The reply from the readers is a flippant and sarcastic: "Yeah right, like they they just jumped into that type of training without any preparation" or some similar such stupidity. Who the fuck says they did? You just showed your bitch card retard. I ask: how the fuck do you think they got being able to do that? Magic, or perhaps, by doing it? Hmmm? Maybe the Chinese team has hired only wizards to lift for them.
Or maybe they hired some fucking badasses? Just maybe? Which means that your worthless critique and over analyzation of their methods has clearly demarcated you as not being badass at all. A badass would just do the damn thing say sucks to everything else.
Maybe the reason they lift heavy, near limit singles EVERY DAY is from practicing lifting heavy, near limit singles EVERY DAY. "But this will lead to overtraining!", yeah you're right IF YOU KEEP DOING IT DAY IN AND DAY OUT. Do it for a bit then REST, then do it some more then REST and so on. The universe doesn't work in a vacuum and you aren't a robot who can only take in information.
ADAPT the method to your needs. Use CREATIVITY and OBSERVATION! How fucking complex is this? These days internet people (that's what they're called now BTW) need peer reviewed studies and a plethora of external validators to say, think or believe anything. They have given up their free will to the jackboot of socially imposed box thinking.
I was hanging some blinds a while back and I needed some washers I didn't have, what did your hero do? Well I took some garbage I had laying around (beercaps) and made them into washers that worked fucking good and looked dope to boot. Now it may amaze some of you that I did not in fact see this idea on Pintrest. In fact when I did this Pintrest did not exist yet. I CREATED my own solution given the circumstances I had.
No fucking peer review process on whether or not beer cap washers would conform to ANSI standardized specs for window covering washers. Fuck ANSI, fuck peer review, what about YOU review? Huh? How about YOU actually trying something for yourself? Oh wait that would require independent thought, well you're fucked, give up then because there's no point.
This reminds me of Richard Dawkins, with whom I would love to debate with in public so that I may make an utter and laughable mockery of his pathetic and weak world view. Now I am not opposing evolution, it is obvious that systems evolve; I AM opposing Richard Buttfucking Dawkins hilariously short sighted and weak minded view of the topics of both evolution and atheism. People say it's science and that means it's truth, obviously no one told them that science is based on THEORY! Which is not truth, it is a supposition, supported by observation, BUT WHAT IS IT THAT OBSERVES? ALL OBSERVATION IS SUBJECTIVE BECAUSE YOU ARE THE SUBJECT OBSERVING IT!
So objective research is NON EXISTENT because research is, by nature, SUBJECTIVE. I am just appalled at the depth of miraculous stupidity demonstrated by the supposed intellectuals of this planet, which day a by day seems more like a dumping ground for the clinically insane and mentally retarded. With the most hopeless, feces eating lunatics hoisted up to the positions of authority.
I laugh at you human world because those loonies are hoisted to and riding upon your backs and you will carry the horrible burden of outright and pernicious ignorance those maniacs espouse.
The world isn't crazy? How many females are ADDICTED to Pintrest? It would seem that Pintrest is like chocolate cake and elliptical trainers to women. Irresistible. They surf for hours and hours, pouring over thousands of picture of food, clothing, decorating and myriad plethora of miscellany for "ideas". Here's a fucking idea: come up with your own "ideas" instead of being so intellectually bankrupt as to steal from others. This is about the equivalent of watching someone workout on YouTube instead of going to the gym or better yet, actually working out. the worst part is that some of these women will pass the "ideas" they osmose from Pintrest as being the fruits of their own creativity, which using the aforementioned analogy, is like watching someone workout on YouTube and then passing off your description of them doing it as you doing it.
Pintresters (yes you are called that now), now hear this: you are the weakest scum on the planet and your lack of creativity and originality is an insult to our species. I hope that Pintrest convinces you to run all of your fat, brainless, hormonally disrupted asses off a cliff and rid the world of your yin diseased poison for eternity. Fuck you: die.
Now I'd love to run this article on about how it's the same thing with virtually anything on the internet. People trying to find out about any topic, they just surf or skim over dozens of superficial articles by people so vapid and weak as to be writing free articles for You don't know jack shit from your internet research and you're so stupid that you don't even know that you don't know shit.
Workout routines are a great example. People think there is some magic in the routine they use: there isn't. Maybe the magic is in the sets and reps? Or the exercise selection? No: it's not. There is no fucking magic anywhere other than where you consciously create it. Which means: you could use the stupidest routine available and if you were smart about how you applied yourself to it, you could have all the gains you wanted up to an elite level. I mean the fucking Barbarian Brothers got strong as fuck and they didn't even have a brain between them.
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200kg bench press. Wearing a If these guys can get strong as fuck, what's your problem? |