Being the last guy to hear about anything because I eschew mass media (television, radio, news websites, etc.) like most people avoid reading, I have only just heard about the whole 'Ferguson thing'. Truly behind the times, one may say I even have a Russian fashion sense....
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Track suit and dress shoes: done it. |
Okay, I will say this: blacks, whites, jews, whoever is rioting and exploding what is basically a non-event: you are the racists.
Yeah fuck you: you goddamn racist scum. Race is not the issue, white youths are shot by black police officers and no one cares or at least are better behaved about it. Further not only are you racist, you are morons who are exploiting an event for your own self centered gains.
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Case in point: I'm sure the liquor store is the real culprit. |
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Hmm... I wonder why... (see above looters) |
Would the police be racist if they assumed that white people in trailer parks were drunk wife beaters? NO! Or how about heavily tattooed latinos being gang members?
You black looters: don't you feel any shame for making your whole race look like a bunch of violent, alcoholic, sociopathic thieves? If it seems like you're being targeted by police, maybe it's because you are and maybe it's because there is a very good reason! Durr!!
Now I'm not one to paint anything with too broad a brush and I should say that I do not believe that all black people are the things I said above and, I'm sure that not all latinos with lots of tattoos are gang members or, even that all trailer park dwelling white trash are drunk wife beaters. But in reality many of these stereotypes are true in abstract, which most of the time is all we humans have to go off of.
Imagine you have a gun, you are are in the exact vicinity in which a 300lb. 6'4" man has just assaulted a shop owner, a man who fits the exact description is seen by you, charging toward you, what do you do? I would point my gun at him and command him to put his hands up and lay down on the ground (if I had time) if not I would have shot him. I would choose self defense over being physically dominated and possibly killed by a man twice my size. I would have made the decision to fire regardless of the mans race. This is exactly what happened in the shooting death of Michael Brown.
If you'd like to read more about this and even see CCTV photos of Michael Brown using violence against an unarmed man right before he was killed go here.
As a side note: there has been a slew of disturbing mass rapes of children, another of which is outlined on this link (repeat). The fact that most, if not all, of the men involved were black is indicative of why police officers may in fact have a 'bias' toward thinking that black men were perhaps more physically dangerous than other races and making on the fly decisions to fire upon them.
Again I won't be as stupid to say that all mass rapes of anyone are conducted by one race. But again there does seem to be a penchant or "culture" of this type of behavior in certain racial groups.
This whole situation is so fucked as to highlight the absolute total stupidity of everyone involved: the black people for sticking up for a thug only because of his skin color, the white people for believing blindly that the black people had some kind of justification for behaving badly and insulting whites,
the jews for using their media control to incite everyone against everyone else, everyone for believing it all and the humans for not saying or doing anything about the whole insanity.
Ridiculous! YOU ARE ALL MORONS! All this event has proved is how incredibly racist all races are and that you should be disgusted by how unfathomably lame you will be to each other based on it.
This is a new low. (Comment: this piece is brief, too brief for me to say even half of what I want to. This topic activates me too much to even write semi coherently, so do your own research, make up your own mind and to see how the media fits in, watch this great video.)
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Oh wait: it's been happening the whole time!! |