"Science Based Medicine"
Some people are dumb as fuck. Although the preceding sentence is senseless from a literary standpoint I'm sure you know what I mean. There are people out there with degrees and licences to 'practice' medicine who, for all intensive purposes, are retarded. They even have their own webpage.Now, to most, the idea of science based medicine should seem innocuous: "I mean science is good and so is medicine, look at what science has done for other fields of human endeavouring, right?"
Generally I would agree with this assertion: science has helped many feilds of human interest advance considerably. But it is extremely important to define some terms here:
Science as defined by Oxford English Dictionary:
"the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment"
Philosophy as defined by same:
"1 [mass noun] the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence, especially when considered as an academic discipline. See also natural philosophy.
the study of the theoretical basis of a particular branch of knowledge or experience: the philosophy of science
2a theory or attitude that acts as a guiding principle for behaviour: don’t expect anything and you won’t be disappointed, that’s my philosophy"
We'll need these definitions later in the article so we can separate 'science' and 'philosophy' from each other and from devout, Dawkins-esque reductionist dogma. Somehow these have become confused.
Let us start, shall we, with the first topic under the hilariously named 'reference' section: accupuncture.
"Acupuncture is a pre-scientific superstition". This site is a smorgasbord of idiocy, people have been cooking food since before science existed, does that mean we shouldn't eat dishes invented before, let's be very generous, the renaissance? Should we not eat bread because it was conceived of in non-scientific ages?? No it does not, the arguement that because it is old means it is not effecatious is flat out wrong and incredibly childish and is bereft of true scientific method.
"The healing practices of the time were part of what is called philosophy-based medicine" The healing practices of our time are philosophy based medicine dummy, read the above definitions. I can't think of a word that encompasses the complete lack of intelligence these "science based" people so flagrantly bandy about as science, I think a phrase may work: "a putrescent, pernicious mockery of thought". Pathetic really that these people were passed through any kind of 'higher learning' program.
"The underlying assumptions and the practices derived from them were never subjected to controlled observation or anything that can reasonably be called a scientific process." Was Newton's observation of gravity a controlled scientific process or did an apple wang him in the gulliver? When you have a philosophical theory about the nature of an issue, then you put the theory to a test and observe the result, are you not practicing science? This is very, very simple: these people do not know what science is, what philosophy is or how to even think about concepts critically. One would expect "scientists" such as these to understand the terms they use or even what it is they're doing, I mean they are the pinnacle of intellectual evolution right? Perhaps, but obviously not neurological evolution ; )
"There is no more reason to believe in the reality of chi than there is in the four humors, or in the effectiveness of acupuncture than the effectiveness of blood letting." Aha, well how about the fact that scientists have PHOTOGRAPHED it? Idiots. Just because you haven't researched something doesn't mean it's an illusion, it only means your intelligence is. From "Energy Healing", Jones and Bartlett Learning:
"In 1971, medical scientist Robert Becker conducted a series of experiments
to test the theory that acupuncture meridians “were electrical conductors that
carried an injury message to the brain, which responded by sending back the
appropriate level of direct current to stimulate healing in the troubled area”
(Becker & Selden, 1985, p. 234). The tests measured the flow of electrical
current in the perineural cells just under the skin. The results indicated that
each acupuncture point along the way was electrically positive compared to
its environs and that each was surrounded by a field with its own character-
istic pattern. Later tests isolated the interfering reaction of the nerves along
the route, indicating that the response was carried not by the nerves them-
selves but by the underlying perineurial sleeve."
carried an injury message to the brain, which responded by sending back the
appropriate level of direct current to stimulate healing in the troubled area”
(Becker & Selden, 1985, p. 234). The tests measured the flow of electrical
current in the perineural cells just under the skin. The results indicated that
each acupuncture point along the way was electrically positive compared to
its environs and that each was surrounded by a field with its own character-
istic pattern. Later tests isolated the interfering reaction of the nerves along
the route, indicating that the response was carried not by the nerves them-
selves but by the underlying perineurial sleeve."
Or you could get it straight from the horses mouth. Again I must state that the writers over at sciencebasedmedicine.org are woefully ignorant of their profession and probably dangerous to the health of mankind.
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If you are a doctor and you haven't read this, you are a danger to the public. |
I'm not writing this to be some kind of hitpeice against the hypermoronic reductionist fools of the world, they are too obviously stupid to make fun of; like a retarded person, a small child or Jay Leno. I am wanting to get down to why we have otherwise seemingly intelligent minds engaged in the rabid and dogged pursuit of destroying knowledge and the unregulated discovery of an infinite universe.
"because they're a bunch of assholes" - South Park
Hilarious references aside, we have an interesting myriad of interconnected causes:
- Cartesian models of an inanimate universe
- Fear and ignorance on the part of the establishment (that's why they're part of one)
- General stupidity and it's accompanying arrogance
- Massive pharmaceutical conglomerates paying doctors to unnecessarily drug people (iatrogenic deaths account for almost a million deaths per year in the US)
- Globalist political meddling
- emotional non/under-development leading to massively dysfunctional cognitive processes
- blah, blah, blah
To understand why one may be able to make a lasagna but yet remain willfully ignorant of their own profession we have to look into why they do it. You see ignorance is a question of motivation......
Where I was going: reductionists are scared of life and are living in denial.
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If chemo and radiation cures more people than it saves, then you're not actually a sadistic, profit motivated, murderous sociopath. |
Here's something that's fucking hilarious: voting.
What a heap of shit, if you got to vote for who became the warden in your prison from maybe about three candidates, would it make it a free and democratic prison? No the sheer fact that you are indeed in a prison would technically preclude it from being free.
The Free Dictionary by Farlex definition of 'prison':
1. A place for the confinement of persons in lawful detention, especially persons convicted of crimes.
2. A place or condition of confinement or forcible restraint.
3. A state of imprisonment or captivity.
I'd like to draw your attention to definitions 2 and 3 and ask you a few questions.
Are you free to do as you please or are there rules that will cause
force to be used against you if you contravene said rules like if say,
you don't pay your taxes?
Do you have the ability to travel at your whim to anywhere you'd like
without harassment or detention, or, do you require permission
Are you able to partake in any type of activity one should see as being
desirable so long as another party isn't injured (drug use) without
harassment or detention?
4. Would a prison be considered "free" if the inmates were allowed to complain about it?
5. Are you, in fact, in prison right now?
number five as it is only the illusion of a question: yes you are. You
can dress it up, call it by another name and deny it up and down but it
is an inescapable fact that we are imprisoned in our societies and the
ability to vote does not confer any more freedom than having more
comfortable toilet seats in your cell would.
what we consider to be 'actual prison' is in many ways better. Maslow's
hierarchy of needs is almost completely met, whereas in 'everybody
prison' we have to slave for those things. Thus making self
actualization more difficult than in actual prison.
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Give him those things and he won't notice he's in captivity. Watch the Star Trek two-parter "The Menagerie". |
the previous point can be argued on, but the point that in most regular
prisons you aren't required to slave to live is the most important.
Bizarrely enough this has to do with the American Civil War: you see
slaves are expensive to feed and house and care for so the solution was
to "free" them so that all of the staying alive part became their
problem and they just had to be alive enough to show up for work and to
earn their pittance. The employers were freed from the responsibility of
having to care for the slaves. In effect it was the creation of modern
corporatism and the enslavement of the whole of American society except
the super wealthy.
this has been so massively profitable that most countries around the
world have adopted the system, which in essence is serfdom......
Where I was going but became too distracted to get to: society is literally and figuratively a prison. You are being farmed by what are likely non-human entities that are unrecognizable to you (this does not mean aliens or some other "out there" type of shit - look up "psychopaths as interspecies predators").
For a very specific reason, the social unconscious retains the fallacious and ridiculous idea of 'Man - the Hunter'. I think this is funny because it's so stupid. Just like the whole 'struggle for survival' idea.
Men like this idea because they are retarded. Being a stupid, beer fueled, monster truck riding cro magnon appeals to them because it is a low bar to hurdle. It doesn't require much. It's also a convenient excuse for the exaggerated base emotions that men are groomed to exhibit.
Let me set the facts straight here: man is not a hunter, if he was he'd have better eyes, better smell, claws, fangs, thicker skin etc. Man is a toolmaker. We make tools and then use them to make better tools. Such as traps. Duh.
What human would go hunting with a high chance of failure/injury when you could just set some traps and hang out? (....)
Where I was going: social constructs of manliness are thought control and you buy it because you deserve to be controlled.
For almost an entire century it has been public knowledge, obtainable by any so interested, that there are surefire methods by which one may experience the physical change they desire through their pursuit of exercise. Methods that don't require any PhDs to understand that, if done consistently, will yield amazing and seemingly unbelievable results. Today I am going to cover the most important: squats.
For the unwashed: a squat is what you do to get on and off a toilet should your particular corner of the world (corner of a sphere?) be equipped with such extravagances. If not then you'll surely appreciate the squat as being your anywhere chair and I can save my 'breath'. Surely the utility of being able to bend and straighten the ankles, knees and hips goes without further exaltation.
In the modern world of physical culture people look for things in very odd places. Most people exercise for health and body re/composition purposes and yet eschew the methods that will work the most effectively for their goals. Let's look at how people render their exercise routines useless for massive recomposition:
- Insufficient load: there are growth factors that are only released during periods of high muscular tension.
- Insufficient metabolic demand: the byproducts of metabolism stimulate the release of growth hormone. They can also irritate the stomach and cause vomiting. This means if your workout isn't intense enough to make you nauseous - don't expect to look a lot different in three weeks.
Most of even the dimmest 'Men's Health' readers should already understand these points. Well then if you're so smart then why the fuck aren't you squatting five hundred? Anyone can do it - anyone with the physical capacity to squat down and get back up anyway. One of the reasons you haven't is this: you think metabolic stress means cardio. So you consequently do half an hour of weights and and half an hour of cardio, or something thereabouts.
This is so stupid it hurts, it's like saying that because sumo wrestlers have very large hands then to be a good sumo all you'll need is big ass hands. You see a highly intelligent persons intelligence is shown not in it's sophistry but rather in it's simplicity. Behold: (....)
Where I was going but then decided you didn't deserve to hear about in any complexity: do squats, do them heavy and for high reps because they make you better in every way possible.Where I was going but became too distracted to get to: society is literally and figuratively a prison. You are being farmed by what are likely non-human entities that are unrecognizable to you (this does not mean aliens or some other "out there" type of shit - look up "psychopaths as interspecies predators").
For a very specific reason, the social unconscious retains the fallacious and ridiculous idea of 'Man - the Hunter'. I think this is funny because it's so stupid. Just like the whole 'struggle for survival' idea.
Men like this idea because they are retarded. Being a stupid, beer fueled, monster truck riding cro magnon appeals to them because it is a low bar to hurdle. It doesn't require much. It's also a convenient excuse for the exaggerated base emotions that men are groomed to exhibit.
Let me set the facts straight here: man is not a hunter, if he was he'd have better eyes, better smell, claws, fangs, thicker skin etc. Man is a toolmaker. We make tools and then use them to make better tools. Such as traps. Duh.
What human would go hunting with a high chance of failure/injury when you could just set some traps and hang out? (....)
Where I was going: social constructs of manliness are thought control and you buy it because you deserve to be controlled.
For almost an entire century it has been public knowledge, obtainable by any so interested, that there are surefire methods by which one may experience the physical change they desire through their pursuit of exercise. Methods that don't require any PhDs to understand that, if done consistently, will yield amazing and seemingly unbelievable results. Today I am going to cover the most important: squats.
For the unwashed: a squat is what you do to get on and off a toilet should your particular corner of the world (corner of a sphere?) be equipped with such extravagances. If not then you'll surely appreciate the squat as being your anywhere chair and I can save my 'breath'. Surely the utility of being able to bend and straighten the ankles, knees and hips goes without further exaltation.
In the modern world of physical culture people look for things in very odd places. Most people exercise for health and body re/composition purposes and yet eschew the methods that will work the most effectively for their goals. Let's look at how people render their exercise routines useless for massive recomposition:
- Insufficient load: there are growth factors that are only released during periods of high muscular tension.
- Insufficient metabolic demand: the byproducts of metabolism stimulate the release of growth hormone. They can also irritate the stomach and cause vomiting. This means if your workout isn't intense enough to make you nauseous - don't expect to look a lot different in three weeks.
Most of even the dimmest 'Men's Health' readers should already understand these points. Well then if you're so smart then why the fuck aren't you squatting five hundred? Anyone can do it - anyone with the physical capacity to squat down and get back up anyway. One of the reasons you haven't is this: you think metabolic stress means cardio. So you consequently do half an hour of weights and and half an hour of cardio, or something thereabouts.
This is so stupid it hurts, it's like saying that because sumo wrestlers have very large hands then to be a good sumo all you'll need is big ass hands. You see a highly intelligent persons intelligence is shown not in it's sophistry but rather in it's simplicity. Behold: (....)
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Holy baby Jesus. |
Wrap Up
It may seem obvious at this point why some of these articles were abandoned: they sucked or I got bored. Or it was perhaps, because I was repeating previous articles. I think I may have to use the oldest writer's trick in the book: absinthe and laudanum. Hopefully the block breaks soon.