"Jason Wilkins
A very insightful article though it would be appreciated if you could mask your contempt. Remember that the people you are speaking about are human being and like Geena said, you forgot the most important thing.
Pssshh...Come back when you have sympathy for your fellow man and fellow woman. Clearly, you are just interested in telling them what they are doing wrong rather than actually helping them."
Jason Wilkins - you are a devilishly sad and wasteful use of atoms. Maybe, just maybe, you should DO SOME FUCKING RESEARCH YOURSELF INSTEAD OF LOOKING FOR A HANDOUT. Instead of taking responsibility for what the author is saying, learning and becoming a better person, you fall back into the velvet ensconced cradle of the pathetic - niceness. You fault the author for not being sensitive to people's emotions. Guess who is responsible for those emotions? THEY ARE! Not the author, not you - them.
Further what exactly is wrong with telling people what they're doing wrong? In fact isn't knowing that you're doing something wrong the first step in correcting it? Since, by illustrating said wrongness, you are in fact helping, then your comment is by it's very nature: is duplicitous. Obviously you sir are a fool and a sad mockery of life, consciousness and intellect.
"Anna > Jason Wilkins
I agree with this as well. The article could be useful in my case, as I've just started running to try to increase my endurance, but I found it very frustrating that the article just went on about how bad it is and why, rather than explaining how good other cardio exercises are and why. That is my pet peeve -- when people just rag on something and don't suggest or explain an alternative solution. It may be obvious to the people who already know this stuff, but things always seem obvious when you already know the answers..."
I agree with this as well. The article could be useful in my case, as I've just started running to try to increase my endurance, but I found it very frustrating that the article just went on about how bad it is and why, rather than explaining how good other cardio exercises are and why. That is my pet peeve -- when people just rag on something and don't suggest or explain an alternative solution. It may be obvious to the people who already know this stuff, but things always seem obvious when you already know the answers..."
Anna - I don't how to insult your intelligence any more than you have already done for me: for that I thank you. The fact you and Mr. Wilkins are obviously incapable of doing ONE Google search with the words "alternatives to cardio" in the search field is nothing short of miraculous. I mean you are on the internet, able to type and you must have used a search engine once or at least know what one is and that you cannot take the three seconds to put a simple search together is.... well let me put it this way: you two have made me question what being a conscious being actually means. I'm dumbstruck, that is to say: I'm struck by your dumbness. It's Olympian in scope. If there were a god of stupidity and mush headed wimpyness it would be an amalgam of these two people.
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Churches know you're a reactionary dumbass too. |
To say the reactions of these two subhumans is illogical would be like saying that it's daytime when the sun is up. What many people will miss however is that their reaction is emotional rather than logical, look at their language patterning: "Come back when you have sympathy" and " I found it very frustrating" these are not cogent logical assessments, they are shallow emotional reactions.
For some very strange reason people today don't think, they emote and with dangerously underdeveloped emotions to boot. In fact I would say western emotional development is like the African space program. The worst part is that there is no clear delineation between thought and emotion in these "people's" sense of reality so they are totally blind to their ignorance. Thus they are generally unreasonable, to try to speak sense to them is to cast pearls before swine.
The absolute best thing to do is mock them, bash them, fire them from your employ and generally make their lives a living hell until they decide to start being responsible for themselves. This is what your governments do and this is the secret of the "new world order" - make things into such utter shit that humans evolve themselves into courageous, intelligent and loving demigods. Complacency is man's Achilles heel, unless you are driven to excel you'll just hang out and post your dumbness on the comments section of someone else's work. Hence I have no comments section on this blog.
If the article was an emotion piece (like most news is these days) then these types of comments would be acceptable (maybe) but it wasn't - it was factual or at least logical. Responding to a logical proclamation with emotional rhetoric is a non-response (politicians and news media do this all the time), all you have done is publicly registered your mental incompetency and proven you are unfit to engage in a response at all - an utter and complete fail. You, readers - do not fall into this pit of the damned, this fuzzy warm realm of child-think. Watch how you react and look honestly at what you see without the rose colored glasses of what you think is your opinion - and be forever more cogent for it.
You might even learn to listen.
Jason and Anna - tie the noose and jump... fuckers ; )