Friday 7 September 2012

Your skin isn't made from vegetables you stupid cow

I was going to write an article on how tanning is a requisite to health, spurned on by an article I read that claimed a 26 year old woman "died from tanning". I am not going to write that article now. Let it suffice for now that the "tanning is bad" hype is total shit. Doctors will say UV is evil and you should get your Vit D from milk (literally this was the comment from one doctor on the original article). If you want me to tell you all about the total fallacy of this, who is behind it and why; you'll have to shell out some cash (I don't take cheques). Tan, it's good; don't be a vegetarian: it's bad.

The above article about some stupid bitch dying from easily avoidable and curable diseases reminds me of how stupid you all are. After reading some of the comments on the article, I was a half step step away from going Mickey & Mallory with a chainsaw on the unsuspecting human world (turns out I don't have a chainsaw, lucky you). If I could leave the Earth for a new planet that was nicer I would certainly consider nuking you morons in my wake.

There is a deleted scene in NBK where Mickey(?) saws the legs off one of the barbarian brothers, but I couldn't find any pictures. Instead: imagine the hilarious sounds that Arnie is probably making in this scene.

Perhaps I'm being a bit harsh, I mean Eleiko bars are pretty nice, and there are these antiaircraft guns I kind of want to buy from the local army surplus store. I would still consider it though.

Please though, try to back off with the dumbness. Or I'm buying a chainsaw...

Sometimes I feel like Ash: a learned man of the future forced to contend with savage, backward, idiotic primitives. Wait I feel like that all the time...

*Also in my questings for chainsaw related imagery I discovered that there is such a thing as "Lollipop Chainsaw" and that it is for homosexuals.