Tuesday 26 July 2016

Biceps (or whatever) Everyday

So, the internet, sounding board and echo chamber for the barely literate brainwashed masses of Earth. Seems like it's cool, you can talk to people with similar interests, maybe find out some cool stuff, you know. Sounds good in theory until you get cultish troops of mind enslaved goons bouncing the same wrong and misinformed opinions back and forth until they all feel really good about themselves.

The really funny part is that although hearing the same rhetoric bandied to and fro can make you feel like you're right about something but it A) doesn't mean you are and, B) gives you a false sense of reality and thusly your place place therein - merely stuffing padding over a fragile and over-inflated ego. Like putting too much air in a balloon, the resulting structure will destroy itself on the smallest of preturbations.

Case in point: working a muscle everyday and still making gains. Behold the web of dummies and their pseudo literate scrawlings of simplistic and inexperienced bro lore.

The steroidology.com forum had this wonderful shitbit when queried about a guy who did bench and arms everyday, who was by all accounts both strong and huge:

"hes an asshole. Who would choose to be off balance? I can understand when your in jail and you have a bench and a pull up bar, but have to do bodyweight squats. but when you are at a gym and you dont utilize the tools at your disposal, your a prick." (maybe I should say about people who start their paragraphs with lower case letters or who seem to have been in jail, maybe there's a connection?)

Same thread:

Loaded Gun:
"Thats part of the reason some people have well developed upper body and sticks for legs (unless genetic predisposition exists)... It makes no sense to only work 1 or 2 muscles every session. There is a guy at my gym I have noticed seems like he only does squats (like mad weight, fills the bar with plates)... but he only does maybe a 3 sets low reps (3-8). He also does bench press (a lot of weight as well). IMO, he is not really doing himself any good other than demonstrating his capacity to move a lot of weight a few times. He does not look like he is in shape, he may be around 250-275 lbs or so. I dont get it either.... no point to go to the gym and train like that unless you are prepping for some power lifting competition where that is the goal, one specific exercise, one specific category....otherwise, its nonsense."

Wow, holy shit, name calling? Really? A guy who is squatting a bar full of plates is engaging in "nonsense"? This should be easy to sum up in the original posters own words:

" PS. If you can't tell I'm pissed and jealous and the same time."

Ooh, big man on the steroid forum. Why does this sound like the catty, bitchy jealousness of a pack of vapid mall crawling valley girls? "Like OMG did you see what that (hotter than me) girl was wearing??? If I had that top with those pants I'd just kill myself, what a tramp".

Hmmm... well, maybe it's the juice rotting their brains, maybe bodybuilding.com will have a more "natty" approach:

"why would you want to? To make them bigger?

Do some research and work on your triceps instead.

Muscles don't grow in the gym. They grow when you sleep."


"The tricep is about 3 times bigger than your bicep. When it grows it literally pushes the bicep up and makes it look bigger."


So how does that work?

Man this is getting bad..... okay, so the dogma is only twice per week??

" I do them twice every 6 days. More would be overtraining."

"work them once a week"

"Once or twice a week."

"twice a week. there's a guy who does biceps everyday at my school, he's the official inside joke of the weight room"

That's funny, there's this guy who had a different approach:

In his book "The New Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding" on page 182 in the section called "Level II Basic Training" Arnold Schwarzenegger outlines a plan that includes training biceps SIX TIMES A WEEK. In fact one would train their WHOLE BODY SIX TIMES A WEEK(!!!) as per the outlined program.

Huh, no shit, well there's the word, backed by experience, of the most recognized bodybuilder ever but there's also science. Suppversity recently covered a study on training biceps everyday by

  • Dankel, et al. "Muscle adaptation to 21 Straight Days of Elbow Flexor Exercise in Trained Individuals." Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise: May 2016 - Volume 48 - Issue 5S - p 452.
that said not only CAN you do it but it works really good!

Just juice and the insecurity of a bulimic fashion model - and there's nothing wrong with juice.