift is performed with only one dumbbell or, better yet, barbell. Dumbbell deadlifts suck because dumbbells are too light, one is much better off using a trap bar deadlift because it's virtually the same and you can use an actual load.

To be fair a real suitcase deadlift is a great ab exercise - if you aren't going for a small feminine waist. You see suitcase DLs will build the obliques and make your waist appear wider, even if you don't build any muscle as the increased tonus will cause the obliques to appear more prominent. Oh well.

2. "Half Kneeling Overhead Dumbbell Press" - the pictogram shows a woman in a lunge position poorly pressing a dumbbell with the opposite hand from her leading leg. Not a wholly bad exercise despite being very poorly described, but only as a coordination/activation type of drill as the load used is unlikely to be particularly stimulating.

3. "Goblet Split Squat" - when and why did the lunge become a "split squat"? Is this just modern sophistry? This should read 'Goblet Lunge' and when did this become an ab exercise?? But it gets worse....

4. Bent Over Row - exactly what it says, with dumbbells. Again - wtf??? Really? What kind of insane world is this where not only are such poor articles written but then are printed in the "Fitness Special" of a health magazine? If this is working your abs you have severe and horrible physical issues.

I think a round of applause is in order for Katie Mack for entertaining us all so well with her obviously comedic article. Hazzahs for all!

Actually Good Advice:

But much more seriously we should consider what would likely comprise an actually good ab training routine. Moves basically anyone who isn't physically disabled can do, good volume and moves that will encourage good abdominal development without making the subject blocky looking.

Hmm.... why even waste time with a variety of moves when we could just use one? Especially if the move is the one gymnasts, divers and acrobats use to build their freaky strength?

No not the L-Sit, we need to account for noobs, the move is the Compression Hold. The CH is what you start with to build up to the L-sit but can be used indefinitely because you can never really get too strong for it. Oh and did I mention how easy it is to learn? Perfect for mostly everybody.

Behold: pictures.

How to do: try to make the distance between your sternum and pubic bone as short as you can (as in: shorten abs as much as possible), push your hands into the floor as hard as you can (and don't stop!), point your toes and lift your legs off the floor. It doesn't matter how high or even if you get them off the ground just as long as you try really, really hard. You'll know you've got it when your abs feel like they're tearing apart.

If you get bored: try this variation.

Basically the same deal as far as execution but when you do it you'll why it's good. Oh and the idea is that you do holds for time and holds for form. First in your workout do them with beautiful form: pointed toes, legs high, like you're showing off for judges - no sets and reps, just practice getting good. As a finisher (shudder) do one hold for time.

For the dummies: this is a hold, there is no movement, get in position and stay there, this is the not-lame version of a plank.

Ok so go do this. Like right now. Why are you still reading this? Go - it takes no time. Seriously this is lame, why are you reading workout articles if you're not gonna go do it? Leave your computer and compression hold - you'll be way cooler if you do...

Wednesday 4 June 2014

Stuff that is Good: Push Press Behind the Neck

...or whatever you want to call it - it's dope as fuck. I mean they're good enough for Mariusz and clearly he knows what the fuck is up.

This exercise is a great adjunct to benching, especially if benching is causing:
  • Caveman or computer posture i.e. slumped, rounded or forward set shoulders.
  • Pain radiating down the arms.
  • Pain in the front of the shoulder.
  • Really any benching related malady other than sore wrists.
The reason being that while benching tends to tighten the muscles on the front of the thorax and thus reciprocally inhibit the muscles opposite to them. Push press behind the neck (PPBN), when done properly (we'll go over that in a minute), causes intense contractions of the posterior shoulder girdle and thus reciprocally inhibits the tight frontal muscles. So you could think of it as being kind of like a 'bench remedy'.

Further, because we're doing a push we are removing the "danger zone" at the bottom of the lift that seems to irritate some people's shoulders. Obviously a good thing if you have high mileage shoulders or hooked acromion processes. This exercise is also sweet because one does not require a spotter, use bumpers and just bail if things get hairy.

Another advantage to the push is that you'll be able to handle more weight. This is always good, people rail on about how you need to use control, feel the mind/muscle connection blah, blah, blah. Arnold used swing curls (275lbs.) to build his seriously freaky biceps, same with Magnus Samuelson (315lbs.). Guess what: muscles get bigger and stronger in response to heavy loads. My god this is clearly rocket science.



How to do:
  1. Copy Mariusz in the video.
  2. Squinch (technical term) your mother loving shoulder blades together and push them down while pressing. This forms what I call the "virtual pelvis" and is the true magic of this exercise.
  3. Keep abs tight as fuck, otherwise you'll be weak and shitty and hurt your lower back.

If you bench: do these. If you don't bench: start benching and do these.

You'd be stupid not to

Monday 2 June 2014

Stuff that is Good: Swings

People love kittens and babies and really horrible television shows. I love kettlebell swings. They are possibly the best exercise there is: period.

The big issue is the name, it makes people think that the exercise is just swinging a KB around. I have some news that may shock and discredit you: it's not. The KB swing should really be called something stupid like: "ballistic weighted standing hip extension with isometric contraction". Thankfully it's not because that sounds really, verily lame but it does get the point across that there is in fact much more to swings than swinging.

The big thing that people fuck up is not jamming their feet hard into the ground during the acceleration phase, this leads to the concomittant failure to fully extend the hips at the top and flex them isometrically before the deceleration phase.

So very, very wrong. Nice tights dumbass.
These points remain the same whether you are doing the squat style swing (which is asinine to begin with) or the hinge style swing or any combination thereof. What should happen as a result is butt soreness. If you don't have sore hip muscles from doing swings you have just failed an intelligence test, thankfully you can take the test as many times as it takes for you to get it right.

The next big fuck up is trying to muscle the KB up with the arms and shoulders, this is WRONG people. Try that with deadlifts and see how far you get. The swing is like a ballistic deadlift and there's so arms in deadlifting (upper arms anyway). Women are actually way worse for this, I'm not sure why and I don't care: just knock it off!

For such a simple movement it's surprising how infrequently I've seen them done right, not really surprising given the human penchant for dumbness. The plus side is that when done properly the rewards are nothing short of astounding:
  • Restores length/tension relationships between agonist/antagonist pairs. As in: fixes your hips, back and knees.
  • Better looking butt and abs.
  • Downright shocking metabolic load so you get super fit as well as buff and awesome.
  • Improves practically everything.
  • Chunks out massive doses of GH from your pituitary (for free!).
  • Did I mention these actually fix your body as opposed to messing it up?
  • Easy to go heavy, no light KBs required.
That last point is a big one: use lots of weight. Swings with anything less than a 36 lb (female) or a 72 lb (male) better be happening because you just got out of surgery. No this isn't some macho bullshit, the KB has to be heavy enough to cause you to have to breathe with the movement, if you aren't you're not getting even close to maximum benefit from them.

The next point is this: you do not have to swing the KB any higher than your shoulders. Higher is not better and if you use a mega heavy KB and can only swing it to waist height that is totally fine. Use weight, not height. Brace your damn abs and tighten your hips at the top. Stand up as straight as you can at the top and avoid leaning back too much, people who do that are usually substituting spinal mobility for hip mobility and that means tight and weak hips, do it right and your tight weakness will be a distant memory.

More could be said about tight weakness, length tension relationships, reciprocal inhibition, etc. but fuck it. You know you should do them and you should go do them instead of reading a bunch academic fluff talk.

Now go: be strong.

Random Thoughts: Crime and Punishment

British people, as an overt generalization, are fat, pale and kind of look like babies. Well it turns out they are about as smart as babies too - but apparently a lot more sadistic. You see while studying new ways to punish people (?) Rebecca Roache and her fellows came up with perhaps the most hideously sterile and horrible of all punishments: time dilation.

I'm not sure where to start with this: the fact that a philosopher has failed in the use of the most fundamental tenet of philosophy (reason), that said philosopher is granted awards from allegedly prestigious institutions or that anyone even listens to her. Fail, fail, fail. Big heap fail. Collectively, humans have leaped from the roof of the house of dignity and justice, obliterated the folding table of logic and reason and now are screaming in pain in the backyard wrestling arena of the universe.

Firstly, we have been using punishment as a method to discipline the non-conforming aspects of society for thousands of years. Clearly it has failed to bring about any positive changes in the punishee because recidivism (in the US) is approximately 50%. If this were an exam we would have failed it. So why do we continue to enact the reciprocating idiocy of Einstein's definition of insanity? Perhaps it's because the people in charge of the "justice" system make way too much money off of exploiting an inbuilt psychological construct from childhood: the notion of punishment by authority ("this hurts me more than it hurts you" "It's for your own good" etc.). Maybe it's because anyone who is in a position to do anything about it is likely a psychopathic megalomaniac who derives pleasure from the suffering of others - a wetigo (and here) in the words of the Ojibwa.

Maybe it's because humans are psychotic barking reptiles (psychologically speaking) who are apparently incapable of thinking. Thinking being the application of reason to a situation via conscious abstraction on the part of the thinker and not merely the act of engaging your inner dialogue. Studies wherein a method of subconscious 'priming' were used to asses the plasticity of the human decision making process show us that humans are not well equipped when it comes time to actually think. Hence reflexive R-brain mediated decision process, hence stupid barking reptiles dressed in human suits.

Man as master of his own destiny is apparently a crock, your environmental stimulus seems to do the "thinking" for you. Weird, yet much like in 'They Live' - "it figures it would be something like this".

Next we run into some heavyweight philosophical issues: who has the authority (right) to punish another at all? I would argue that the injured party does. When I say injured party I am not talking about the state nor am I speaking of non-tangible injuries. For example: if one doesn't wear a seatbelt, which is generally a legal infraction, who is damaged by this act? As such who has any right to claim against the alleged 'offender'?

Example two: thought crimes: if one were to publish a racist pamphlet, who is tangibly injured? No one is forced to read it and further, no one is forced to agree with it. If someone were to act against another based on racist ideas garnered from said pamphlet the fault for the crime still lies with the offender, not the writer, as the offender was not forced or coerced to conform to the ideas of another. Still, we have hilarious yet savagely hypocritical 'hate speech' provisions in "law".

In the excellent albeit very long documentary film 'Evidence of Revision', J. Edgar Hoover lays it out very simply. When asked about justice, he sidesteps the question and explains that "law and order" were his primary concerns as director of the FBI. Justice and law are two uniquely different concepts, one is the aspiration of a free and responsible people and the other is the mandate of tyranny.

Why is this not patently obvious to all? Because: reptiles, barking reptiles.

It's for your own good Johnny.

Perhaps the primary cause for punishment being so socially counterproductive is denial. When a psychological stressor is placed upon someone, say an abusive superior at work, humans generally respond with a denial mechanism to deal with the stressor. Denial works in one of two ways: the subject identifies with the stressor and accepts it as logical (wrongly) and thus posing no threat to personal integrity, or the subject rejects the stressor as being inherently flawed and completely dismisses the validity of the stressor; in essence completely denying it. In abusive human relationships these behaviours show up in such classic cliches as the beaten wife explaining to herself that "he does it because he loves me" which is her trying to identify with the abuser, or the cliche of the rebellious teenager who thinks "don't trust anyone over thirty" and rejects the veiws of his abuser (parent, teachers, etc.) out of hand.

Denial is so very prevalent today that apparently even the 'intellectuals' of our world are not only vulnerable, but downright happy to engage in these ridiculous mind games. The worst part is that because they are credentialed, other people believe their game is valid and abdicate their free will to another who is apparently acting out a delusion.  The upside is that now you know what it is you may have some chance at making better, more informed decisions in your life. Or perhaps you'll engage in a denial pattern to avoid the stressor of having to admit your huge perceptual weaknesses.

So what happens when we allow the 'the state' to punish 'offenders'? We encourage denial patterns on both sides of the law enforcement fence, leading to what is ultimately a more psychologically sick collective.

Despite all of the incredible psychological weaknesses humans suffer from, we do still have the ability to reason and make sound decisions if we apply ourselves. Further all of the people who have propagated these thought viruses are dying off and being replaced with new people, we are them, let's not make the same mistakes.

Wednesday 15 January 2014

Reddit: Suck My Balls

Until today, I had NEVER once been on the internet site Reddit. Until today I didn't realize how fucking RETARDED the mental development of the plebian masses really is. I've made fun of you before for being an idiot, I've harped and railed (and even used that exact term before about the collective's seemingly bottomless stupidity). I've quoted Einstein on this topic. I thought it was bad, I have now learned it so much worse.

I'm sure there are anime fanboy and/or MLPony sites filled with more miserable, child like bickering and idiocy but that we've come to expect that of insane nerds. When did the populace at large learn to match the general shittiness of subhuman, antisocial internet weirdos? Further, where are the battle axe weilding defenders of human dignity to quell the pernicious oozings of waste humanity?

You came to Reddit for actual news....?

I saw a thread in which some dummy was arguing for the fact of climate change based on the amount of scientific articles he found on the internet and lambasted his would be enemies with the fact that they only quoted a blog in their defense.

First things first: doctors used to have a consensus that bleeding pints of blood out of people was good for them. Obviously a transient human consensus means nothing: in four hundred years people will be laughing at our savage 'modern' scientific 'truths' and you will be an idiot by consensus.

Secondly: climate change is agreed upon by all climate scientists. Here's how fucking retarded you are: scientists understand that the Earth's climate has never, at any time, remained static; insofar as the Earth's climate changes. So, yes, they all agree on that. What you are woefully unaware of is that the climate change you refer to is the idiotic notion that humans generate enough energy to modify Earth climate with their waste and, no, not all climate scientists agree on that - because it doesn't add up physically.

Why does this site even exist? What function does it serve for humanity? I mean you must have literally nothing else to do to be reading this prattle. Complete and utter garbage.

Imagine if I had a blog that just put pictures of my dog and put some stupid caption on them? You'd be pissed right? I fucking hope you're smart enough to be angry at the fact we finally get internet back after thousands of years and THIS is what we use it for. You have more important things to be doing with your life - like immediately ending it for pissing me and countless others off with your inane bullshit.

If you're, like, in to 'funny' pet pictures - you should suck flourine too. Humans should be building free energy spacecraft, constructing artificial planets and  generally doing shit that is imbued with a god-like awesomeness quotient. I'm sure we've all heard some pathetic waste say: "humans are a disease on this planet" you know what? They are! All of the people who say that are in fact a disease, those of us who reply: "speak for yourself" are not. Humans are fucking awesome - we are the most awesome thing we've ever discovered - our powers are virtually unlimited and reddit is what we are spending the very limited time of our lives on??? It's like winning the lotto and spending all the cash on Smurfs memorabilia.

Even funnier is the absolute shit notion that man needs to be improved upon! With machines no less!

Can we make a human (I mean make not copy)? Has anyone ever made a human? Did we make the materials? Atoms? Gravity? Electricity? Anything ever? Nope. So what makes you think that the design given to us by whatever force created EVERYTHING IN THE UNIVERSE, could possibly be faulty? Or that you could improve on it in any way without being able to create anything from nothing?

This is as stupid as Mary Shelly speculating that her 'modern'  science could reanimate dead humans, 'it's just a few years off'. We still can't do that and it's been like 150 years. We always think 'we're just on the brink' of being god via scientism and we keep ignoring the fact that we continually fail. People have been indoctrinated to think that their age is always the most advanced one, the one in which true progress is king and will usher in a new world of unbridled awesomeness. How many have actually been right? Further if you extrapolate this into today's world, how likely are we to be 'right'?

To me it seems that with each passing century we get fatter, dumber and lazier. Here we have an eighth grade exam from 1895. Since I didn't go to eighth grade in any physical or literal sense I have no idea what it is like in the modern era but, having spoken with many people who have  graduated this grade, I can't expect more than our modern exam being something like: "watch this episode of 'Breaking Bad' and tell us what color pants the protagonist wore".

Oh and apparently some people disagree with my 'we've turned into a bunch of chimps' idea. With retorts like "not at all" and "Snopes.com, a widely used online fact-checking website, agrees." (with "not at all") I'm sure you'll be able to see how their eighth grade educations have benefitted their ability to cogently form and communicate ideas to others. Or perhaps it indicates the intelligence of the readers? Maybe it's a clear indicator that we are a bunch of hyperdangerous ultramorons. If anyone was smart enough: they'd likely agree. (burned: salina.com, snope.com and teachers + administrators of Salina County School District - suck my fucking balls retards!)

Put down reddit and go lift weights, feast, bang, drink, do drugs and destroy some useless political rape service like the AGLC. Or go do whatever it is that your actually into and if that thing happens to be reddit then kill yourself because it's obviously what you love doing.