Saturday 11 May 2013

You're Dead Bitch

Normal day on planet Earth.

Weaknesses people are afraid of weakness. To bad ALL HUMANS, PERIOD, ARE FUCKING WEAK. If we fall down, from standing, slightly wrong: we die. If we get out of the bathtub slighly wrong, we die. If we eat tiny, imperceptible amounts of certain things we can't even taste, we die.

WE DIE. All of us, no matter how fucking much you think you "bring the ruckus" or go "beast mode" or some similar such stupid rhetoric - you're dead bitch.

Funny though that we think we can "do well" in our lives. To which I would ask: do well to whom? Hmm? Who is going remember you: no one. Enough time will pass and your puny existence will be totally purged from all record and memory. Further to that: no one will give a fuck about how you lived your life except vampires (mormons will try to baptize you into their church after you die!) and you. Anyone who really tries to tell you how life is or what it is to have lived is a fucking vampire - plain and simple.

Of course one can't say who is or is not a vampire categorically. In your life it could be any or none. It depends on you: can you even see them? More importantly, are you one? If you are you'll likely need to know why as people don't normally consciously choose predate the lifeforce of other living humans.

So why is there a disconnect between: a) what people are actually doing, and b) what they "think" they're doing?

In any one given persona* a humans mind can be likened to playhouse, not a whorehouse playhouse but the kind that people went to before live actors were phased out of legitimacy. There is a large backstage area, filled with all the mechanism and lighting required for stage effects as well as dressing rooms, props, sets, costumes and of course: a massive cast of unseen gaffers and make up artists, etc. This is where all the "work" happens.

Next: the distillation product of all the "work". The stage. The  stage is where an otherwise meaningless series of events occur (obviously I'm not a theatre fan ;) and are observed by a passive audience of theatre goers who make their own story for the events they are witnessing. I would imagine this particular play to be pretty much like Cirque de Soleil: too crazy to make any sense of so you have to sub in your own plot or otherwise be doomed to trance-like total confusion.

Most people are trained to observe their minds like the theatre goers observe the 'crazy crap that might fly in France but  is totally lost here' (show): passively. There are two totally separate arenas to use besides 'audience goers': 'actors' (or stage performers or whatever they are... 'players') and 'backstage crew'. Between which there are many roles one may assume or otherwise actively direct. Interestingly if we observe the archetype of the audience ('audience' is the act of hearing, listening < passivity, expectance)

Anyhow, you can sit and watch whatever the autopilot stagecrew and actors play for you, making up whatever story you like to explain the chaos, totally lying to one's self (because of the deceptive false sense of order being placed on the self through the application of a fictional storyline to chaos), making up the reasons for why you do things.

In case you're skimming: the schism between reality and our storyline reality exists because the individual refuses to participate in the direction of his own drama (life), instead choosing to believe a fictional veil of meaning applied over the basically random functioning of his unharnessed "higher"(potential) mind.

This gets much more interesting, this tripartite mind concept applies to the hemispheric theory of the brain. The "right brain" which most of us can safely think of as being the subconscious mind (creative, synesthetic, virtually limitless calculatory power (due to a non-anatomical program glitch)) and the "left brain" which we could call the conscious mind (used for going to Tim Horton's, watching TV and making up stories for "why?"). Physically speaking: the right and left hemispheres of the brain are anatomically separate from each other except for a relatively small "bridge" between them, the corpus callosum.

Still think the Egyptian "gods" were believed to be extrinsic forces? Hieroglyphs have been translated through the lens of our own modern stupidity and prejudice.

In an artfully euphemistic fashion one may consider the left brain to be filled with the audience watching the stage (stage=corpus
callosum) with the backstage being, again euphemistically, the right brain. Remember: backstage is where all the work goes down that makes the show happen. THIS IS ALSO WHERE THE DIRECTOR IS. You want to be him, or at least be his homie if acting is more your style.  

A solidly left brained person has to steal ideas and memes from others because they are unable to produce their own. They aren't filling the role of playwright, director or player. They have given away the creative roles to automation.

Allegories and euphemism aside: your subconscious mind takes in literally millions of bits of sensory data every second, then observes it and then feeds you the forty or so you actually experience at any given moment. The information is compressed, with the less useful aspects of it more or less censored from conscious detection. The information that is censored forms what Jung would likely refer to as the "collective unconscious" but I'm not sure as I haven't read Jung. All of the censored bits never really leave, they all leave imprints on the formation of neural nets, your brain is permanently changed from having processed them, thus your unconscious behavior will reflect the censored material's imprint and the conscious mind, that had never received any of the censored data at all, will not have a fucking clue what it's looking at.

Example: you go to Cirque de Soleil and are horrified by what's going on because you aren't French. The backwards French culture that spawned the stage show you're witnessing, and is the reason behind the madness, is kept out of sight, behind the scenes (literally) in the backstage area. All you get is the shell without the concept of the sea.

Thus the story inventing begins, I mean come on, we wouldn't want to look stupid, right? Wrong. Actually not even wrong. To who?  Who would you look stupid to? Nobody gives a fuck if you look stupid, on the contrary it's what we expect from other people (let's be honest). So you're concerned about how you look to yourself? Wow, I heard a great term for this once "malignant egophrenia". You are so obsessed with yourself (how you look) that you harm yourself (make up and then believe illusions), literally you literally eviscerate a part of you.

To be VERY clear: this is most of the populace and likely is you. You are so obsessed with yourself that you are insane because you see a distorted, fantasy version of reality. Like the reflection in a funhouse mirror. This distortion results in direct harm to yourself. Lepers can't feel their appendages properly (sensory distortion) and this results in them literally destroying them by accident because they can't adequately sense them.

Your self.

I can't give a simple solution. I will however say that the ability to recognize your weakness is the first step to becoming a stronger, more flexible and real human being. Many of you will try to destroy the weakness (out of fear, or something you use to disguise fear from yourself): you can't. Your hatred or fear of being weak will become your weakness, oh the cruel, cruel irony. Acceptance and non-judgement are the first step. Most of you are too weak to be able to recognize your true weaknesses and concurrently your strengths - you have an interesting road ahead that you'll have to walk in tiny baby-sized steps. I do not envy your plight, but it is yours - own it.

Being aware of your true self in true reality will make the vampires visible. Once that happens all you have to do is stop feeding them with your energy and they'll fuck off to vampirize someone else. Also you'll start to see how you are/were a vampire yourself and you'll be able to decide what you're actually doing because you will have ceased to live unconsciously and in fear of your weakness. We all die, no one remembers, no one cares - and that means you are free.