Tuesday 10 November 2015

Railgun + Dummies

Just when you think you're too jaded to bother writing anymore (is that even possible?)...

A man builds a hobby railgun. Cool, that seems pretty gnarly, I mean it's cool from a design stndpoint. It's cool from a he-actually-did-it standpoint and it's nice to know that people still have some drive and ingenuity and spend their time doing something other than trolling facebook or instagram or whatever shit it is that people do these days. Then the comments, remember that these are supposedly intelligent, tech savvy people:

"Guess who just made it on a Government list?"

"Prepare to get a few surprise visits and phone calls."

"Shocking! Unreal! The government hates him!"

For what? Building a monstrously large and heavy railgun that is in no way man portable, that has a $2400 to $40 000 set of capacitors that won't even shoot through a cell phone and pumpkin at 10 feet? Davy fucking Crocket was packing more firepower than this sophisticated monstrosity puts out. I am literally saying that a musket has more stopping power than this, it's also lighter, less complex, reloads faster and has a lower incidence of failure. To boot you can pick up a kit and build one yourself with no licenses required and they're relatively cheap!

Holy shit, the feds need to nab this guy!

Railgun: cool hobby, not a threat to anything.

So why then are supposedly intelligent people making overtures to the contrary? Because even people who are supposedly smart are in fact just well indoctrinated stupid people. You can watch the projectile penetrate about five or six inches of ballistics gel (an AK does almost 30!) meaning that yes it could be lethal but an eight inch butcher knife will do eight and leave a much larger hole, also a bow and arrow, crossbow, bayonet, atlatl, sharpened stick, pointed rebar or any number of items that NO ONE FUCKING CARES ABOUT. Hello people: logic?

Oh yeah, that's what Spock does right?

No it's what the only part of your brain that makes you human does, you troglodyte. Using this logic thing, it should stand to reason that if you don't use logic then you don't get to count as a human being. This means you are a second class subhuman to be used for slavery for the benefit of the actual humans. You get to choose, you do it all the time and this is level you have chosen to use to represent yourself.


The government hates him? What about the 3D printed guns guy? Or Gerard Metral? Good god people why are you so retarded?


Wednesday 22 April 2015

Easy Muscle

This is not part two of my previous post.

This is about training and specifically about gaining muscle. This is supposed to be an easy process and it is, if you do it right. Think: prisoners bulk up and they eat garbage, literally the food they are served is a violation of human rights.

I'm amazed they don't just die. They probably want to.

Yet somehow they manage to stay alive and get freaky strong using, generally, nothing but body weight exercises as weights have been banned in most prisons. This topic is covered much more in depth by a former inmate in his book "Convict Conditioning"- if you're into bodyweight workouts get it.

Anyhoo, many people find themselves in situations that are far less than ideal nutrition wise and most of them make this out to be the death knell of productive training. Given the previous example of prisoners and with the addition of college students I will outline a workout plan that should work almost regardless of your nutritional situation.

The Rationale

Most shitty diets are high in carbohydrates and low in protein. Muscle size can be increased by increasing the sarcoplasm in between contractile proteins. This is good because stimulating carbohydrates to be taken up by said sarcoplasm is easy. Just exhaust the desired muscle within a given timeframe, why is time important? Metabolic systems will run out of gas within a certain time frame and different metabolisms use different fuels, when the fuel is exhausted rapidly, mRNA strands will be produced to increase the amount of fuel stored in the body. Ergo creatine depleted muscle signals increase in sarcoplasmic volume and sarcoplasmic volume is the result of carbs and water being taken from the bloodstream and stored within muscles.

This is a ridiculously (overly) simple overveiw but I have given you the keywords so that you may do your own homework if concerned. Oh and by the way, you'll still gain strength, recent studies have shown that one can gain as much strength using higher reps (8-12) as can be gained using lowerish reps (5-7).

All boringness aside, here is the plan:

Behind the neck press or military, 2 sets of 12
Squats, 2 sets of 12
Bench, 2 x 12
Rows, 2 x 12
Curls, 2 x 12

If you're a little adventurous and can hack a little more pain and would like to make even better gains: do two sets of 30 sec. instead of counting reps.

Do this 3ish times a week if you can, go heavy enough that you have to rest/pause the last two reps on your second set (if you're doing reps) and chill. Actually I really mean that, practice chilling, learn to relax totally at will. This skill is what sets high performers apart from the mediocre and further, it shifts hormone levels toward anabolism and away from catabolism. This is good period, as it can work toward extending your life, increasing performance in all aspects of life, making you look better and best, helping you feel better.

Seems too easy? It is, duh, your diet sucks! But it will work.

Easy - like bulking up should be. Maurice Jones used a routine very similar to this one and people called him the Canadian Hercules.

Mr. Jones

An Aside

The fitness industry is exactly that, industry. The job of industry is to make money, not to be the best for the humans. They'll sell you all kinds of shit, knowledge included, that is basically garbage. Supplements, besides legit stuff like minerals and vitamins, are garbage. Most workout programs are flat out insane. Give it up, if it seems too good to be true it probably is.

It seems to me that the modern idea of hyper buffness is fueled, like it has been this whole time, by the gay community. Great for the gays, but if you're not gay you shouldn't have them telling you how you should look. Many pro bodybuilders moonlight providing various 'services' to the gay community to afford to keep bodybuilding, great if you're into it, shitty if you're not.

Masculine art? What's that suppo... ohhh...

"Permission to.. come aboard?" "Only if you go astern and stow that cargo, seaman"

I mean do you think the gays would appreciate if we told them how to look? Apocalyptic bitch fest I'm sure. Why is this important? Because you're supposed to be a relaxed, confident man or woman not insecure about exactly how buff and or lean you are. Fitness is an aside to life, don't major in the minors.

Thursday 19 March 2015

The "Manosphere"

I've got some problems with this idea of "neo-masculinism".

Sexism is Sexism

The first thing I'd like to touch upon is the treatment of women by neo-masculinists. On many popluar neo-masculinist websites women are treated basically as sex objects, this may set off alarm bells as being a feminist statement. I can assure you I am no more a fan of feminists than any neo-masculinist and I shall quote Nietzsche to make my point:

"Obey, must the woman, and find a depth for her surface. Surface, is woman's soul, a mobile, stormy film on shallow water. Man's soul, however, is deep, its current gusheth in subterranean caverns: woman surmiseth its force, but comprehendeth it not."

To summarize, women are mercurial and men are there to keep them in check, so to speak. This is where the, what I consider to be, blatant hypocrisy in the neo-masculine movement becomes shockingly obvious. We have sites that, on one hand, accuse women of being skanky, easy and entitled. Then, on the same sites, there are articles teaching men how to pick up several women a week.

So: women behaving like harlots is bad, but then, men behaving like tomcats is good.

Women are somehow less for being slutty, entitled bitches, but, men behaving exactly the same way is not only acceptable but encouraged as being more manly!

I see cognitive problems at play here.

We are in this mess because men behaved this way first, then women followed suite under the guise of female empowerment, now we don't like the situation and the solution is to act vociferously in the same manner that created the issue.

This would say to me that the men in the neo-masculine movement are virtually the exact reflection of the neo-feminists they rail against. The situation is analogous to a cat fighting itself in the mirror.

 Narcissism can usually only exist in the presence of 'the other' and the narcissist will project the negative qualities suppressed in the unconscious onto the other to maintain the bloated, corpulent ego of the narcissist (which is perfect, always right and superior to the other). This is all hilariously textbook and is akin to the wanton hatred and outright violence perpetrated agaisnt whites for 'being racists' (see Ferguson riots or White History Month).

Thankfully, this understanding of the self can cause a cathartic Hegelian resolution to the situation if the self and the other can just come to the single point of: "obviously we both have legitimate grievances, that together, we will have to take steps to amend". In lieu of such a conclusion, the two sides will remain at the mercy of any entity who can manipulate the perception of either side.

The Haters

In any polarized group there will always be the die hard haters, this is to be expected, what is also to be expected is that they will behave badly regardless of what happens. The likely explanation is that these people will be problematic to others no matter what. Merely allow them to expose their bad behavior and destructive personalities for what they are and their voice in the issue will become moot.

For the short attention spanners, here's the issue in cat pictures:


Faith that your side is right.

The realization that neither side is right and the conflict has been perpetuated by your combined ignorance and that as such it is likely you have just behaved very badly.

What you probably should have done.

Stay tuned for Part 2: The Brain, Sex and Man