Friday 6 October 2017

Ripper's Requiem

"I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids." - General Jack D. Ripper, Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb

So disturbingly enough, five years after having it removed, there are people who are rabble rousing in the media and interwebs to have the fluoride in the cities drinking water put back. Yes, I'm sure you read that right: they want it returned

Before I can continue: WHAT THE FLYING MONKEY FUCK?!?WHO???

A doctor and a dentist. Specifically, at least to my knowledge, a Dr. McLaren and one Dr. Patterson from the University of Alberta. These two have recently conducted a "study" (we'll get to that) that ostensibly shows that the oral health of children has declined since the removal of the fluoride from Calgary's water system. The fucking Global News talking libtard sock puppets explain in this shitpiece.

"Here's How"? You fucking arrogant scum. Like you fucking know! Talking to us like we're five. Further from a scientific standpoint the articles title is a misnomer because it doesn't actually explain how. But hey, you won't think about that will you? I mean as long as they sound authoritative who's to question them? I mean we're all a bunch of savage, profane fucking peasants, we should be thankful that a a sliver of the light of their divinity may grace our filthy hovels and show us they way to redemption from ourselves.

Anyway, back to the study, the authors state there is a "statistically significant" difference in pediatric oral health since the removal of the fluoride. In their study all they do is check TWO FUCKING THINGS: they compare incidences of disease occurrence in ONLY Calgary and Edmonton AND the children's access to fluoride! This is not science and this would casually be dismissed by anybody who knows how credible science is supposed to be done.

Wait for it: on the same article's page this fucking headline appears: "Tooth decay ‘epidemic’ in Canada could be linked to too much fruit juice, study suggests".

What is this blasphemy? Wait you mean there could be factors influencing childhood tooth decay other than just fluoride?? But the study those "scientists" did didn't measure that, could they have been, perhaps, motivated by other factors when writing aforementioned study than actually helping kids?

Simple answer: fuck and yes.

I mean it would be PROFESSIONALLY DERELICT not include a full mineral profile of the children in the study, I mean they had their fingernail samples and after all they were studying minerals right? Perhaps, just maybe, being "scientists" and all they would know that you can't absorb calcium without magnesium and you kinda use calcium to make strong teeth and all. Also they may know that magnesium deficiency is an incredibly common problem in most societies worldwide. 

Hey if dumbass fake news CommuNewsNetwork knows about it then what the fuck?

And, if it is in fact a massive problem in the plants we eat, then surely these saintly, well meaning scientists only concerned with the health of the children would know that already and have checked it. Well what do you think they did? 

Again: fuck and all.

These idiots should be disbarred from their respective professions for gross incompetence and fired for wasting a universities valuable money on a study that's worth less than its weight in shit. They didn't check Vitamin D either by the way BECAUSE THEY DIDN'T CHECK SHIT.

They were only focused on fluoride!! Why? Why would they do that? Kids teeth are rotting at one fucking year old!! Do they even care? NO! All they care about is fluoride! Again: WHY??

Good question. An article by another communist broadcasting company had an article that explained why the City had removed the fluoride (allegedly). It was because it was expensive (why a literally toxic byproduct of the aluminum industry is so expensive is confusing...). Also one city councilor had something interesting to say: "I would really question our right to put [fluoride] in, but … I don't question at all our right to remove it.". Holy shit: is she saying that poisoning the metabolic pathways of everyone so that kids can have fewer cavities is perhaps not within their rights to do? Who'da thunk it?

The culprit, given that the fact that tooth decay is on the rise in Edmonton as well as Calgary despite thier best effort to fluoridate everyone, is obviously the afforementioned nutritional problems i.e. high sugar diets low in in requisite nutrients for the proper formation of teeth (and god knows what else). 

Why the dangerously ignorant authors of the fluoride study don't understand this is very simple: if kids teeth get too bad then we, as a species, will have to address why. This is bad, if people figure out that cavities are nearly completely preventable who loses out? Dentists do. If we figure out that fact then people will ask "why did we bother with all the fluoride then?" and thus open a whole new can of shit the medical establishment will have to pony up to.

What they need is teeth just bad enough. They need the obvious: "dentists have helped so many many through fluoridation" line that keeps them smelling like roses. Further if there is fluoride in the water that adults drink too and said makes teeth brittle (via hypomineralization), then they can clean up on dentures, plates (lookup the price of these btw), bridges and the like for the whole life of the all too patient.

This is the sweetest part: are either of the authors of the fluoride study qualified to make any connections or assertions about the effect of fluoride on the oral health of human beings? I mean that's the job of a biochemist and probably one who teams with a biophysicist and probably not just one but a team of them. Are these two practitioners assuming the role, professionally, of a biochemist? Isn't that fraud? Isn't that illegal? Didn't the American Medical Association sucessfully sue the American goverment for "practicing medicine" when they ordered food companies to start enriching food so the Army could have viable and useful conscripts? 

See the connection?

These fucktards will obfuscate, bend the law and downright lie. You have to ask: why? If they were on the level why would they suck so bad?

The real crime is that people don't read, they don't fucking learn, they just just let Global News dispense edicts down from the priests of the cult of scientism to the heathenous, itellectually leperous masses with no opposition.

I guess orcs beget orcs. I fucking hate orcs.