I've been working on two articles: one about the myths of the male sex and the other about individuality. You may see one or both of them someday... but we'll see. Before that, I want to talk about some things which may actually help you - if you let them.
At first, you'll likely find that what I'm about to present disturbing or some other deference. Recognize that your objections are just deferrals and that you are masking the real reasons for which you are objecting to the material, this is because your mind is too puny to want to face what is being presented. Much like a heavy weight, it could be hard to handle unless you are experienced at doing such things. Also: like the heavy weight it may leave you sore and feeling beat up, after which time you recover, you will become stronger and more resilient.
Don't suck: do.
Go to: metanoia-films.org and watch the documentary film "The Power Principle". It is, in it's entirety, five-ish hours long. I suppose some may say it's long: deal with it.
Many people will have shallow objections, such as myself: "I think Noam Chomsky is a communist" etc. My objection is irrelevant and he is only a small part of the film. The film could even be called 'leftist' perhaps. If you watch their film 'Psywar' you'll notice such discriminations are in fact manufactured, complete with requisite emotionality, to control how you perceive your world; an old Nazi technique. Don't fall in the trap - in Zen we recognize the simple fact that despite what we 'think', reality is already perfect and your criticisms are just illusions. It is, after all, only information.
I want you, reader, to absorb said information because it may enable you to recognize some of the ideas I have been presenting on this blog more readily because, put simply, most of you can't comprehend what you read to an extent that will enable the cognition demanded by the style in which I write. My 'fault' I'm sure.
Further to that I want you to read, or listen to, Robert Heinlein's 'Stranger in a Strange Land' so that you may file the information away for review and eventually: grok it in fullness.
I can offer some respite to the animalism exhibited by mankind in the film: humans who act in these ways are weak and that makes them afraid. When a person acts from a place of fear-weakness-fear (not a typo) they are what is called 'xenophobic', lashing out at any and all things possibly threatening. For instance: the most vicious animal is an injured one and the sad and bizarre reality is that it is likely these people were sexually abused as children. A more likely scenario than most would be willing to admit: some audits present the alarming fact that far from being abnormal; one in four children are raped. Given this disturbing fact it is likely that, to some extent, this accounts for where we get military personnel, police, politicians, drunks and drugs addicts from. Worse, due to a trauma control mechanism implanted deep within the mental apparatus of the human organism, very early childhood traumas are usually completely or at least almost irretrievably suppressed.
The even more shocking fact is that from the people I have spoken with about this topic in person, it would seem that the number is much closer to one in two. My guess would be that the extreme examples cited above were the more extreme cases of abuse. Of course it all depends on how a persons innate and self developed coping mechanisms allow them to deal with traumatic events. But I have strayed off topic as I usually do.
Don't think, don't judge: just do. Then, with acceptance: grok.
Sunday, 21 July 2013
Tuesday, 16 July 2013
Seven Hundred and Twenty Thousand
I went to Wal Mart. In two minutes I saw four women who were at least two hundred pounds overweight.
Comical obviously but I became suddenly aware of an obvious and hilarious fact - one pound of fat consists of 3600 kcal. Two hundred pounds equals 720 000 kcal. Seven hundred and twenty thousand.
This is something because of this interesting idea:
“In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill…. But in designating them as the enemy, we fall into the trap of mistaking symptoms for causes. All these dangers are caused by human intervention and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy, then, is humanity itself.” - Club of Rome, The First Global Revolution, 1991
Famine eh? Well let's suppose that a human being requires 2400 kcal per day to live and be healthy - one of these sub-human beached whales would feed one human for almost a year. As in : these gluttonous wastes have consumed a extra years worth of food. A whole fucking year.
There are people dying from lack of food and these things get to surf around Wal Mart on electric scooters that cost more than most of the world makes in one year. Worse: what job could someone this fat actually do? How could they possibly support themselves?
I am tempted to say that dreams of the afterlife are a fallacy: we're already in hell. Why does an ignorant, morbidly obese hillbilly who lives on welfare have enough to store an extra years worth of food while the other members of their species die form malnutrition? Fuck why: how could they themselves be so cruel to other humans? This is so disgusting it's baffling. What's more is that these people probably think they're "Christians" - how abhorrent. I think we should grind and ferment these blobs into fertilizer and put them to work.
Being two hundred pounds overweight is a clear and decided statement to the world that you don't want or deserve life. To give you food should constitute a crime against humanity.
Quite contrary to the Club of Rome's supposition that "the real enemy, then, is humanity itself” I posit that the real enemy is fat, socially maladjusted hillbillies in Commonwealth countries. Naturally there are other factors: incredibly stupid land, resource and agricultural management, an idiotic shipping regulatory system and a generally lame opinion of oneself and fellow man. I could go on but it really just comes down to the latter point: people don't give enough of a fuck about themselves and, vicariously, other humans to bother: A) not squandering the worlds food supply; on B) destroying themselves. Hell - seriously. These are demons.
I'm not Christian nor any permutation of any Abrahamic religion and I'm certainly not saying I believe in god, but if there is a god, it sure must hate us. I mean shouldn't we at least be throwing garbage at these people for the simple fact that people don't have enough food in their own community let alone the rest of the world? Or how about the fact that their probably getting their money from the public? The welfare state in action folks: making hospitals>Pfizer>Bayer, etc. and Wal Mart>Monsanto>Bayer Crop Science, etc. rich (more rich) with public money. If national socialism (Nazism) is truly the blending of the public and private sectors, then you my friends should probably start getting your "Sig Heil!" on.
I shouldn't really be surprised that people are more than ready to let the humans starve given statements like this: “U.S. policy toward the third world should be one of depopulation” - Henry Kissinger, 1978.
Given the asinine nature of the state of health of these Wal Mart "people" it would seem that their national policy is one of depopulation as well. They are, after all, paying for it. Worse, even if people do get free money from the government - why are they so mentally deranged as to use it to do this to themselves?? I mean smoke some fucking meth, at least you'll lean out and get some shit done.
Far from hating fat people - which I don't - I will say this: being morbidly obese is immoral and as such, if you are morbidly obese, you are the scum of the Earth. Does that mean that I hate you? No more than I hate mosquitos or blackflies or Ultimate Fighting or television.
Funnier still, at Wal Mart, there seems to be an awful lot of products with these stupid fuckers on them:
It's like the owners of Wal Mart are slapping you in the face with how much of a stupid, bible-thumping-but-not-reading-or-bothering-to-understand-it hillbilly waste of hydrogenated fat (I didn't think it was possible) you actually are - and you lap it up and PAY MONEY for their insult. I'd really like to decry the Club of Rome and Henry Kissenger for their radical eugenics and population control(reduction) ideals but it's looking like you kind of deserve whatever happens to you. I mean 'Duck Dynasty' - really?
Think of this: the Club of Rome and the Kissengers and Rockefellers of the world can say whatever they want but they are just men, like all other men, they have no more power or sway or anything than anyone else, unless you give it to them. They can talk all day about depopulation or sterilization of the unwanted breeding stock but if you are intelligent and perceptive then their talk remains only that.
If for instance I invented a brand of cookies called 'Denta Bone for Humans' and said they were great for your teeth and showed that eating 'just' one a day could improve your dental health, then you would likely buy them and the eat more than one a day based on the logic of: "well if one is good then two is better etc.". Let's also imagine that I was an asshole who wanted your inbred hillbilly breeding stock wiped off the planet forever, all I would have to do is put a whole bunch of fluoride in them ("good" for your teeth) and it would chemically sterilize you. Problem solved - I'm rich, I haven't broken any laws and your dumb ass is sterile. Sounds like a win - win for me.
People will be quick to label me as the bad guy here but you are the dummies PAYING MONEY for them and physically injecting them into your corpus - all I did was provide them. Don't be so irresponsible, that's the same logic as blaming drug addiction on drugs or shootings on guns.
This is the old 'give them enough rope to hang themselves' trick, smart people don't use rope to hang themselves. Smart people also don't get two hundred pounds overweight - see where this leads? OK let me spell it out for you: stupid people who won't govern themselves will be governed by someone who thinks they are scum and will provide them the seeds of their own destruction because they really don't want to have to live on the same planet as a bunch of morons who can't even manage their own weight.
By the way, although it may seem that I have veered into eugenics and away from fat people - I haven't, they are the same thing. Get you to pay me for the poison that kills you - what better vengeance against the sub humans? These guys are awesome to some extent.
Wal Mart is gross, the people who shop there are weird and are likely insane. The junk Wal Mart sells is just that - junk, likely Chinese junk. The hyper fats too are weird, gross and definitely insane too. The point here is this: make fun of them, stare, make them feel like the disgusting socially backward and mentally deranged oddities they are. We don't have to take their shit, they are fat because they made themselves so and if we don't like it - we don't have to and we definitely have a right to voice our disgust.
Shooting them may not be taken to as the kind act of mercy it would actually be so avoid physical violence so stay centered and be thoughtful in your scorn and maintain a stance from which you can defend your actions. To the hyper fats themselves: I'd say hang yourself but it's unlikely you'll be able to find a chair to kick out from under you that will hold your weight - use poison, make sure to calculate the dosage to account for your 'problem' and then double it. If you aren't going t respect Earth or it's inhabitants - leave.
Comical obviously but I became suddenly aware of an obvious and hilarious fact - one pound of fat consists of 3600 kcal. Two hundred pounds equals 720 000 kcal. Seven hundred and twenty thousand.
This is something because of this interesting idea:
“In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill…. But in designating them as the enemy, we fall into the trap of mistaking symptoms for causes. All these dangers are caused by human intervention and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy, then, is humanity itself.” - Club of Rome, The First Global Revolution, 1991
Famine eh? Well let's suppose that a human being requires 2400 kcal per day to live and be healthy - one of these sub-human beached whales would feed one human for almost a year. As in : these gluttonous wastes have consumed a extra years worth of food. A whole fucking year.
There are people dying from lack of food and these things get to surf around Wal Mart on electric scooters that cost more than most of the world makes in one year. Worse: what job could someone this fat actually do? How could they possibly support themselves?
I am tempted to say that dreams of the afterlife are a fallacy: we're already in hell. Why does an ignorant, morbidly obese hillbilly who lives on welfare have enough to store an extra years worth of food while the other members of their species die form malnutrition? Fuck why: how could they themselves be so cruel to other humans? This is so disgusting it's baffling. What's more is that these people probably think they're "Christians" - how abhorrent. I think we should grind and ferment these blobs into fertilizer and put them to work.
Being two hundred pounds overweight is a clear and decided statement to the world that you don't want or deserve life. To give you food should constitute a crime against humanity.
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Die scum. |
I'm not Christian nor any permutation of any Abrahamic religion and I'm certainly not saying I believe in god, but if there is a god, it sure must hate us. I mean shouldn't we at least be throwing garbage at these people for the simple fact that people don't have enough food in their own community let alone the rest of the world? Or how about the fact that their probably getting their money from the public? The welfare state in action folks: making hospitals>Pfizer>Bayer, etc. and Wal Mart>Monsanto>Bayer Crop Science, etc. rich (more rich) with public money. If national socialism (Nazism) is truly the blending of the public and private sectors, then you my friends should probably start getting your "Sig Heil!" on.
I shouldn't really be surprised that people are more than ready to let the humans starve given statements like this: “U.S. policy toward the third world should be one of depopulation” - Henry Kissinger, 1978.
Given the asinine nature of the state of health of these Wal Mart "people" it would seem that their national policy is one of depopulation as well. They are, after all, paying for it. Worse, even if people do get free money from the government - why are they so mentally deranged as to use it to do this to themselves?? I mean smoke some fucking meth, at least you'll lean out and get some shit done.
Far from hating fat people - which I don't - I will say this: being morbidly obese is immoral and as such, if you are morbidly obese, you are the scum of the Earth. Does that mean that I hate you? No more than I hate mosquitos or blackflies or Ultimate Fighting or television.
Funnier still, at Wal Mart, there seems to be an awful lot of products with these stupid fuckers on them:
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Holy shit, look at grandpa's crazy ass Chuck Manson eyes: dude is up to some shit. |
It's like the owners of Wal Mart are slapping you in the face with how much of a stupid, bible-thumping-but-not-reading-or-bothering-to-understand-it hillbilly waste of hydrogenated fat (I didn't think it was possible) you actually are - and you lap it up and PAY MONEY for their insult. I'd really like to decry the Club of Rome and Henry Kissenger for their radical eugenics and population control(reduction) ideals but it's looking like you kind of deserve whatever happens to you. I mean 'Duck Dynasty' - really?
Think of this: the Club of Rome and the Kissengers and Rockefellers of the world can say whatever they want but they are just men, like all other men, they have no more power or sway or anything than anyone else, unless you give it to them. They can talk all day about depopulation or sterilization of the unwanted breeding stock but if you are intelligent and perceptive then their talk remains only that.
If for instance I invented a brand of cookies called 'Denta Bone for Humans' and said they were great for your teeth and showed that eating 'just' one a day could improve your dental health, then you would likely buy them and the eat more than one a day based on the logic of: "well if one is good then two is better etc.". Let's also imagine that I was an asshole who wanted your inbred hillbilly breeding stock wiped off the planet forever, all I would have to do is put a whole bunch of fluoride in them ("good" for your teeth) and it would chemically sterilize you. Problem solved - I'm rich, I haven't broken any laws and your dumb ass is sterile. Sounds like a win - win for me.
People will be quick to label me as the bad guy here but you are the dummies PAYING MONEY for them and physically injecting them into your corpus - all I did was provide them. Don't be so irresponsible, that's the same logic as blaming drug addiction on drugs or shootings on guns.
This is the old 'give them enough rope to hang themselves' trick, smart people don't use rope to hang themselves. Smart people also don't get two hundred pounds overweight - see where this leads? OK let me spell it out for you: stupid people who won't govern themselves will be governed by someone who thinks they are scum and will provide them the seeds of their own destruction because they really don't want to have to live on the same planet as a bunch of morons who can't even manage their own weight.
By the way, although it may seem that I have veered into eugenics and away from fat people - I haven't, they are the same thing. Get you to pay me for the poison that kills you - what better vengeance against the sub humans? These guys are awesome to some extent.
Wal Mart is gross, the people who shop there are weird and are likely insane. The junk Wal Mart sells is just that - junk, likely Chinese junk. The hyper fats too are weird, gross and definitely insane too. The point here is this: make fun of them, stare, make them feel like the disgusting socially backward and mentally deranged oddities they are. We don't have to take their shit, they are fat because they made themselves so and if we don't like it - we don't have to and we definitely have a right to voice our disgust.
Shooting them may not be taken to as the kind act of mercy it would actually be so avoid physical violence so stay centered and be thoughtful in your scorn and maintain a stance from which you can defend your actions. To the hyper fats themselves: I'd say hang yourself but it's unlikely you'll be able to find a chair to kick out from under you that will hold your weight - use poison, make sure to calculate the dosage to account for your 'problem' and then double it. If you aren't going t respect Earth or it's inhabitants - leave.
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